What helped unite the Islamic Empire as it spread under the Abbasid Dynasty? How do I change the custom icons on my iPhone? To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. The social content brewed by Umayyad policies opened the doors for political upheaval. Source: Wikimedia Commons. It was the only Muslim dynasty ever to control the whole of the Islamic-conquered world. Map of the Abbasid Caliphate in the 9th century. Extraordinary achievements were made in architecture and arts in general. Umayyad Muslims are referred to as Sunni Muslims while Abbasid Muslims are called the Shiites. Technological advances were made and many of these advances are used even in todays society. Outside Iraq, all the autonomous provinces slowly became states with hereditary rulers, armies, and revenues. The Abbasid Dynasty is an adaptive civilization due to their ability to research unique upgrades at the House of Wisdom. Ibn Al-Haytham, known in the West as Alhazen, contributed greatly to the field of optics. Many forms of art flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, including ceramics, metalwork, textiles, illuminated manuscripts, woodwork, and calligraphy. Establishment of Abbasid Caliphate. At its height, Baghdad counted more than 1.5 million inhabitants. Under the reign of leaders such as Al-Mamun and Harun al-Rashid, the Abbasid Caliphate bloomed to its full potential from 775 to 861. Source: Wikimedia Commons. People in Baghdad made and exported silk, glass, tiles, and paper. In the 13th century, the Mongols, under the leadership of Genghis Khan, invaded the Middle East and destroyed Baghdad. 751 CE: The Abbasid Caliphate emerged victorious in the Battle of Talas against the Chinese Tang Dynasty. They both visited and received Emperor Charlemagne in the early 9th century. During the time of the Abbasids, the caliph was usually the son (or other closest male . Extent of Abbasid dynasty is shown in red and covers most of the modern-day Middle East and North Africa. Direct link to ricardo kelly's post What made Baghdad such a , Posted 3 years ago. /Outlines 51 0 R He chose to build the city on the Tigris River in order for it to be on the crossroads of caravans going on the Silk Road, from North Africa and Europe towards China. Al Mansur established his capital at Baghdad, which he named the City of Peace. The Abbasid empire is the second empire of note in the spread and development of Islam. It became a center of learning and the hub of what is known as the Golden Age of Islam. The Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258 CE. The Islamic Empire was initially united under a sense of solidarity within the Abbasid Caliphate, especially when considering the fractured political and social atmosphere of the Umayyad Caliphate which preceded it. Instead of focusing, as the Umayyads had done, on the Weston North Africa, the Mediterranean, and southern Europethe caliphate now turned eastward. Muslim scholars further developed the Greek astrolabe and contributed greatly to modern navigation. A major difference between the two dynasties lies in their attitude towards Muslims and non Muslims. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/abu-jafar-al-mansur-1789197. Medicine occupied a prominent place in Islamic society. and more. Will you pass the quiz? 7th - 11th centuries CE: Arab-Byzantine Wars. Jews, Christians, and other practitioners of non-Islamic religions were not heavily subjugated or exiled, but they still paid exclusive taxes and did not possess the full rights of Islamic Arab men. Like most Iranians the Safavids (1501-1722) were Sunni, although like many outside Shiism they venerated Imam Ali (601-661), the first of the 12 Shia imams. Muslim conquests following Prophet Muhammads death led to the creation of the caliphates, occupying a vast geographical area; conversion to Islam was boosted by Arab Muslim forces conquering vast territories and built imperial structures over time. The Abbasid Caliphs were known for their architectural achievements. The decline of the Abbasid Caliphate began in the 10th century when the Buyid dynasty, a Shia Muslim Persian dynasty, gained power in Baghdad. The Abbasids descended from Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib, who the paternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Only five years after their victory, as-Saffah died, and al Mansur became caliph. Open revolt in 747, under the leadership of Ab Muslim, led to the defeat of Marwn II, the last Umayyad caliph, at the Battle of the Great Zab River (750) in Mesopotamia and to the proclamation of the first Abbasid caliph, Ab al-Abbs al-Saff. Direct link to Maddieha8's post How did the question of l, Posted 3 years ago. The first two centuries of the Abbasid Caliphate are regarded as the golden age of Islamic civilization. This was due to several factors, including corruption, excessive spending, and declining trade. