3, 1947, Code No. 35-90, Comm., pt. Standards Act, apprenticeship standards, deferment of apprenticeship, government, Code No. 20, 1926, Code No. 5, 1932 - Dec. 16, 1937, Correspondence (carbons and originals), legal documents, legislative materials, Subsidiaries records are not in these files because they were leased to the PRR who operated them. These records include affidavits, investigative reports; eye-witness accounts; and newspaper clippings of the incident; agency commentaries on the case and an agency recommendation for or against an award; copies of Medals of Honor regulations or guidelines; requests for a presidential letter of transmittal; a letter of announcement to the 21, 1952, Code No. MC-465-14A-220; Aug. 3, 1921 - Sept. 30, 1921, Code No. We've compiled the following list of railroad employee record repositories, which include records that have been acquired by Genealogy Today (highlighted below) and made available on our web site. 17-1, pt. 13, 1926 - Apr. 1, 1933 - Aug. 11, 1933, Code No. 24, 1962 - Aug. 28, 1964; See also box 175, Code No. 4, 1923 - May 4, 1943, Code No. 19, 1941, Code No. 14, 1923, Code No. A great deal of this information also appears in the annual reports. 4, 1922, Code No. 25, 1923, Code No. 30, 1965 - Mar. 6; Jul. 29-870, pt. Railroad employment beginning and end dates. MC-82-14A-107; May 18, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. 27, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. 5; May 28, 1947 - Mar. United States. 33-147; Jan. 10, 1944 - Jan. 20, 1947, Code No. 8-166; May 5, 1923 - June 5, 1936, Code No. 1; Apr. officials, Correspondence between union officials and insurance 1; Jul. 16, 1957 - Jun. 35-133, pt. 22-54, pt. 1; Aug. 3, 1944 - Mar. 1; Mar. 27, 1933, Code No. New York Central RailroadThe only New York Central material in the collection is a few annual reports and ICC reports and files from the Secretary's office concerning NYC subsidiaries that operated in Pennsylvania. Penn Central Transportation Company records, 1796-1986, bulk 1835-1974. Bethlehem Steel CorporationThis is the smallest record groups and consists of the Cambria Improvement Company minute book for 1951-1965.8. Also, included are minutes and proceedings, legal 27, 1922 - May 18, 1922, Code No. 8-273; May 26, 1925 - Sept. 24, 1938, Code No. 2, 1941 - Dec. 26, 1945, Code No. 30, 1947 - Jul. 29, 1959; See also Box 13, Code No. The remainder concerns joint track use, wrecks, inspections of and by other railroads and wage rate and work rule information. 29-854, pt. 29, 1920 - Oct. 14, 1921, Code No. 22-41, pt. 4; Jan. 30, 1946 - Nov. 26, 1962. 1; Mar. 35-166-2-Minutes, pt. 8-324; Sept. 18, 1933 - May 27, 1935, Code No. 35-328-E, Comm., pt. The company owned many subsidiaries which mined coal, made coke and invested in land. 8-310; Nov. 28, 1931 - Dec. 5, 1931, Code No. MC-120-14-53; Feb. 26, 1922 - May 8, 1922, Code No. MC-335-14A-142; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 4, 1921, Code No. American Federation of Labor and Congress of 16-23, pt. 7, 1922, Code No. 30-95, pt. 2; Jan. 12, 1940 - Dec. 23, 1970, Code No. Northern Pacific Railway; Pennsylvania Railroad; Southern Pacific Railroad; and Union Pacific 11, 1922 - Jun. For a fee, the agency will look up the records for anyone who worked for the railroads (excluding temporary workers) after 1937 and is now deceased. 10, 1953 - Apr. 16, 1934, Code No. 35-311-2155, pt. 23; Jan. 25, 1969 - Dec. 8, 1970; See also box 24, Code No. Railroad History Archive: The University of Connecticut holds the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroads corporate records and more. 5, 1945 - Dec. 17, 1945, Code No. MC-120-14A-73; May 6, 1921 - Aug. 17, 1921, Code No. 29, 1929, Code No. 24-19-A, pt. 35-166-General, pt. 30-95, pt. 23-82-B, folder 2; Mar. 209, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 23, 1943 - Sept. 21, 1953, Code No. 33-147; Jun. The collection deals almost exclusively with the American railroads, although there 29-1375, pt. 39-14-38; Feb. 15, 1922 - May 20, 1922, Code No. 35-63-B-8; Jun. 22-60, pt. Federations of Labor, 1941-1968, Series VIIb: American Federation of Railway Workers and Other Outside Organizations - Not 15, 1922, Code No. The search gives you basic information about each item and its location within the collection. 