a thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light, cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunlight, saw the anvil of cloud coming in. We know how important it is to stay up-to-date on the latest weather news. The tables list common weather phrases and vocabulary. And yes, inspirational. Wonderful. Heres another example: This is the most beautiful weatherweve had all week! Il fait mauvais. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The heavy dark clouds rolled slowly and low across the parched pastures, but they were heartbreakers, as not a drop of rain fell before the cruel wind carried them away. No shade existed for miles and the heat rising up from the baked earth was brutal. Copy. Thanks for all you do! You could also use adverbs like extremely or really. Idioms are funny.But most of all, idioms are handy.Yes, sir. You could use other comparative adjectives like colder or less windy. Excellent. These winds are extremely unlikely as they range between 277-329 knots, and would level houses, remove houses from foundations, overturn and throw automobiles including trains, throw steel and concrete missiles, and in general cause catastrophic damage. Rainbow at noon, more rain soon. Hot is only used to describe very, very warm temperatures such as in the middle of summer. Weather phrases refer to a set of expressions and terminology used to describe various meteorological conditions and phenomena. still air with a lot of light wind. Rate it: (5.00 / 1 vote) four sheets to the wind: Extremely drunk: Rate it: (5.00 / 1 vote) in the wind: Impending or in the offing; imminent. Mist (noun) usually forms on hills and mountains and isnt as thick. Apple; Android; Kindle; Windows; Windows Phone; Free Tools. But when its humid, the air is moist and contains a large amount of water vapor. The first thing you should do is establish the force of the wind. sullen adjective. A lot of poetic and inventive phrasing there. They allow us to accurately describe the weather and understand what other people mean when they use these terms. Colorful in Autumn too. Look for her next prehistoric fiction, Savage Land Winter 2024. Pingback: Top 10 Posts and Most Commented for 2021 |. Hurricane - A hurricane hit the city yesterday at 5 p.m. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. words phrases and sentences to describe a storm Thanks for sharing this! "Red sky at night, sailors delight. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Your email address will not be published. Go Online! When the wind contacts our skin, it can evoke different feelings and reactions. When I first moved to this area, I learned about lake effect snowstorms. . Do you-all get anything other than hot and humid or too-darn-windy? stormy adjective. He uses descriptive noun phrases, strong verbs, and powerful adjectives. Who says weather isnt interesting? Thats a lot of ideas for talking about the weather . I am flattered you share them! El clima es terrible. This question is asking about degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius. I love the idea of keeping a notebook with descriptions that catch your attention. The semi-drought slowly draining the life out of the grass and trees. "The wind is very strong." "The wind is tough." "The wind is very aggressive outside." I asked a native English speaker if the three of example are usable and. It would be better to use a descriptive phrase. We still use the word "wet." We can use it to describe the word "weather": "We had some seriously wet weather over the weekend." or a day, week, month or even a year: "This was the wettest year on . I love the list. especially the colours of sunrises and sunsets in clouds during different seasons and different weather conditions. It's snowing. WINTER WEATHER TERMS. Timeless too. After rain comes fair weather. blustery adjective. Thanks so much for sharing. (Mine, now!) I've had enough of all this rain! Thats an amazing compilation. The wind was cold and strong. Es ist schwl. literary pitiless rain, wind, or sun is very strong and continues for a long time. But it is difficult to use, and it might send readers hunting for a dictionary. Weather phrases and idioms are an important part of everyday English. It was a dark and stormy night winters naked branches created a black tracework. Think about it, does the hot air feel the same as a cool breeze? The word "temperature" is used to . The verb "is" is translated into Spanish as the verbs hacer (to do), estar (to be), or haber (there is). I hope you find them as helpful as I do. When speaking. You'll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning. Rainy Weather Phrases and Words Phrases to Describe Rainy Weather It's raining. The Scots love to blether about the weather. This is the (best/worst) weather weve had all [season/week/year]! Clouds threatening, but no rain predicted the 45-mile per hour gusts of drizzly wind. Here are some words to describe wind based on force: 20 Examples of Words to Describe a Laughter in Different Scenarios. Windstorm - The sea was choppy today because of the windstorm. Im compiling one for similes. Even if you're snowed in, your language doesn't have to be! For instance, "It is foggy" is Hay niebla. For example, I want to say like below. I often read through my collections when Im stuck. The cruel icy wind cut like a knife across her cheeks. Hace viento. Scots phrases for weather: It's blowing a hoolie - Supposedly derived from the Orkney Scots word 'hoolan', which means strong wind, this means it's very windy outside. It rained most of the time on my one visit there. sentences. Thanks for sharing this! and the busy world is hushed, Helping Verb 3: Haber: "There is" Weather. 