There's an easy way to force desktop versions to load, but first you'll need to access some hidden settings. ).text() == ). The main goal of this site is to provide quality tips, tricks, hacks, and other WordPress resources that allows WordPress beginners to improve their site(s). * in your child themes functions.php file. 4. Provide to your mobile visitor an easy access to your site content using any device smartphone/tablet/desktop. function oceanwp_child_enqueue_parent_style() { } function myCustomFunction() // Dynamically get version number of the parent stylesheet (lets browsers re-cache your stylesheet when you update your theme) What are the Costs? I just figured out how to do this. We also added code on our page to default the view of the page to to the desktop version but that also does not solve the issue as the message from Jitsi is still there to download the app to join the meeting from the mobile device. WP Mobile Menu is the best WordPress responsive mobile menu. Available for free or premium in line, flat, gradient, isometric, glyph, sticker & more design styles. Its very necessary for us. Simply open the Google Chrome browser on your desktop and visit the page you want to check. Use the Arrow Keys There's usually more latency on mobile networks. Make the code mirror fields resizable, Improvment! but it doesn't work anyway I would like to force the desktop version of my blog on mobile devices. Also, this is just one part of the solution. $deps is jquery since it does not depend on any other libraries. return false; add_filter( ocean_meta_viewport, no_meta_viewport ); function remove_media_queries() { The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? For desktop users, the WordPress for Mac download is free. Next, click the Toggle Device Toolbar button to change to the mobile view. Hold Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) Hold down the Command key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) while you move an element. wp_enqueue_style( child-style, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . I didn't want to spend any time to fix that so I was just looking for a solution to force the same view on mobile (I don't care if that's gonna be zoomed out or even un-zoom-able). Thank you for that! Not sure why but it does. WPtouch Mobile plugin is a free plugin but also has a 'Pro' (Paid) version, which is equally popular. return false; Could you give me some details? so how to make this auto, i have done everything but i get struck in the last step i.e adding in the cusyom function it showing like these when i update Its important that your website has a responsive design, so your mobile visitors can easily navigate your website. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. It will help to resolve your issue more quickly. Zakra is one of the best free mobile-friendly WordPress themes and is a beautiful theme with an elegant contrast color and gray background. In the example above, the menu has collapsed, and the Search icon has moved to the left instead of the right of the menu. The topic Is there a Setting to Force the Desktop View on a Mobile Device? is closed to new replies. New close button when using the Slideout Over content menu display type, New! Clear cache and check the site or try a different browser. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Improved! Google Fonts in the menu items, New! Now add the code in the functions.php of the child theme. Managed by Awesome Motive | WordPress hosting by SiteGround | WordPress Security by Sucuri. { Replies to my comments Additionally we are very satisfied with the amazing support of the plugin! Gradient Background css in the menu panels, New! One question though. . 2. You can also subscribe without commenting. On the bottom of the left-hand side, click on the mobile icon to view the mobile version on the desktop. This is how the coding on it looks (see below). I've followed along some YouTube videos, built some pages, deleted them, imported themes and tried editing them etc. Improved mechanism to automatically hide the menus of the themes, Improved! Se below the lisf of features of what our WordPress Responsive Menu can do for you. However, the process should remain identical. Only force autoplay videos on desktop, Improvment! Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Removed Duplicated color pickers in the Font settings fields, New! Get Started with SeedProd Today Note: To use SeedProd's website builder feature, you need a SeedProd Pro license. { Previewing the mobile layout helps you understand how your website look. Mobile Smart is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows web developers to set up a truly smart mobile-optimized browsing experience for their viewership. Fix uncachable dynamic-mobmenu CSS, Fix! 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Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Method 1: This can easily be fixed by going to WP admin > Elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS. I'm using a block theme but I don't know why that would make a difference. Select Icon of the menu icons, New! And, Activate It. Hope this helps you as much as it helped me :). The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Custom js field to help in any tweak or fast fix, New! Even if youre using a responsive WordPress theme, you still need to check how your site looks on mobile. 2 Answers Sorted by: 1 See, it all depends upon two things, first the theme you choose and then on mobile browser. add_filter( ocean_meta_viewport, no_meta_viewport ); Even when your site is live, its often easier to view the mobile version on a desktop computer, so you can quickly make changes and see their effect. Yes! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Like @jonharari, I am very keen to be able to enable mobile users to connect directly in the browser. Manage or create your WordPress blog or website right from your iOS device: create and edit posts and pages, upload your favorite photos and videos, view stats and reply to comments. Do you want to preview the mobile version of your WordPress site? Its important to keep in mind that most mobile previews will not be completely perfect because there are so many different mobile screen sizes and browsers. Youll then see a preview of how your site looks on mobile devices. It doesnt matter? Fix Menu settings and widgetized areas in translated websites, Fix! How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? The plugin works perfectly on our website but when accessing the page on a mobile device Jitsi asks the user to download their App to join the meeting. Works with all WordPress responsive themes. }); One is free and another is Premium. lol, then there is no 'dektop' \ ' browser' view, you only have ONE view, When I use desktop, everything looks ok but when I open the same page with mobile, things are all messy. Fix issue that was opening all the submenus, Fix! SO - bootstrap-3-desktop-view-on-a-mobile-device Could someone please help me? The answer is YES. Will you please link to the correct page so that I can help you to fix this issue? Option to cache the Dynamic CSS, Fix! I dont really know too much coding and I seem to be stuck on this step. This is EXACTLY what Im looking for and this seems to be the only article I can find online that is fairly straightforward. How do i force desktop view on mobile devices with Bootstrap? So, its important that along with the viewport information, you should have media queries in your CSS. Simply log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Appearance Customize screen. can you help me? 3 new filters to replace the logo image, current menu and menu URL, Fix! Links Free Demo Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. GOOVERON.COM However, the content=width section in the viewport tag still does not change to 980. Download and install the .zip file in the WordPress plugin page of your website, For help setting up and configuring WP Mobile Menu check our documentation. I made a page with these codes: And I want to force desktop version even on mobile, like even when I open that page with mobile, the same page must show up with no change in resolution and other stuff. But no need to worry - the same goes for the Windows and Linux versions. Fix! Here's how: Step 1: In the address bar of the Android browser, type, " about:debug ". Whats the Difference Between Domain Name and Web Hosting (Explained), vs Which is Better? * and, you can override certain Proof of concept new Elementor widget for the Let Menu button, New! Thank you Rohan for your guide. Option to change close submenu icon, New! You can add any unique value here. }); Add Text input after left menu and before the right menu, New! Left padding on container when content of the article goes past the fold, CSS Content Text disappeared but works on mobile, when I change the style of an element outside of @media, it also changes inside of @media query, The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Some solutions allow you to create an entire mobile website, while others adapt your site features, so they're easier for mobile users to see. Basically the viewport information, is the most important factor, which helps identify the device the site is being displayed on. Depending on what builder your using, you can do this in the elements settings by selecting and editing the element. However, clicking on the link does not change the content width in the viewport section. If you set an element to have a width of 800px but the screen is 324px wide, you will not fit that element on the screen. Hummingbird. jQuery(#viewDesktopLink).click(function(e) {. But simply having a responsive site may not go far enough. Get help with, the free blogging platform, and the apps. Auto close open sub menus when expandin a new sub menu, New! Are you wanting to preview the mobile version of your WordPress site on your desktop? Enable only in Mobile Devices Option, Fix! Try replacing viewDesktopLink with #viewDesktopLink. How and when are you performing the theme switching? Include plugin version in the bottom of the admin options, Fix! Wordpress site still shows in some mobile mode. Center a column using Twitter Bootstrap 3. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? Should solve your issue. Add specific body classes with jQuery when the theme doesnt implement the body_class(), Fix! Centralize the animation timming, Fix! Am Definitely In Help Of It Want My Desktop View On Mobile Also My Blog Waiting For Reply!!!! What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? How do I align things in the following tabular environment? How to Learn WordPress for Free in a Week (or Less), How to Install WordPress Complete WordPress Installation Tutorial, show different campaigns to mobile users vs desktop users, best plugins to convert a WordPress site into a mobile app, 24 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Business Websites, 7 Best Email Marketing Services for Small Business, 5 Best Drag and Drop WordPress Page Builders Compared, 30 Proven Ways to Make Money Online Blogging with WordPress. Now, you dont want to buy a different domain for every website you want to be non-mobile. WP Mobile Menu has three premium versions with more menu options for your professional, business, and enterprise needs. I really do not know much about coding. Center images inside the menu panels, New! Decode the URL Hash so it can be handled by Javascript. You wont see these on your live site. Beginners Guide: What is a Domain Name and How Do Domains Work? Icon Font Performance enhancement, Improved! Fix Bug in Padding top of the Body, Fix! // prevent default link action Thnaks a lot for your support and the whole code. Now, you don't want to buy a different domain for every website you want to be "non-mobile". jQuery(#viewDesktopLink, #viewDesktopLink1).live(click, function(e) {, // set viewport content width On the left-hand admin panel, click on Appearance and select the Customize option. How can i force it to either desktop or mobile. IOS issue when clicking outside the menu papel to close the panel, Fix! Thanks. Yes, it can be a lot of work, but you'll develop habits as you go. Users on mobile devices are often looking for different things than desktop users. Sorted css conflict with fixed elements with the mob menu, New! With that disabled, your visitors on tablets and phones will see a very similar view to what someone on a desktop/laptop computer would see. OptinMonster has specific device-targeting display rules that let you show different campaigns to mobile users vs desktop users. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese, Surly Straggler vs. other types of steel frames. 1 month (approx.) To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How do you view the mobile version of a WordPress site from desktop? jQuery(viewDesktopLink).text(); I needed to replace the live(click query with an on(click, then it also works for Android. Forcing desktop version on mobile devices with Truly MinimalTheme, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Premium versions have some more advanced features in general and for Ecommerce websites that are not available in the free version. Fix the header font CSS typo, New! Note: some of the features are Premium. You would want to check your site to see if you have a plugin that would be enabling that mobile view as that should not be default WordPress behavior. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This is a popular and free WordPress mobile menu plugin. Fixed bug in the admin menu options when using translations, Fix! It displays as Mobile Site view, classic version without theme. 2. Fix submenus JS issue Replace jQuery by $, Fix! Im guessing when you switch to a different page, the viewport information might be getting overridden, and the mobile view is displayed. New field in Header options to provide and alternative URL for the logo link(by default it links to the website), Fixed! When we set initial-scale to 1 and width to device-width, the elements are displayed as per the display device or resolution. You can get WP Mobile Menu Premium here! Is there a solution to add special characters from software and how to do it. All of this work is ongoing, here is the start of the Safari work, for instance: #5798 (this might be a small PR, but more is coming). Buy WPtouch for $79-$360/yr* 2. If you are using, you can craft a URL like so: This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by. The viewport information and the media queries work together to display the content. New default Icon Fonts for the menu icon and close icon. im trying to follow your code but its not working on my side. I am stuck at the last part. You may also want to take a look at our article on the best plugins to convert a WordPress site into a mobile app. If so, what do I fill in for the $handle, $src, etc values? Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? Overlay Mask when the menu is opened, New! Method #1: Add a WordPress Mobile Menu Using Plugins This method is more effortless and recommended for beginners as it does not require coding knowledge. what if i want make mobilw view permanent on desktop view? Superfly. } Enable Cache ON This is the final step required for enabling the caching functionality of the plugin. Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines, Using indicator constraint with two variables. Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? This means that having a site that looks great on mobile is essential. By continuing to use our website and/or clicking OK, you're agreeing to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookies policy. Fix fonts issues that werent being applied, Fix! Let's discuss theme first, if its responsive theme, then it surely will change the layout of site and even might miss some div blocks. How to force desktop mode in Wordpress when viewing in mobile phone? It is just not working on any other mobile device (Android, Windows etc.). now it is working. 12+ Things You MUST DO Before Changing WordPress Themes, How to Start a Podcast (and Make it Successful) in 2023, How to Properly Move Your Blog from to, How to Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress. Update stable tab and tested up version, Fix! Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. So my answer is that you're looking for a way to get out of designing for responsiveness, and you can't. Yes, it can be a lot of work, but you'll develop habits as you go. The topic Forcing desktop version on mobile devices with Truly MinimalTheme is closed to new replies. Avoid undefined index when acessing to an array position, Fix! Apart from the stated objectives, the understood requirements are building an SEO friendly, speedy, and responsive site. With WordPress for iOS, you have the power to publish in the palm of your hand. Get help with, the free blogging platform, and the apps. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). }, I already removed them. theres a much easier way to do this just by clicking the inspect tool and enable mobile mode ( button on the yop left with a phone icon ). $version = $theme->get( Version ); How to Force Mobile Mode View on Wordpress for Mobile Without Installing Plugin#Wordpress #WordpressMobileMode #WordpressPluginMusic: Youtube Audio Library: . While you can certainly take a look at your live site on your phone, this doesnt help during the development stage. Try to use maybe Sublime, VS Code, or Atom as they have "problem" notifiers that may help you catch these mistakes when learning. After you click on the WordPress Theme Customizer and open it, you will see all the options in the left-hand menu. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. See below what I have on my Editor for OceanWP child theme. } The child themes functions.php Parent Link open submenu(2nd Level), New! With this method, you can create a slider hamburger menu on mobiles. Also note I'm on mobile. After the final editing and plugin settings for the website, I would like to know if there is a way to force desktop view on mobile. I purchased the customizable upgrade, but I know almost nothing about CSS. You can send us an email using the contact form available on the following link. You can grab a copy of the WordPress desktop app here. Above the mobile view of your site, youll see some additional options. Force Desktop View with WordPress Website on Mobile Devices ccastilla37 (@ccastilla37) 4 years, 4 months ago Hello all, I am totally new with WordPress and not knowledgeable with CSS or editing a theme on Editor. You can use it to create galleries that look fantastic on mobile devices, and that don't force visitors to zoom out in order to navigate between images. NoPls Specify The Code And Were To implement it to Avoid My Blog Been Offline, Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 32 total), Force Desktop View with WordPress Website on Mobile Devices,, Might it be possible to add the new functionality from Jitsi Meet to make a setting as jonharari suggested, please? } Install and Activate SeedProd First, click the button below to get your copy of SeedProd. I looked at all the other similar questions and couldn't find an answer. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a7bebcd700a020888a339066766c61ca" );document.getElementById("i0e9384a54").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Don't subscribe This page isnt working, is currently unable to handle this request. Media Queries: How to target desktop, tablet, and mobile? Fix! Hello, I have a problem with loading my site on mobile. Use the menus icons has buttons (option to choose open a menu or a link), New! And btw I have no idea what that front-end framework is, I'm just practicing with notepad++ and a browser. So I cleared the cache with W3 Total Cache and put the code in the OceanWP child theme and still do not work. The best thing about it is the support team, they were easy to reach and always responded promptly to my queries.
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