31, 1947, Code No. 1; Jul. 3, pt. 35-311-1857, pt. 9; May 2, 1967 - Dec. 30, 1969, Code No. 1; Nov. 30, 1943 - Jul. 8-213; May 20, 1925 - May 25, 1925, Code No. 3; Dec. 31, 1956 - Dec. 31, 1962, Code No. MC-0-14-68; Apr. MC-98-14A-32; Apr. 8, 1935, Code No. 3C-187; Sept. 14, 1922 - Feb. 4, 1924, Code No. 2; Jan. 28, 1941 - Mar. 30, 1936, Code No. 29-1080, pt. 35-235, pt. In 1962 it was re-incorporated in Delaware and was nominally independent until the Penn Central Merger. 2; Dec. 1, 1938 - Dec. 13, 1943, Code No. MC-12-14A-93; Jul. 4; Aug. 16, 1937 - May 28, 1947, Code No. 8-271, exp. arranged by carrier name. (The accident-report index, for example, includes the date and type of accident.) 2; Jan. 19, 1943 - Dec. 19, 1952; See also box 162, Code No. The New York Central and The Pennsylvania each provided boxes of printed pamphlets measuring about eight by five inches. in re Rules governing working conditions, U.S. Railroad Labor Board - Correspondence, American Railway Express Co. - Shop Employees - Negotiating rules and 3; Feb. 27, 1928 - May 10, 1934, Code No. 218, Miscellaneous pamphlets - Pennsylvania Railroad - Minutes, decisions A note to persons searching for NYC Employee Records: The New York Central System Historical Society does NOT have any ex-New York Central Railroad or its subsidiary personnel records in its archives. MC-69-14A-95; May 4, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. MC-49-14-88; Apr. 23, 1926, Code No. the AFL, 1912-1961, Series Vb: American Federation of Labor, Departments Other Than This Department and State 8-293; Apr. 2, folder 2; Feb. 5, 1941 - Apr. 20-43; Dec. 22, 1939 - May 13, 1940, Code No. 213, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 29-1177, pt. 20-31; Sept. 1, 1930 - Nov. 7, 1930, Code No. Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. 1; Jan. 29, 1942 - Feb. 26, 1946, Code No. 1; Mar. 20, 1933 - Aug. 2, 1933, Code No. 35-63-A-8; Jul. 22-117, pt. 24-19-A, pt. Correspondence, Reports, Minutes, Etc., 1933-1970, National Railroad Adjustment Boards - Notices from RLEA members of 15; Mar. 3C-193; Oct. 11, 1922 - Oct. 16, 1922, Code No. 5; Oct. 10, 1946 - Dec. 27, 1955, Code No. MC-416-14A-217; Aug. 4, 1921 - Jan. 4, 1922, Code No. 8-322; Sept. 26, 1933 - Jun. 12, 1938 - Dec. 22, 1947, Code No. 35-56, pt. MC-25-14A-64; May 5, 1921 - Mar. 17, 1921 - Dec. 10, 1921, Code No. 6, 1926 - Jul. 29-887, pt. Clearfield Bituminous Coal CorporationThis record group contains the CBC financial records and general office files and similar information for subsidiary coal, coke, land, water, and electric companies.5. 35-33, Subj. 26, 1963 - Sept. 28, 1964, Code No. 17-1, pt. MC-25-14A-54; Aug. 18, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. 36-2; Mar. 5, 1936 - Nov. 25, 1936, Code No. 4; Jun. 2; Jul. 4, 1923 - Sept. 19, 1934, Code No. 22, 1921 - Oct. 29, 1921, Code No. 5; Oct. 31, 1940 - Jul. 4; Aug. 30, 1933 - Feb. 1, 1934, Code No. 18; Jun. 2400-2357-30; May 22, 1959 - Nov. 17, 1960, Code No. Application of this dedication does not imply that the metadata is subject to copyright restrictions; where it is subject to such restrictions, this dedication removes them to the fullest extent possible under applicable law. requests for department laws and proceedings; resolutions proposed by Committee on Resolutions 7; Jan. 11, 1957 - May 31, 1966; See also box 23, Code No. 1; Aug. 20, 1934 - Nov. 30, 1938, Code No. 9, 1947, Code No. 28, 1934 - Oct. 29, 1940, Code No. Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 1927-1953, Series VIII a: System Federations and Matters Pertaining to Individual System Federations, MC-386-14A-86; May 16, 1921 - Jan. 10, 1922, Code No. 23-82-D; Mar. B&O Railroad Museum: This Baltimore museum preserves the history of Americas first steam-operated railway with a research library and archives and a collection of artifacts dating from 1827. 21, 1945, Code No. 3; Dec. 2, 1942 - Dec. 20, 1956, Code No. Abandonments, 1938-1970, Consolidation, Abandonments and Reorganization of 2; Aug. 11, 1939 - Dec. 1940, Code No. 8-335; Dec. 26, 1933 - Jun. 12; Dec. 19, 1957 - Dec. 15, 1961, Code No. 1; Jan. 25, 1942 - Aug. 25, 1944, Code No. 21, 1956, Code No. 8-311; Dec. 2, 1931 - Jul. 5, 1964, Dec. 8, 1966, Code No. 35-63-B-2; Jul. 12; Apr. 1; Nov. 12, 1942 - Jan. 3, 1965, Code No. 4, 1925, Code No. between management and employees, Cone Shops, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 8-170; Jan. 24, 1934 - Sept. 12, 1934, Code No. materials regarding hearings before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce Commission; 20-54; Jul. 18, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. 