2. OMG, Jacqui. 33 Words and Phrases for Talking About the Weather in English. But you should avoid words that are too simplistic. It could literally refer to the weather (expecting a rainy day); regardless of the weather, some planned event will take place. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. yes that got me thinking about the old Number of words for snow question, and I found this. Review the chart below to learn many common German weather words and weather-related expressions. Rain, as always, arrived too little, too late to save the crops. It's perfect when you want to describe a scenario where the wind ties into the low temperatures. Words that are not widely understood are also worth avoiding. Some great phrases here, Jacqui. 1. The flower bed was a soggy matting of dead stems. A storm was coming.". Its a little humid, but its still nice. 9. Definition of wind in the Idioms Dictionary. as the wind blows: according to circumstance: Rate it: (5.00 / 1 vote) close to the wind: Used other than as an idiom: see close to, the, wind. Tags. Short. We talk about very heavy rain lashing down or lashing against the window. beautiful, 82 degrees, mild breeze, cloudless sunshine, a day for looking at a ball game, a web of clouds, back-lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through the trees and over the fields and hung low in the air, masking the camp in a ghostly gray. Hi Jacqui, Thanks for reading my modest post. Dump a tray of ice cubes on your bed. William C. Bryant. Il fait frais. Its just wet. This is a typical word that basically means chilly. He could feel the sweat roll down his sides and the dampness of the box up against his chest. The words brilliantly, glistening, and balmy refer to sunny days with pleasant temperatures. Grit grated in his teeth. A reddish sunset means that the air is dusty and dry. It was an unseasonably hot day, with temperatures reaching the high twenties. Weather is so many different things to different people. 33 words and phrases for talking about the weather in english web feb 20 2022 these adjectives describe the wind gusty suggests a sudden brief burst of wind while windy refers to a stronger than usual wind . Lets start with these 15 words to describe wind: Temperature describes how hot or cold something is. This scale begins with an intensity of F0 called a Gale Tornado. saw a distant flash of lightning, counted the seconds, and then said, six miles, more or less.. Hay relmpagos. climate is like if you say that the jungle has a humid climate the you know that there is a lot of humtiey. Rainstorm is a storm with heavy rain. Conversely, a reddish . Writers know that using the weather in their descriptions is a great way to make stories more relatable. It's cloudy. Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple. Who wouldve thought. The more I have been reading, the more I recognize how important it is for authors to paint a picture in your mind. Hahaha can I just say HOT, or the weather outside is weather yeah? A sudden boom of thunder forewarned us of the approaching storm. Hmm?? 8. The word boiling is used here as an adjective, not as a verb, to create an image of how hot it is. can take anywhere. I have listed a few ideas above, but there are many more ways you can make the weather more interesting. How to Talk About the Weather in English with All the Right Vocabulary, 16 Vocabulary Words Youll Need to Talk About the Weather, 17 Questions and Phrases to Talk About the Weather. In the idiom "weather the storm," the word "weather" means "to get through" or "to survive." "The storm" in this phrase could be any difficult time or challenge. The sun was climbing out of the deep well of winter, but it was still brutally cold. It is the smell or scent of rain arriving after a period of dry weather. We have about seven months of winter, two days of spring and then summer at our end of the pond in Upstate New York. I had to note them! When the weather iswarm, I prefer light clothing like t-shirts. Thank you. Blustery means the wind blowing strongly. 6. Bush fires are common around here when the weather is dry. windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car. Appreciate your list of ways to describe the weather. A strong gust of wind blew against my face.". Maybe we've got heavy rain, or maybe it's light - it doesn't matter. Im a bit nuts about it. Its hard to make weather interesting but some very clever authors have done just that. Hay un vendaval. For example: " The weather outside is nice.". I love how some writers weave their words so perfectly. Want to Practice Speaking English with a Native Speaker? In addition to learning these terms, you should consider practicing them oftensmall-talk with native English speakers is the perfect opportunity! The Wind Slaps (The Hand of the Wind Slapped my Face) Sometimes the wind can feel like a hand slapping your face. weather. As we were walking along the beach, it started to getwindy. When we say "it's crisp", we mean that cool, fresh, and invigorating, so it's a pleasant temperature. Feel free to use any other suitable noun such as storm or wind. I will say, the prompt my students seem to love the best is. Saving and sharing. she answered "It is not.". I even get lots of ideas for titles, something Im always struggling with entering competitions. with strong winds. There are unintended consequences