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. . Besides creating an inclusive society, the Abbasid Dynasty supervised numerous impressive architectural projects. Wells of Power - Olaf Caroe 1951 Medieval England - Paul E. Szarmach 1998 He was called Tarjumanul Quran or the interpreter of Quran . Abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire of the caliphate. 775 CE: Beginning of the Abbasid Golden Age. The second largest city of the Byzantine Empire, Thessalonica, was later sacked with support by the Abbasid Dynasty under Caliph Al-Mamun. Mile by mile, the Abbasid Dynasty shrunk dramatically after the end of its Golden Age in 861. -Descendant of caliph Abu Bakr overthrew the last Umayyad ruler and started a new dynasty (Abu al-abbas) -Parts of the umayyad empire began to break away. How do I connect my AirPods to my laptop Windows? A map of the extent of the Abbasid Dynasty from 750 to 1258. 600 - 1450 Regional and interregional interactions, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621228/, After the death of Muhammad, Arab leaders were called, Caliphs built and established Baghdad as the hub of the. What Was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? This trend of impendent governors would continue, causing major problems for the caliphate. Despite that, the newly-established Abbasid Caliphate dominated most of the Muslim world. The Abbasid Dynasty made significant contributions to Islamic civilization and the world at large. News. By Ilyas BenabdeljalilMA Int'l Relations, BA Political ScienceIlyas holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in International Relations. These upgrades impact and alter core game elements and mechanics, providing a unique way to build your empire. Crime and Punishment in Industrial Britain, Advantages of North and South in Civil War, African Americans in the Revolutionary War, Civil War Military Strategies of North and South, Environmental Effects of The Columbian Exchange, Native Americans in the Revolutionary War. 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Despite this, the Abbasid Dynasty was tolerant of non-Muslim people, allowing them to travel, study, and live within their borders. Artwork of scholars at an Abbasid library. Although these troops were converted to Islam, the base of imperial unity through religion was gone, and some of the new army officers quickly learned to control the caliphate through assassination of any caliph who would not accede to their demands. The Abbasid Caliphate was a great patron of science. During this time, the caliphate witnessed several ups and downs, and it went through numerous changes. Al Mansur was firmly involved in the rebellion and played an important role in eliminating the remains of Umayyad resistance. In 750 AD, Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah, the leader of the Abbasid forces, defeated the Umayyads in the Battle of the Zab. Everything you need for your studies in one place. The Abbasid Empire was a time of finding ways to make the Islam society better. Despite this, the Abbasids hunted and killed them, desecrated the tombs of hated Umayyad rulers (notably sparing the tomb of the pious Umar II), and gained support for their movement. Non-Arab populations were among the main supporters of the Abbasid Dynasty. The Abbasid Caliphate was a major hub of trade and commerce. Why was the Abbasid Dynasty considered a golden age? It was the Seljuk Turks who would face the combined might of Christianity in the famous Crusades of the Middle Ages. Why did the Abbasid Caliphate began to lose power? What was the main problem faced by the Abbasid empire? ThoughtCo. The Abbasid Caliphs were great patrons of art and literature. Abu Muslim (d. 755 CE), the man responsible for establishing the Abbasid Dynasty, also became his target, owing to his increasing power; the mutilated body of his houses beneficiary was unceremoniously discarded in the Tigris River. It is worth 10 points and can be received for: Complete the Abbasid Dynasty Mastery. The capital of the Abbasid Caliphate was renowned for its prosperous paper industry and libraries. This is where we come to the Abbasids decline. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Isabella and Ferdinand in Granada, Fall of the Sassanid Empire: The Arab Conquest of Persia 633-654 CE. Does vinegar get rid of Japanese beetles? What are four achievements of the Abbasid empire? How do I find a distance as the crow flies? He declared himself the new caliph and established the Abbasid Caliphate in the newly built city of Baghdad. /Type /Catalog The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam. It overthrew the Umayyad caliphate in 750 ce and reigned as the Abbasid caliphate until it was destroyed by the Mongol invasion in 1258. The Abbasid rulers kept their attention on these scholarly pursuits, eager to integrate discoveries into military expeditions and shows of courtly power. During the Golden Age of Islam, Arab and Persian scholarsas well as scholars from other countrieswere able to build on the information they translated from the Greeks and others during the Abbasid Dynasty and forge new advances in their fields. Caliphs built and established Baghdad as the hub of the Abbasid Caliphate. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. endobj Economic decline: The Abbasid Caliphates economic power began to decline in the 10th century. Create and find flashcards in record time. She authored the forward for "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Crusades.". Abbasid Dynasty Birth of the USA American Constitution American Independence War Causes of the American Revolution Democratic Republican Party General Thomas Gage biography Intolerable Acts Loyalists Powers of the President Quebec Act Seven Years' War Stamp Act Tea Party Cold War Battle of Dien Bien Phu Brezhnev Doctrine Brezhnev Era As early as the era of the Rashidun Caliphate, this rich network had been in the hands of the Muslims. The invasion of the Mongols, who sack Baghdad. What was the main achievements of the Abbasid Caliphate? What was the Abbasid empire known for and where was its capital? After over one hundred years of rapid growth, the Islamic caliphates ruled by the Umayyad Dynasty (661-750) and the Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258) consolidated and maintained Muslim power by. It was not until the Umayyad Dynasty from 661 to 750that Islamic and Arabic culture began to truly spread. Under the Abbasids the caliphate entered a new phase. How did Abbasid Caliphate maintain power? In addition to this collection of stories, poetry was incredibly popular during the Abbasid Caliphate. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. One is the Umayyad dynasty, which ruled from 661 to 750 and whose monuments are datable from 680 to 745. This metaphor of cultural destruction portrays how the population felt the devastation of their collective knowledge. 10 Most Indispensable Books on the Middle East, Biography of Mahmud of Ghazni, First Sultan in History, The Spread of Islam in Asia From 632 to Present, Al-Khwarizmi Was a Pioneer in Algebra, Astronomy, and Math, Ancient Islamic Cities: Villages, Towns, and Capitals of Islam, B.A., History, University of Texas at Austin. ESTRj!K@d%1kkkG)`0{@oayFm2%u8Vr Q$!roNWs WM0+gb m^HJu/|3%"'*ueXu3$pTK-9QW$5Mud3rc3sqAZc/d?"]$#4@lvl7kS?jIA\ZkA`.AQZ.n9xHuNd = 7{hHoW8BAS"7 WA How did the Abbasid Dynasty start? The Abbasid Caliphs were patrons of several scientists that contributed greatly to technology, mathematics, chemistry, and physics. The use of paper spread from China into the caliphate in the 8th century CE, arriving in al-Andalus (Islamic Spain) and then the rest of Europe in the 10th century. History for Kids >> Early Islamic World. We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Why was Baghdad important to the Abbasid Empire? This library, known as the Baghdad House of Wisdom, continued to be developed and enriched with books and scholarly works until the late 9th century. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Arab ships were considered the top of navigation technology. The Abbasid Caliphs were known for their religious tolerance. (2020, August 26). He burned its colleges and libraries, including the Grand Library of Baghdad. After destroying the collection of the Library of Baghdad by tossing thousands of books into the nearby Tigris River, people reportedly saw the river turn black with ink. The greatest of the sins described as al-Kabair is the association of others with Allah or Shirk.Some of the major or al-Kabair sins in Islam are as follows: The Abbasid Caliphate was in power during Islams golden age. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved They contributed significantly to the development of later schools of thought, such as existentialism, while basing themselves on a very progressive and daring reading of the Quran and religious texts. Islams achievements during its nearly five-centuries- long Golden Age (c. 786 CE1258 CE) have been a source of considerable pride among Muslims worldwide. The Abbasid capital of Baghdad was a global center of learning. 