The site features updated schedules, rosters, player bios, scores and statistics. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Interim Chair, Justin Martin, Ph.D. Department of Educational Studies Players and coaches are available for interviews at the conclusion of each game after a briefcooling-off period. Zach O'Kelley. ; Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., P.E. Professor, LTC Rodric McClain, M.S. *Grubaugh, Jack W., Professor of Biology (2010) Central College, B.A. Ericson, Kathleen A., Associate Professor of Computer Science (2015) Drexel University, B.S. ; University of Tennessee, M.S. ; University of Tennessee at Martin, M.B.A. *Pigg, Daniel F., Professor of English (1989) David Lipscomb University, B.A. on campus. Live Stats ; Jordan University of Science and Technology, B.S., M.S. Bushardt, Christian, Lecturer of Marketing (2019) The University of Texas at Tyler, B.B.A. The office also files historical records, submits information to the Ohio Valley Conference and NCAA on a daily basis and serves as the primary media liaison for the department of athletics through local, area, regional and national media. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S. ; Eastern Illinois University, M.A., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Ph.D. *Long, Jamye E., Associate Professor of Management (2016) Delta State University, B.B.A., M.B.A.; University of Southern Mississippi, Ph.D. *Longacre, Jeffrey S., Chair of Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages; Professor of English (2009) Texas State University, B.A., M.A. An, Xiangdong, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (2016) Tianjin University, China, B.E. Stubblefield, Christy A., Campus and Simulation Lab Coordinator for Nursing; Faculty Associate of Nursing (2016) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S.N. ; Ohio State University, D.M.A. 931-424-7374. Recruiting Coordinator. Browning, Gloria A., Professor of Nursing (2001) Austin Peay State University, B.S.N. Haig, Sarah E., Associate Professor of Art (2013) State University of New York at Oswego, B.F.A. Chair, Thomas E. Eskew, M.S. ; Middlebury College Ecole Francaise (University of Paris), M.A. The University of Tennessee at Martin educates and engages responsible citizens to lead and serve in a diverse world. Taylor, Laura K., Lecturer of Health and Human Performance (2014) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. ; University of Memphis, M.S.N; R.N. Darroch, Barbara A., Associate Professor of Plant and Soil Science (2000) University of Manitoba, B.S.A. UT Martin is a primary campus in the University of Tennessee System and is known for excellence and outstanding value in undergraduate education. ; Ohio University, Ph.D. Last, Lane E., Professor of Art (1999) University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S., M.F.A. ; Arkansas State University, M.S.N. ; Ball State University, M.A. ; Auburn University, D.V.M. Jennifer Carroll. Chair, Jeff Longacre, Ph.D. Department of History and Philosophy Athletics Plan A Visit Alumni & Giving Apply Now Request Info my UTMartin A-Z CALL US (800) 829-UTM1 FIND US 554 University Street Martin, TN 38238 COME FLY WITH US We would love to see you on campus. ; University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Ph.D. Darroch, Craig S., Professor of Animal Science (1995) University of Guelph, Canada, B.S. ; University of Alabama, M.A., Ph.D. Beam, Kayce, Director UT Martin Jackson Center (2014) University of Texas, El Paso, B.A. Location . Life in Martin ; Campus Recreation ; Residence Life and Housing . Howard, Nathan D., Professor of History (2006) Harding University, B.A. A highly respected fixture in the Southeastern Conference, Martin works closely with the football program to implement and execute communications strategies aimed at promoting the Volunteers. ; Southern Illinois University, M.B.A.; University of Oklahoma, Ph.D. Swafford, Jeanna Curtis, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Development and Planned Giving (1992) Murray State University, B.S. ; State University of New York at Buffalo, Ph.D., P.E. ; University of Mississippi, M.A. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. ; University of Kentucky, M.A., Ph.D. Ellis, Alison, Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance (2020) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; University of Memphis, M.S., Ph.D. Donaldson, Alicia E., Director of Social Work Program; Professor of Social Work (2009) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S.S.W. University of Tennessee at Martin Nov 01, 2022 HELP [ARCHIVED CATALOG] General Information Mission Values History Location Facilities Academic Programs *Batts, Amanda B., Assistant Professor of Education (2017) Bethel College, B.S., M.A.Ed. . Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student and Residential Life and Chief Housing Officer, Gina McClure, M.S. Mission. ; Austin Peay State University, M.S.N. Harriss, Elaine A., Professor of Music (2001) Vanderbilt University, B.M.E., M.M.E. *Johnson, B. Cooper, Chair of Department of Management, Marketing, and Information Systems; Associate Professor of Information Systems (2016) University of Mississippi, B.B.A. Fieser, James F., Professor of Philosophy (1993) Berea College, B.A. ; Indiana University, M.L.S. The University of Tennessee at Martin sports information office is a branch of the Department of Athletics and is responsible for all public relations for the schools 21sports. Vice President for Research, Outreach, and Economic Development, Stacey Patterson, Ph.D. *Daniel, George E., Coordinator of Student Affairs Program Evaluation (2001) Georgia Southwestern College, B.A. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S.S.W. 554 University Street, Martin TN 38237 (800) 829-UTM1. ; University of Southern Mississippi, Ph.D. Donavant, Lori A., Manager of Business Services (2000) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.U.S. NAME CONTACT . ; Murray State University, M.A.S.C. Wang, Qing, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (2017) Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, B.S. ; Chancellor University, M.B.A. Stewart, Cheryl L., New Teacher Program Managerof Educator Preparation Program (2019) Ohio State University, B.A. Head Cheer Coach, Amber Minton, B.S. ; American Sentinel University, D.N.P. ; Michigan State University, Ph.D. Mistric, Amy, Assistant Director of Financial Aid (2003) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.U.S., M.Ed. ; Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Ph.D. Robinson, Shadow JQ, Dean of College of Engineering and Natural Sciences; Professor of Physics (2018) University of Kentucky, B.S. ; London School of Economics, M.S. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. E ; University of California, Irvine, M.A., Ph.D. *Hammond, Kevin L., Professor of Marketing (1993) University of Arkansas, B.S. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Phone lines will also be provided at most Skyhawk athletic events. Sports Information Director. McDonough, Daniel J., Professor of History (1992) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. McGahey, Peter, Visiting Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance (2020) University of Denver, B.A. *Parrott, Scott D., Professor of Agricultural Economics (2008) Tennessee Technological University, B.S. ; R.N. The official Roster for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mocs. Credentials for working press and photographers can be obtained through the UT Martin sports information office. ; University of Texas-Pan American, M.S. Brenda Lawson Athletic Center . *Cates, Tommy A., Tom E. Hendrix Chair of Excellence in Free Enterprise; Coordinator of Graduate Program; Professor of Management (1983) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ph.D.; P.E. ; Loyola University, M.S.N. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S.S.W. ; Duke University, Ph.D. Bradley, James R., Instructor of Computer Science (1991) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; University of Alabama, M.A., Ph.D. Sargolzaei, Saman, Assistant Professor of Engineering (2020) Mazandaran University, B.S. Chancellor of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Donde Plowman, Ph.D. Breeden, Sheryl F., Adviser I (1996) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S.B.A, M.B.A. Britt, S. Denise, Lecturer of Psychology (2002) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; Missouri University of Science and Technology, Ph.D. *Tewari, Rachna, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics (2013), Agricultural University, B.S., West Texas A&M University, M.S., Texas Tech University, Ph.D. Tharpe, Samuel D., Coordinator of Administration and Outreach of Call Me MiSTER Program (2018) Union University, B.S., B.A.Ed. NAME CONTACT . Fuqua, Staci H., Coordinator of Field Placements ofEducator Preparation Program (1995) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S., M.S. 2023-03-03 Home Directory NAME CONTACT DEPARTMENT OR OFFICE Tyler Lancaster Testing Admin Specialist E Testing Cener Krista Taylor Testing Admin Specialist III 211 Clement Hall P (731) 881-7727 E Testing Cener D.M.A. E ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, B.S., M.S., Ed.D. 554 University Street, Martin TN 38237 (800) 829-UTM1. ; Amridge University, Ed.D. Additional information regarding the board of trustees and UT Martin advisory board may be found at Assistant Athletics Director for Development, Laura Suiter, B.S. McGlown, Tommy, Coordinator in Student Success Center (1979) Lane College, B.A. ; Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. *Deal, Charles T., Special Assistant to the Chancellor; Interim