to a lack of setting, including a static character, a lack of atmosphere, an inability for the reader to relate to the place and time in the story, and a lack of details. It's bad weather. So, if the weather is breezy then the wind outside is relatively gentle. The app has these functions: - Base of phrases to describe any weather, Pure Edutainment: 14 YouTube Series to Learn and Love English, Talk Clearly and More Confidently with 7 Basic English Conversation Courses, Learn English Through Movies and Film: The Complete Guide, How to Speak English Fluently: 27 Simple Tips for Reaching Your Language Goals. Tornado: clouds, strong wind, rain, hail Hurricane or cyclone: strong wind, heavy rain Blizzard: heavy snow, ice, cold temperatures Dust storm: strong winds, arid conditions Flood: heavy rainfall Hail storm: cold or warm temperatures, rain, ice Ice storm: freezing rain After students have completed the worksheet, ask: What patterns do you see? suggest new. slogging across pavement as hot as ash in August. Writer's Treasure Chest, Top 10 Posts and Most Commented for 2021 |, Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School, Author Inspiration and This Weeks Writing Links Staci Troilo, 65 Ways to Describe Sight and Eyes in Your Writing, How to Say "As dumb as" Without Being Boring, How to Show (Not Tell) an Emotion--P to Z, 36 Ways to Describe Buildings--Neighborhoods, Subscriber Special: Huge Savings on Posters, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. People got hot, got tired, got busy with other thingsinside things. Literally "I'm freezing!" And when it's a little warmer. These really struck me. Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else. Imagine youre in a local restaurant and the waiter casually tells you, Be careful of that fogwhen you go over the bridge. Youll be glad you know what the word fog means! Its opposite is rainy weather, which means lots of rain. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Cheers Hilary. (We even have one for words that describe colours.) Copy. a gust of wind, a blast of wind, strong wind, high wind gust and blast means a sudden strong wind. The higher the clouds, the better the weather. The weathers been so humid lately its impossible to go outside without breaking a sweat. dirty weather. Luckily, my folks dont have that problem but it is truly an issue if youre writing about present-day groups in snowy lands. Your information shall be retained until you unsubscribe or ask me to remove your data. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The most common terms include: 35 Words to Describe a Forest Well in a Novel. https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/words-used-to-describe-unpleasant-weather Ha! Il fait doux. Nothing that crazy. light wind means the wind blowing slightly. There are also weather expressions that use the verb hay: Hay niebla. Sound like a proficient English speaker by discussing about your weather using these English words and phrases. You can probably tell I favor thrillers, action. I actually didnt recognize any of them. Examples: He goes to the gym every day, come rain or shine. In this simple sentence, you may use any verb in its -ing form to describe the weather such as pouring (raining very heavily) or sizzling (very hot). You can find many lists of common and unusual words to describe the weather, so you have plenty of choices. So this week, I've decided to carry on with more awesome . deepening shadows made it a city of ghosts. Knowing how to talk about the weather can help you make small talk more easily with native speakers. Dont forget your coat; its cold outside. Il fait froid. - heavy downpour It's raining buckets - a heavy downpour It's snowing like mad - heavy snowfall This language learning program uses authentic English videos to teach you new words as well as culture by focusing on context. In this post, youll learn all the terms you need to describe sunny days, stormy days and all those in betweenas well as why the weather is considered such a hot topic. Rain ran down the window, the streets gleamed. I just went over and replied and then emailed my info to you. with a lot of rain and strong winds. Thank you, Jacqui. My days are spent writing and blogging, as well as testing and taming new technology. Wind. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. When its dry, theres no rain or moisture in the air. It's very windy today. The phrases "rain," "storm," "humid," and "low pressure" describe different types of expected weather conditions. The fangs of the wind ripped at Wendell's cloak. For example, raining cats and dogs. In almost every story, both fiction and nonfiction, there is usually at least one reference to the weather. Writer's Treasure Chest. This can be especially dangerous due to their unpredictable nature and strength. Truman Capote. Snow pelted his face and he pulled up the collar of his overcoat to further shield him from the bitter weather. Cheers. Hehee. Weather is a wonderful tool for writers. . Ive heard of that, too. Since we-all know we must cover weather, I thought these were clever asnd interesting ways to do that! This is a popular idiom (expression) for saying that its raining heavily. Sun was sinking toward the horizon, the pitiless white ball now an angry orange. Thanks! Dirty Weather is a mobile app that provides weather forecast all over the world, describing the weather states with simple but cheeky phrases and (sometimes) dirty words. These two nouns are often used together when referring to storms. For example: "The UK has a temperate climate.". Jacqui, I love this post. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Here are some descriptive words to describe wind based on temperature: 01 Bitter Bitter is a commonly used descriptor for the cold. For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions; Word of the Day; Word . I like when I can feel it through an authors words. Il fait chaud. Mine is so long,d I added a table of contents with links to the sections! We got caught in a downpour. Plot Or Character Which Comes First In A Romance Novel? Its misty up in the mountains in the mornings. These are great, Jacqui! 1. It's really coming down out there! It's crisp. A strong wind was blowing. Thats a long list, Jacqui. Ooh, sorry I missed that. Under the weather Meaning: Ill or in low spirits 5. Click forthe complete list of 69 writers themed descriptions. Sayings in English about the Weather There's no bad weather, there are just bad clothes. Both of these are good questions to ask if you havent gone outside in a while, and youre wondering if things have changed. The dog star in Canis Major, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising in late summer (as it rises just before daylight) is linked to dog days of summer, I also like the old graveside prayer that describes the end of life: 7. That might be due to the fact that the weather is often different from day to day and from place to place, making it a relevant subject for everyone. Wrap up warm. While knowing this vocabulary is a big step forward, understanding the nuances of how native speakers actually use these terms is even more important. 'it's fair jeelit ootside'. According to Oxford it is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.. Many of us keep the Weather Channel bookmarked and ready on our computers or phone. Taps Aff - A popular. It's getting colder. There are so many adjectives you can use for describing the weather. I hear the howl of the wind that brings the long drear storm on its heavy wings. Hace calor. El clima es agradable. Throw back some chilled vodka shots before you go to sleep. The mist floated like smoke out of the cypress in the swamp. windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain. Hay nubes. Today is so hotthat Ive been sitting under the fan all day. A Cambridge CELTA English teacher and author with a passion for writing and all forms of publishing. Hacer (to do or to make) https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/general-words-for-climate-and-the-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/warm-and-hot-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/words-used-to-describe-cold-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/words-used-to-describe-calm-and-pleasant-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/words-used-to-describe-unpleasant-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/moisture-in-the-air-clouds-and-cloudy-weather, https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/changes-in-the-weather, 20 Words Used To Describe Specific Tastes And Flavours, How To Tell If Youre Writing About The Wrong Character, The Unintended Consequences Of A Lack Of Setting, Why https://www.writerswrite.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Company-Writers-Write-1.jpgs Are Their Own Worst Enemies, Why Writers Should Create A Setting Like A Character, The Ultimate https://www.writerswrite.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Company-Writers-Write-1.jpgs Checklist, 5 Ways To Write About Real People In Memoirs. I think, I too, have known autumn too long. Its nice to see the wide variety of language. squall a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet. The superlative adjective best is used to show that this weather is simply the best and nothing else can be better. 1. It's freezing outside! Your email address will not be published. https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/words-used-to-describe-calm-and-pleasant-weather Reblogged this on Coffee82 and commented: While the mercury climbed to a hundred degrees. You could show how cold it is by the clothes they choose to wear or mention the weather in dialogue. The petrichor gave a hint of hope to the farmers. Interesting and useful to know. A half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads. Thanks! 5. Steal someone's thunder 1- Basic. They cant be copied because theyve been pulled directly from an authors copyrighted manuscript (intellectual property is immediately copyrighted when published). They do that for me, too, and thats why I couldnt just read and move on. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). 4. Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop. The moon is out. It's foggy. Jacqui, I laughed at your comment. This means that if you buy a product or service through links or advertisements on our site, we may receive an affiliate commission. The air was wet and cold, chill seeping into our bones. The air was thick with moisture, and the clouds hung heavy overhead. Usually, these terms are used by meteorologists and weather presenters when they provide an update on the forecast. if it is brisk, the weather is fairly cold and a fairly strong wind is blowing, if the weather or the sea is wild, there is a storm with strong winds, unsettled weather changes a lot during a short period and there is a lot of wind and rain, if the weather is fresh, it is fairly cold and the wind is blowing, if the weather is squally, there are short periods when the wind is suddenly