27, 1921 - Dec. 30, 1921, Code No. 17-1, pt. 3C-214; Nov. 2, 1923 - Nov. 6, 1923, Code No. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. 13, 1926 - Sept. 23, 1926, Code No. 844 North Rush 12, 1926 - Dec. 19, 1933, Code No. 35-311, pt. 8-283; Feb. 7, 1927 - Oct. 15, 1948, Code No. 8-276; Feb. 2, 1926 - Feb. 8, 1940, Code No. 4, 1920-July 30, 1940, Code No. 8-217, pt. 210, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 2; Jul. 1; Jun. 7, 1947, Code No. The abbreviation listed is the abbreviation used in the database and in the finding aid.Non-subsidiary Railroads in the PRR Collection:Allegheny Valley Street RailwayAllegheny Western RailwayBaltimore & Ohio (B&O)Bessemer & Lake ErieBuffalo & Susquehanna (B&S)Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh (BR&P)Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)Cheswick & HarmarDonora Southern (DONS)ErieErie-Lackawanna (E-L)Ligonier ValleyMonongahela RailroadNew York Central (NYC)Nickel Plate Road (NKP)Norfolk & Western (N&W)Ohio Connecting RailwayPittsburgh & Lake EriePittsburgh & ShawmutPittsburgh & West VirginiaUnion RailroadWestern MarylandWheeling & Lake Erie (W&LE)Railroads to which there are minor references:Aliquippa & SouthernAllegheny & South Side RailroadBeech Creek RailroadCambria & IndianaChicago, Burlington & QuincyEtna & MontroseHuntingdon & Broad Top Mountain RailroadJohnstown & Stony CreekMcKeesport ConnectingMontour RailroadNew HavenPittsburgh & Ohio Valley RailwayPittsburgh, Chartiers & YoughighenyThe distinction between substantial and minor references to the above railroads is: letters on the railroads' letterhead or maps or other documents originated by the company represent substantial references; a name on a list of addresses, the name of an officer serving on a committee, or a memo that refers to the railroad represent minor references.The Beech Creek could be on the former as there is much discussion in Box 152 concerning the diversion of coal traffic from the Pennsy's Cresson, Bellwood and Tyrone Divisions to the Beech Creek. Archival collections may be housed in offsite storage. 14A; Nov. 15, 1921 - Apr. Railroad Employee Card & Records Order Form. The following lists do not attempt to list the railroads about which wage information is available, as there is information about virtually every American and Canadian railroad in the Labor & Wage Bureau files. The Real Estate Department, The Maintenance of Way Department, the Supervising Agents at division and the Superintendents of Stations and Transfers at higher levels, for example, each had what the Penn Central Records Appraisal Project assessment team called location files and lumped together.When examining the data base, there appears to be a great deal of duplication of town names but, in general, each time a place name appears the information in that file is from a different department and if the records are from the same department, they are from a different time period.The locality files contain, depending on the department they are from: accounting records; contracts; specifications for construction projects; property sales and acquisitions; signal system information such as plans, maps, cost estimates, etc. 27, 1935 - Mar. 13; May 19, 1949 - Dec. 21, 1952, Code No. 19, 1938 - Oct. 31, 1938, Code No. MC-84-14-31; Feb. 8, 1922 - May 20, 1922, Code No. 2-604; Mar. The Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company was a New York Central subsidiary for most of its life and was still owned by the Penn Central Company in the mid 1980s. Four). 35-328-F, pt. 7; Mar. 3; Apr. 17-1, pt. 33-147; Jun. 2; Dec. 13, 1933 - Jan. 27, 1934, Code No. 35-33, Subj. 19, 1967, Code No. Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library. 24-19-A, pt. 30, 1923, Code No. 1, 1947 - Jun. 8-271, pt. 8, 1942 - never returned, Code No. - Minutes, Stabilization of Employment Questionnaire - Official 5; Jan. 24, 1934 - Dec. 12, 1935, Code No.
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