Director of Research and Sponsored Programs; Executive Director of WestStar Leadership Program (1992) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S., M.B.A.; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Ph.D. Deal, Shannon R., Director of Student Health and Counseling Services and Nurse Practitioner (2000) University of Tennessee, Memphis, B.S.N. Head Mens Basketball Coach, Anthony W. Stewart, M.B.A. Office of University Outreach Staff . . ; University of Memphis, M.Ed. Interim Dean of Graduate Studies, Joey E. Mehlhorn, Ph.D. ; Murray State University, M.A. *Swan, Joyce H., Associate Professor of Education (2008) University of Memphis, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. Box 15016 Knoxville, TN 37901-5016. ; Nankai University, China, M.E. ; American Sentinel University, D.N.P. ; Middle Tennessee State University, M.S. ; University of South Carolina, M.Ed. Hamilton, Susan L., Lecturer of Mathematics (2001) Macquarie University, B.S. Barnett, Steven R., Director of Athletic Bands; Lecturer of Music (2019) University of Mississippi, Oxford MS, B.M.E. Julie Martin-Sebby: Assistant Athletic Trainer (Softball) Damon Petty, MD: *Davis, V. Lajuan, Associate Professor of Information Systems (2013) Mississippi State University, B.S. ; Baylor University, M.A. For non-game day interviews with a coach or player, please reach out tothecontact for that sport (listed above) for more information. Dye, Lori (Shawn), Success Counselor in Student Success Center (2016) Arkansas State University, B.S., M.S. Coordinator, Beth Edwards, M.B.A. Department of Biological Sciences Tansil-Gentry, Tara L., Lecturer of Health and Human Performance (2009) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Chief Human Resources Officer, Brian Dickens, Ph.D. Follow @Bill_Martin!function (d, s, id) { Department of Communications Coordinator of Student Affairs Program Evaluation, George Daniel, Ed.D. Ogg, E. Jerald, Professor of Communications (1987) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; Virginia Tech, Ph.D. Yeomans, Matthew, Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance (2020) East Carolina University, B.S. Director of UT Online, Adam Wilson, Ph.D. *Dooley, W. Keith, Chair of Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; Associate Professor of Child and Family Studies and Gerontology (2015) University of Mississippi, B.A., M.Ed. ; Union University, Ed.D. Sparks, Emily Anne, Academic Coordinator for Intercollegiate Athletics (2008) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Department of Military Science and Leadership Staff . Please make requests for parking passes at the same time as you make press/photo credential requests. ; Clemson University, M.S. ; Eastern Michigan University, M.A. *Pelren, Eric C., Professor of Wildlife Biology (1997) Berea College, B.A. ; Texas A&M University Commerce, M.B.A.; University of Texas at Arlington, Ph.D. *Chi, Yu-Ho, Assistant Professor of Accounting (2018) Feng Chia University, B.S. ; Penn State University, Ph.D. *Kolitsch, Stephanie T., Coordinator of SACS; Professor of Mathematics; (1994) Texas A & M University, Commerce, B.S. ; Wichita State, M.S. ; Illinois State University, M.S., Ph.D. Hollis, A. Melanie, Lecturer of Theatre (2006) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. Radford, Mary E., Chair of Department of Nursing;Professor of Nursing (2002) Union University, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ed.D. ; Lynchburg College, B.S. Darling, Steven M., Assistant Professor of Music (2019) University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, B.F.A. ; University of Memphis, M.A. ; Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. *McCullough, P. Michael, Professor of Management (1994) Minnesota State University Moorhead, B.A. Norton, Patricia C., Lecturer of Accounting (2016) University of Mississippi, B.B.A., M.Acc. 554 University Street, Martin TN 38237 (800) 829-UTM1. Gale, Paula M., Professor of Soil Science (1994) University of Arkansas, B.S., Ph.D. Garcia-Fernandez, Anton, Associate Professor of Spanish (2011) Universidade de Virgo, Spain, B.A. ; Memphis Theological Seminary, M.A.R. ; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, M.A. Lambert comes to Knoxville after serving as the Director of On-Campus Recruiting at Marshall From March 2022 to February 2023. Stout, Jason T., Professor of Art (2009) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.F.A. ; University of Texas at San Antonio, Ph.D. Wang, Windy, Assistant Professor of Art (2018) Central South University, B.L. *Freed, Stacy A., Lecturer of Communications (2005) Murray State University, B.A. Gathers, Ann D., Associate Professor of Biology (2005) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Decosta Jenkins, Nashville, TN ; University of Virginia, M.A., Ph.D. *Lewter, John A., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (2019) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.A. ; Baylor University, M.S., Ph.D. LaFleur, Renee A., Associate Professor of History (2011) Loras College, B.A. UT Martin is a primary campus in the University of Tennessee System and is known for excellence and outstanding value in undergraduate education. Sports Information Director. ; University of Memphis, M.B.A., J.D. ; Union University, M.S.S.W. Head Womens Equestrian Coach (2005) Virginia Tech, B.S. *Greenwood, Jennifer L., Professor of Biology (2006) Boston University, B.A. McPhearson, Petra R., Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (2011) Alcorn State University, B.S. ; Louisiana State University, Ph.D. Blount, Christy A., Assistant Professor Nursing (2013) University of Memphis, B.S.N. Chair, Joseph A. Ostenson, Ph.D. Office of Interdisciplinary Studies Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, Edie B. Gibson, B.A. ; Iran University of Science and Technology, M.S. Male, Phillip W., Assistant Professor of Theatre (2020) James Madison University, B.A. Hopper, Beth R., Campus and Simulation Lab Coordinator UT Martin Parsons Center(2016) University of Memphis, B.S.N. Austin, Diane L., Assistant Professor of Nursing (2006) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Blake, Jody, Assistant Professor of Music Education (2019) Northeast Mississippi Community College A.A.M.Ed. Jackson, Stacey A., Bursar (2017) Park University, B.S. *Brown, Andrew B., Lecturer of Communications (2016) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Sports. Bill Martin joined Tennessee's Athletic Media Relations staff in February of 2020 as Assistant Athletic Director of Football Communications. Culver, Texas E., Lecturer of Education (2009) Union University, B.S. Yocum-Wilson, Jaclynn, Head Womens Volleyball Coach (2015) Coastal Carolina University, B.S; Concordia University Irvine, M.S. ; Texas A&M, Ph.D. *Smith, Clinton, Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Education; Associate Professor of Education (2012) Arkansas State University, B.S. Head Golf Coach, Austin Swafford, M.B.A. ; Universite de Paris I-Sorbonne, France, Ph.D. Carpenter, Jerry E., Head Golf Coach (1968) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; Emory University, Ph.D. Waldon, Amanda M., Laboratory Instructor in Veterinary Health Technology (2012) Murray State University, B.S. ; Purdue University, M.A., Ph.D. Flrido, Lcia F., Professor of French (2002) Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, B.A., M.A. ; University of Tennessee at Martin, M.Ed. The 2021-22 academic year was White's first full year at the Tennessee Athletics helm. Lady Skyhawks or Hawks should never be used. ; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.A., Ph.D. Hill, Julie A., Chair of Department of Music, Professor of Music (2005) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.M.E. Chair, Robert Nanney, Ph.D. Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages Watson, Stanton T., Assistant Professor of Education(2019) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.A., M.S.Ed. The name of our institution is The University of Tennessee at Martin and if abbreviated, should be referred to as UT Martin. Feb 9. Oelrich, John A., Associate Professor of Music (2012) University of Wisconsin, B.S. East, Shelby S., Lecturer of Social Work (2015) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S.S.W. President and CEO of The University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc. and Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs, Kerry Witcher, B.S. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ph.D. *DiBella, Karen S., Associate Professor of Education (2013) Pennsylvania State University, B.A. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Donnie Smith, Rogers, AR ; Mississippi College, M.M.E. ; University of Tennessee at Martin, M.S. ; University of Iowa, Ph.D. Jackson, Lorrie A., Coordinator of Travel Study Program (2006) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Goyret, Joaquin, Associate Professor of Biology (2013) University of Buenos Aires, L.B.S. Smart, James L., Professor of Biology (2005) Simon Fraser University, B.S.C., Ph.D. *Smartt, Philip L., Professor of Natural Resources Management (2003) Middle Tennessee State University, B.S. UT Martin is a primary campus in the University of Tennessee System and is known for excellence and outstanding value in undergraduate education. Crews, Lionel J., Associate Professor of Physics (2000) Vanderbilt University, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. *Cude, Tabitha M., Assistant Professor of Counseling (2017) Austin Peay State University, B.S. ; Morgan State University, Ph.D. Cochran, John M., Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (2009) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, B.S., M.S. *Sumner, Glenna L., Associate Professor of Economics (2011) Southeast Mississippi State University, B.S. Assistant Coach ; Mid-America Theological Seminary, M.A. Sparks, Emily Anne, Academic Coordinator for Intercollegiate Athletics (2008) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; Mississippi State University, M.Ed. Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts, Lynn M. Alexander, Ph.D. Youngerman, Alan, Director McNairy County/Selmer Center (2014) Tennessee Technological University, B.S. University of Tennessee at Martin Feb 15, 2023 HELP [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Board, Faculty, and Staff ; University of Georgia, M.Ed., Ed.D. ; University of Tulsa, Ph.D. Luther, Linda W., Lecturer of Nursing (2007) Medical College of Virginia, B.S.N. ; University of Tennessee at Martin, M.Ac. Please contactthe UT Martin Sports Information office if you have questions. Department of Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources The University of Tennessee Martin Athletics Main Navigation Menu. *Faught, Samuel C., Associate Professor of Management (2010) Arkansas State University, B.S., M.B.A., M.S.I.S. Alexander, Jason S., Associate Professor of Physics (2013) Southeast Missouri State University, B.S. Perry, Shannon M., Student Conduct Officer (2015) University of Minnesota, Duluth, B.S. ; University of Southern Mississippi, M.S. Tresurer, Mark Paganelli, M.B.A. Nichter, Caren H., Assistant Professor of Library Science (2017) Georgetown College, B.A. ; Texas A&M University, M.S., Ph.D.; P.E. Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Image Name Title Email Address Phone Twitter; Athletic Administration; Kurt McGuffin: Vice Chancellor & Director of Athletics 731-881-7661 731-881-7661: Chancellor of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Steven R. Angle, Ph.D. Chief Communications Officer, Robert D. Grimes, M.S. The University of Tennessee at Martin is a primary campus of The University of Tennessee system. Vice President, Institute for Public Service, Herb Byrd III, Ph.D. ; Eastman School of Music, M.M. *MacKewn, Angelina S., Professor of Psychology (2003) Laurentian University, Canada, B.A. ; Florida State University M.L.I.S. ; Texas A&M University, Ph.D. Vanhoose, Amanda M., Lecturer of Biology (2016) Eastern Washington University, B.S. . ; Southern Illinois University, Ph.D. Gorman, Kurt G., Professor of Music (2004) University of Chicago, B.A. Cupples, Matthew P., Lecturer of Health and Human Performance (2013) Austin Peay State University, B.S. Contact Us Privacy Title IX Non-Discrimination Statement Emergency 2022 UT Martin. Martin, TN 38238. *Chen, Hui-Chuan (Christie), Associate Professor of Management (2013) Abilene Christian University, B.A. Borden, Shirley J., Lecturer of Finance (2011) Purdue University, B.S., B.S.E. ; University of Iowa, Ph.D., P.E. ; Middle Tennessee State University, D.A. Stanford, Tammy, Success Counselor in Student Success Center (2016) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.A. ; The University of Texas at Arlington, M.S., Ph.D. *Kelso, D. Kent, Interim Chair of Department of Educational Studies; Lecturer of Education (2018) Northwest Missouri State University, B.S., B.S.Ed. ; Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, M.Acc. ; Emporia State University, M.S. ; Metropolitan State College of Denver, B.A. ; University of New Mexico, Ph.D.; R.N. ; Arizona State University, D.M.A. B.S. ; Florida State University, M.M., D.M. Ray, Darrell L., Professor of Biology (1997) Western Kentucky University, B.S., M.S. Brad Box, Jackson, TN Faculty Athletic Representative. ; University of Louisville, M.S. | EAST TENNESSEE STATE ATHLETICS. CONTACT DEPARTMENT OR OFFICE Location . UTRGV Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 1201 West University Drive Edinburg, TX 78539 Phone: (956) 665-2221 Fax: (956) 665-2261 Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Title Email Address Phone Twitter; Athletic Administration; Chasse Conque: Vice President and Director of Athletics 956 . Chair, Julie A. Hill, D.M.A. Tennessee-Martin, UT-Martin, UT or Martin shouldneverbe used. ; Mississippi State University, Ph.D. Williams, Carol J., Interim Budget Director for Finance and Administration (2016) University of Maine at Augusta, B.S., Albany State University, M.B.A. Williams, David M., Lecturer in English (2005) University of Mississippi, B.A., J.D., Ph.D. *Williams, Denise P., Associate Professor of Information Systems (2004) University of Mississippi, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. *Williams, Kimberly G., Associate Professor of Education (2013) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. McCormick, Sarah V., Professor of Dance (2008) University of California at Los Angeles, B.A. Initial year of regular employment at the University of Tennessee at Martin is indicated in parentheses. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S. Recruiting Coordinator. Director of Student Life and Multicultural Affairs, John W. Blue, M.S. Staff . Mission Statement for the Athletic Department. Athletic Center Coordinator. ; University of Nevada, Reno, M.S. Henderson, Daphne M., Associate Professor of Social Work (2010) Texas A&M University Commerce, B.S.W., University of Texas, Arlington, M.S.S.W., Ph.D. Henderson, Joe T., Director of Equity and Diversity and Diversity/Title VI Coordinator (2009) East Texas State University, B.A. Athletics Staff Broadcasting | (865) 974-8743 Business & Finance | (865) 974-1227 Compliance | (865) 974-3871 <br><i>(permission to contact and transfer eligibility correspondence may be directed to</i> Information Technology Support Equipment | (865) 974-1224 Event Management | (865) 974-1205 ; University of Wisconsin-Madison, D.M.A. Student Conduct Officer, Shannon M. Perry, B.S. *Patterson, Tammie T., Assistant Professor of Education (2009) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. Head Mens and Womens Cross Country Coach, Kevin Mangan, M.S. Director of Accreditation and SACS Coordinator, Stephanie Kolitsch, Ph.D. Live stats for all UT Martin Skyhawk home events are available for free, either via the individual online links accessible on each sports schedule page or at the followinglink. Location . All requests must be made in writing (via email) at least one week in advance of the contest. ; M.A. Jamie Woodson, Lebanon, TN. Office of University Outreach. ; University of Memphis, Ph.D. Merwin, Michelle M., Professor of Psychology (1999) University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, B.A. ; Middle Tennessee State University, M.Ed. Help . General Manager of Dining Services, Thomas Oehler Interim Director of Research, Outreach, and Economic Development, Todd A. Winters, Ph.D. ; Dominican University, M.L.I.S. Chair, Todd E. Sherman, D.A. ; Ohio University, Ph.D. Garza, Randal P., Professor of Spanish, (2002) Michigan State University, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Gatewood, Dana, Lecturer of Mathematics and Statistics (2016) University of Tennessee, B.S. ; University of Memphis, M.M., D.M.A. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. 554 University Street, Martin TN 38237 (800) 829-UTM1. *Carroll, Brian D., Director of Dietetic Internship Program, Lecturer of Nutrition and Dietetics (2013) Southern Illinois University Carbondale, B.S., M.S. ; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S.S.W. ; University of Tennessee Health Science Center, D.P.T. ; R.N. ; Loyola University at Los Angeles, B.S., M.S. ; Middle Tennessee State University, Ph.D. Dalton, Peter, Head Mens and Womens Cross Country Coach (2015) East Tennessee State University, B.S. *Stratton, Elizabeth, Assistant Professor of Education (2015) Missouri Baptist University, B.S., M.S. Rogers, Jefferson S., Professor of Geography (1995) University of Kansas, B.A. if (!d.getElementById(id)) { Behfarnia, Ali, Assistant Professor of Engineering (2020) University of Tabriz, B.S. The University of Tennessee at Martin. ; Utah State University, M.H.R. Pritchett, Matthew A., Professor of Biology (2007) University of Oklahoma, B.S. ; Louisiana Tech University, M.B.A. *Buttrey, Emalee B., Associate Professor of Animal Science (2014) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. *Winters, Todd A., Interim Director of Research, Outreach, and Economic Development; Dean of College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences; Professor of Animal Science; Washington State University, B.S. Staff are working remotely, and students should reach out to instructors to connect virtually. Travel Study Coordinator, Lorrie Jackson, B.S. ; University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S. ; University of Kentucky, Ph.D. Plunk, Laura L., Lecturer of Education (2019) University of Tennessee at Martin, B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed. Juan Lugo. ; Hunan Normal University, M.F.A..; Indiana University, M.S., Ph.D. Washington, Michael, Director of Human Resources (2019) LeMoyne-Owen College, B.B.A. ; University of Arkansas, M.A. *Spaulding, Michael W., Professor of Education (2006) . UT Martin athletic logos can be requested through any member of the sports information office. Deere, Kelli, Director of UT Martin Parsons Center (2012) Union University, B.A., M.S., Ed Spec., Ph.D. *Delmond, Anthony R., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics (2018) University of North Florida, B.A. 554 University Street, Martin TN 38237 (800) 829-UTM1 About UT Martin Employment Campus Map Find Your Program Plan A Visit Request Info GIVE A primary campus of the University of Tennessee Systemand partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.
Alligator Trapper Salary, Anthony Sharper South Meck, Seminole, Tx Police Reports, Articles U