very strong, Britishmainly spoken with strong winds blowing, used for talking about weather that is fairly cold and windy, the sharpness of a blade or of a cold wind, the fact that the wind or frost is very cold. Learn how your comment data is processed. Hay humedad. Here the use of the comparative adjective better suggests that the weather is so good that it couldn't get any better. Its getting colder, better bring a jacket. It may in fact be related to the Dutch word . Meaning: A period of bad luck or being unsuccessful 4. It's a bit chilly. Vocabulary words to talk about the weather in English. It looks like rain. Thanks, Jill. I enjoyed reading these, thanks:). Dont remember having a good one of these for a while. Stormy Weather synonyms - 94 Words and Phrases for Stormy Weather. She could feel her T-shirt glue itself stickily to her skin. Tornadoes are not included on this scale, but it is understood that they are characterized by violent wind speeds. Thanks, Joy. Here are the basics: Sun (Sunny) It's considered "sunny" when the sun is out, and there are no (or few) clouds. You'll see a weather word in English and have a few moments to remember it in Spanish before we reveal the Spanish weather word. Speaking about the weather is often considered important for small talk, and used to make predictions about the weather. Be well. These cookies do not store any personal information. the rain was steady and warm and vertical. Its good to see how other authors describe things; it gives ideas on alternates. These phrases refer to what is predicted or expected for the weather in the near future. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky.". thanks for the info. Its a bright and sunny day, with clear skies and no clouds in sight. I love my four seasons. Hay granizo. It's spitting. Using highly descriptive or figurative language and a variety of grammar structures help you paint the picture vividly in a readers mind. 2) Crisp 0. The phrases rain, storm, humid, and low pressure describe different types of expected weather conditions. I love your descriptions of weather and the times of day. 1. Hot/Warm/Cool/Cold. Will be interesting to see how I do that with weather. These are some words to describe wind and how it appeals to the sense of touch: 25 of the Best Words to Describe a Bad and Toxic Relationship. Il fait du + noun Thats quite a collection, Jacqui. Literally: "What heat!" Es un horno! These really inspire me. These adjectives describe the wind. It's hot. I would say India not so much. I could feel the sweat form along my backbone and trickle down. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Good to know so I never move there! The heat hit them like a hand in the face. God is bowling upstairs during a thunderstorm. I would say weather could surprise them. Couldnt stop reading. Pingback: Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School. Gentle wind is a light wind. exactly, Jacqui. Excellent list, Jacqui. Many of us keep an eye on the forecast and plan our days accordingly whether its making sure we dress for the cold or avoiding a rainstorm. If you feel your data has been misused, you have a right to complain to theHellenic Data Protection Authority(HDPA). This article is not a lesson or lecture on how to describe the weather in writing. Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe unpleasant weather from the Macmillan English Dictionary . Temperature. The heat settled in on them, rolling in like a heavy blanket and pressing them deep into their chairs while their clothing glued to their skin. So remember to actually practice the words, phrases and questions in this post so you can feel comfortable actually using them in conversations. This one got a little long. Check out this article for tips on bringing the heat. Your personal information will not be sold or shared with any third parties under any circumstances. How exciting! A little inspiration to start your day. WIND / WINDY WEATHER Words Related to "wind" and Their Meanings: Breeze is a light wind. It looks cloudy; you should bring an umbrella in case it rains. It's sunny. Windy: a word that describes a climate to be with a lot of wind Example: It was observed that despite the windy weather, the football team performed well. A setting without the weather is like a character without a wardrobe. climate is the over all temperature& rainfall over a year or so the whether is like if its is cloudy or windy and things like that you watch the whether everyday to see if it is going to be raining or if it is going to be hot. It is. These are some of the weather descriptions written by our P1 and P2 students: "It was a cool and breezy evening. Avoid using the grammatical expletive when referencing the weather. In some parts of the world it is hot all year, however in most places only throughout the summer months. It was hot, cold, windy, or rainy are all very weak expressions. I remember my son telling me July was the typhoon season, which is why we visited in May. Sweat immediately beaded across her brow. e. e. cummings Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature - it's the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century. Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe windy weather from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. The sun is shining. This is a simple sentence using two or more descriptive adjectives. answered the phone while used the other hand to wipe the sweat from the back of her neck.
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