6 0 obj , or is essentially during the Abbasid dynasty and it ends with the Mongol invasion . This era produced greater advancements in arts, science, and architecture. In technology, the Abbasids adopted papermaking from China. Saladin, the nominal vizier, had become the real master of Egypt, and the Fatimid caliphate, already dead as a religious and political force, was formally abolished. The Islamic mathematical principles are derived from pieces of other culture mathematics like Greek and Hindu math. The Abbasid Caliphate (7501258) is considered the Golden Age of Islam because it was a long period of stability in which centers of trade became wealthy centers of learning and innovation. This is what makes us an attractive partner for advertisers. In Baghdad, colleges and observatories arose within its walls. The Abbasid Dynasty was distinctly Islamic in its rule. With the move of the Abbasid's capital from Damascus to Baghdad, the Abbasid Caliphate centralized its role among its Arab and non-Arab citizens. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. The Buyids, Seljuks, and other dynasties gained power in Baghdad and used the caliphs for legitimacy, but they ruled the empire themselves. The Silk Road was the network of trade routes that linked China to Europe. But despite the Caliphs slowly turning away from knowledge, the Baghdad House of Wisdom remained a major destination for scholars all over the known world until its destruction. The second dynasty is the Abbasid dynasty; technically its rule extended as late as 1258, but in reality its princes ceased to be a significant cultural . Snell, Melissa. It is important to note that the Abbasid Caliphate's territories shrunk considerably during its existence; by the beginning of the 13th century, the Abbasid state was about the size of Iraq on the map below. 2 0 obj Abbasid rule also saw the emergence of great intellectuals such as Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina, better known as Avicenna in the West. The capital was moved to the new city of Baghdad, and events in Persia and Transoxania were closely watched. Victorious, As-Saffah cemented the power of the Abbasid Dynasty and returned the spoils of war from his Chinese foe, including the methods and technologies of papermaking. Scientists advanced the fields of algebra, calculus, geometry, chemistry, biology, medicine, and astronomy. Some of the goods being traded through Baghdad were ivory, soap, honey, and diamonds. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Abbasid Dynasty: Architecture and Science Flourish The collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate ushered in the golden age of the Abbasid Dynasty. They established trade routes that connected the Middle East with Europe, Africa, and Asia. Advancements in glassmaking, textile production, and natural power through windmills serve as practical technological advancements within the Abbasid Caliphate. Abbasid Caliphate (7501258) Mamluk Sultanate (12611517). when. Who was the real founder of Abbasid dynasty? How do you use a fire extinguisher answer? However, the Umayyad Caliphate, which was based in Damascus, had sidelined the Abbasids and favored their own clan. Abstract. What Was the Silk Road & What Was Traded on It. Tayeb El-Hibri expertly narrates the political history and cultural . Under the patronage of caliphs and governors, numerous poets rose to prominence in the courts of Baghdad and the provincial capitals. 756 - 788 The threat of the Ghaznavid Empire and Seljuk Turks proved too much to bear. They built several iconic structures, including the Great Mosque of Samarra, the Alhambra palace in Spain, and the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? In the Translation Movement, scholars translated ancient Greek literature into modern Arabic, opening the medieval world to legends and ideas of the past. They controlled the caliphs, who became mere figureheads, while the Buyids ruled the empire. So to sum it up, the Abbasid Empire fell down due to these reasons: Power struggles, and an unorganized method for succession. But Islamic scholars did not limit themselves to the translation of foreign documents. Direct link to David Alexander's post Government, money and cul, Posted 2 years ago. Whether conquered by a rising state or becoming its caliphate, the territories of the Abbasid Caliphate broke from its decentralized rule. How were Abbasids different from umayyads? What does it mean to call someone a huckleberry? You c, Posted 3 years ago. The Mongols destroyed Baghdad in 1258, which marked the end of the Abbasid Caliphate. What were the 2 main problems why the Abbasid dynasty failed? Have all your study materials in one place. https://www.thoughtco.com/abu-jafar-al-mansur-1789197 (accessed March 4, 2023). 750 CE: The Umayyad Dynasty was defeated by the Abbasid Revolution, marking the beginning of the Abbasid Caliphate. Where is the mitochondria located and what is its function? For over 500 years, the Abbasid Dynasty ruled the world of Islam, bridging the gap between past and present and between east and west. Al-Khawarizmis work also contributed to popularizing the use of Arabic numerals worldwide. In the days of its prosperity the population of Baghdad and its suburbs amounted to over two [million]! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. 1 0 obj Power was concentrated there. The Abbasids conquered the Umayyad dynasty, which ruled the Islamic world from Damascus in Syria, and moved the center of Islamic power into Baghdad, built by the Abbasids as their capital. The Abbasid caliphs established the city of Baghdad in 762 CE. Tenth-century historian Yakut al-Hamawi, from, Abbasid Caliphs Harun al-Rashid and his son, al-Mamun, who followed him, established a. Abbasid had been content with inherited empire while Umayyads were aggressive and espoused expansion militarily. The Abbasid Dynasty existed between the years 750 and 1258 A.D., lasting for more than 500 years. Moreover, the Caliphs court was open to all the Muslim ethnicities that composed the empire. The invasion of the Mongols, who sack Baghdad. The Dome was built in 780, while the mosque was completed in 715. One such project was the construction of the new capital of the Caliphate: Baghdad. Soon after its completion, the new capital lived up to the ambitions of Al-Mansur and became a major center for trade, culture, and science. Abbasid caliphate in the fourth/tenth century suffered from a sharp economic decline. Why did he focus so much on algebra? 5 When did the Abbasid dynasty start and end? Gunpowder was also an element brought from China, and scholars from the Abbasid era managed to develop the first formulas for explosions. More precisely, the Abbasid ruling elite was Shia (or Shi'ite) Muslims, subscribing to the belief that the rulers of the Islamic faith should be descendants of the Prophet Muhammed himself. 3 0 obj Abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the Muslim empire of the caliphate. About us. What are 2 Major achievements of the Abbasid empire? The Abbasids built Baghdad from scratch while maintaining the network of roads and trade routes the Persians had established before the Umayyad Dynasty took over. In 750 AD, Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah, the leader of the Abbasid forces, defeated the Umayyads in the Battle of the Zab. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Chief Muslim leaders after Muhammads death were referred to as Caliphs.The era of the Abbasid Caliphs construction and rule of Baghdad is known as the, After the death of Muhammad and a relatively brief period of rule by the Rashidun Caliphs, the. 3 What were the technological advancements of the Song Dynasty? Direct link to aubrey rogers's post How did the Islamic Golde, Posted 2 years ago. Power, more than money, tends to help concentrate intellectual activity in a location. Abbasid developments in astronomy, math, science, and more permeated throughout the world. They had initially resisted Islam . The period of the Abbasid dynasty was one of expansion and colonization. He declared himself the new caliph and established the Abbasid Caliphate in the newly built city of Baghdad. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. The Seljuks controlled the caliphs and used them for legitimacy, but they ruled the empire themselves. It became a center of learning and the hub of what is known as the Golden Age of Islam. Baghdad was centrally located between Europe and Asia and was an important area for trade and exchanges of ideas. Immense streets, none less than forty cubits wide, traversed the city from one end to the other, dividing it into blocks or quarters, each under the control of an overseer or supervisor, who looked after the cleanliness, sanitation and the comfort of the inhabitants. Art depicting Caliph Harun Al-Rashid receiving famous Carolingian ruler Charlemagne in Baghdad. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? Required fields are marked *. However, the lack of stability at the time of the Umayyad Caliphate did not allow for the development of important trade centers in the Islamic Empire. In the year 750, the Abbasid Clan, led by Abu-Al-Abbass A-Saffah, aided by the Hashimiyya Movement and Shia Muslims, brutally overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate. Moreover, this library covered fields such as philosophy, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and so on. How did the question of leadership influence the development of Islam and the Muslim world? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Al Mansur's father Muhammad was a prominent member of the Abbasid family and the great-grandson of the revered Abbas; his mother was an enslaved Berber. When did the Abbasid dynasty start and end? How are you supposed to wear a travel pillow? Between 750 and 833 the Abbasids raised the prestige and power of the empire, promoting commerce, industry, arts, and science, particularly during the reigns of al-Manr, Hrn al-Rashd, and al-Mamn. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. In addition to preserving information, these scholars contributed new insights in their fields and ultimately passed their discoveries along to Europe. What did the Abbasid Empire create? What were the characteristics of the Abbasid golden age? The Abbasid Caliphate becomes a center of learning from the 9th to the 13th centuries, collecting the knowledge of India, China and ancient Greece while also making significant new contributions to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, medicine and geography. Why did the Abbasid Dynasty encourage, but not force, non-Muslims to convert to Islam? 755 Death of Abu Muslim, the mastermind of the Abbasid revolution. As-Saffah focused on putting down numerous rebellions in Syria and Mesopotamia. The Abbasid Dynasty is the ruling bloodline of the Abbasid Caliphate, a Medieval Islamic state that ruled North Africa and the Middle East from 750 CE to 1258 CE. He returned to the Hijaz and died at Taif in 687 AD. In the 12th century, the Crusaders invaded the Middle East and took control of Jerusalem. The last four caliphs were no more than a local Egyptian dynasty, without power, influence, or hope. But for almost two thousand years, because of gaps in the available records, this essential chapter in the history was missing. The Chinese had guarded paper making as a secret, but when the Tang lost the battle, the Abbasids captured knowledgeable paper makers as prisoners of war, forcing them to reproduce their craft. Importantly, non-Arab Muslims were fully welcomed into the Abbasid. He is also known for his approach to experimentation. This move aimed to keep the Abbasids close to their Persian support base. This is when the Abbasid caliphate began. The rapprochement of ancient philosophy with Islamic religious teaching was one of the key challenges for Muslim philosophers. During the reign of Caliph Al-Mansur in the 8th century, a great library was constructed in the middle of Baghdad. When Did The Reconquista End? He died in 653 AD. This central position allowed the new caliphate to attract merchants from China, the Frankish Lands, the Byzantine Empire, India, and Ethiopia. The Abbasid Caliphate's early territorial holdings largely represent the extent of the Umayyad Caliphate that came before it, except for the Umayyad's former control of the Iberian Peninsula in the west. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. <> It is his strong passion for political and military history that brought him to TheCollector. Is there any islamic scholar live during this islamic golden era? The Abbasid Caliphate had a long and eventful history that spanned over five centuries. The seminal work on Algebra comes from Al-Khwarizm the pioneer of Algebra, wrote that given an equation, collecting the unknowns on one side of the equation is called 'al-Jabr.' The second and first centuries B.C. They created a great and brilliant civilization. Yet few had the power to make a real go at ruling. Like the Umayyad Caliphate before it, the leader of the Abbasids was called the caliph. The city center is round with the river Tigris running through the outskirts on the eastern side of the city. The Abbasid caliphs established the city of Baghdad in 762 CE. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The authority of the Abbasid caliphs began to fade, and the people of the Islamic world lost trust in Abbasid leadership. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Baghdad was strategically located between Asia and Europe, which made it a prime spot on overland trade routes between the two continents. Great advances were made in many areas of science, mathematics, and medicine. 756 Abd al-Rahman I establishes the Emirate of Cordoba. In 1171 the last caliph died. This marked the beginning of the golden age of Islamic civilization. Direct link to David Alexander's post There were several. It was in this spirit that the capital was moved from Damascus in Syria to Baghdad in Iraq in 762. What famous European ruler visited Baghdad in the Abbasid Caliphate in the early 9th century? They ruled as caliphs for most of the caliphate from their capital in Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, after having overthrown the Umayyad Caliphate in the Abbasid Revolution of 750 CE (132 AH ). As its power grip began to fail and as its citizens began to see it weaken, many began to grumble against the dynastys rather secular ways. "Abu Ja'far al Mansur." How old is my Whirlpool appliance by serial number?
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