of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Only had about eight bowls so far but i'll buy more. Must try! Overwhelming Latakia and the master of this blend. I plan to keep several tins on hand. Though not similar in taste, its like nightcap, in the sense of a heavy desert like tobacco, or your last smoke of the day. Just sitting in my apartment in south holland, enjoying a big old bowl of pirate kake and a delicious raw winter carrot. The smell in your tin is strongly smoky, as you would expect. Nice taste of mesquite, oak, cedar and some pine with a nice bitter dark chocolate after taste that lingers on the palate. I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. But on the whole, about as delicate as a horse pistol in the ribs and a genteel invitation to walk the plank. En toda la fumada el protagonista indiscutible es la latakia. I suppose there are those who just can't get enough latakia who will like it, just as there are those who put an entire bottle of ketchup on their food. If you're noty crazy about Lat Boimbs run. Even so, I don't find the nicotine strength to be particularly remarkable. I have started using the cigar cutter method of preparation (As shown on the SPC blog) and find that it makes the smoke quite a bit smoother. It does have, as others have mentioned, quite a punch but is great for when I am in a contemplative mood. A pipe is to be savored. Leaves Penzance (also 5 stars) a mile behind. This has been the best latakia blend i've smoked so far. Pirate Kake is Latakia. I like this stuff, its pleasant. Opening the tin reveals a dark brown block that looks like a brownie. Not much sticks out: Creosote.. Gunpowder, leather, peat. The tobacco lights easily and stays lit well too. Not an all day smoke,. :) Strength is mild to medium because you cant take a lot of vitamin N from the latakia or the oriental, maybe from the burley but I dont think its a lot of burley in this. The smoke is heavy and rich and leaves wherever you are smelling like a campfire. I enjoy latakia immensely. This tobacco is one of my favourites. LATAKIA! Yep this and star of the east are extremely delicious tobaccos. IT STINKS. Burns even and smooth giving a flavorful and creamy smoke all the way through. Highly Recommended! I found this best in a small bowl as it can get kind of boring to my tastes in a large bowl. Neptune's trousers! We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. Update 01/19/06- One thing that wasn't put in my original review is that Pirate Kake is a wonderful DGT tobacco, in fact sometimes I think I prefer to smoke it after a few hours left in the pipe. Too much latakia and not enough flavor for my tastes. do so, it is very very good. As it says, Latakia predominates, but there are some sweet spicy notes making their presence known as well. Musky Latakia and Turkish with some burleyits good. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. 60 (PK)/40 (Savinilli English) makes a great all day smoke but PK can certainly stand alone. The dark and light leaf are easily distinguishable by sight. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. It is a little less dense than others I've had and also not at all wet, for me it is presented with perfect moisture content, but some may find it a touch dry. Rubs out well and makes a very smooth smoke. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. No issues tasting this bad boy! 2oz Tin. There's bounty to be had inside this little treasure chest! This is a Latakia bomb? Similar Blends: Mississippi River, Hearth & Home - Ambassador's Blend (Signature Series). There is a dash of cavendish in there but just to smooth it a little. For anybody who hasn't tried combining a strong Latakia blend with a nice raw carrot, I highly recommend. I found it an intriguing taste, but my wife would have kicked me off the state if she had had the opportunity. I just ordered more of this cake and can't wait to see what age does to its already perfect cake!!! Doesnt age well after being opened for long 2 weeks seems to be it and it starts losing its potency. I bought the English sampler of C&D, a came across this blend. for latakia lovers only and every one else too! When you light up some Pirate Kake, nobody is going to be happy except you. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. Although this tobacco has a very high Latakia content it is not overwhelming. If you want to try this stuff, you should probably put some away for a few years so you can compare the aged stuff to the fresh. At first i was intimadted. It lites well and stays lit right down to the end of the bowl. This is a top shelf blend worthy of a try by any latakia lover. Tobacco is soft and dry. Other than many expect, Latakia is a very low in nicotine and tongue friendly tobacco which is very strong in taste, though. I enjoyed it immensely and it really fed the itch for something different. I think it was a dollar an ounce if I can remember correctly and I even called on the phone and placed my order. I know I like it, but I am not sure if it will always be in my stock. Smoothness and richness of the smoke is here in good measure. Thought a pirate would enjoy a smoke with more kick. I love a good lat bomb every now and again, and this blend definitely scratches that itch. A Vitamin N bomb stronger than Nightcap. Islay malt scotch and rose water, as in a smokey, brine, iodine, perfume, incense sort of way. This is probablly one of the smoothest blends despite it's overall strength there is. And third it is a fun to work with kake/plug. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. Good smoke, I will keep it on hand as much as possible. This is a tobacco that requires you to take the time for it. This offers a nice contrast to the G.L. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. The Cavendish doesn't moderate this blend at all, and the Turkish is AWOL. The quality is there, no questions asked. The smoke is dense and is rich with the incense like flavor and aroma of latakia and orientals. Pirate kake is by far the smokiest, most contemplative Latakia blend out there - it tastes great and is perfect for sitting in the cool night air and taking time off from the world. As a person who likes just about all styles and blends, I purchased a 'brick' of this stuff simply to see what the extreme end of the Latakia spectrum was like. Have nice weekend ! Cornell & Diehl's Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. Very consistent smoke and taste throughout the smoke. On the other side of the coin; how can you suggest balance as a blender with a 70% +lat bomb? Burley provides body, added smoothness and aids in the creamy mouth-feel. A lot has already been said about it and everything that was said in favor of it is true. The cake rubs out easily and tastes great. I don't notice the Burley at a sip, which is fine, since I'm not a Burley fan. Still, it's a pretty impressive cake and it pairs best with a cup of two day old black coffee (which I'm also fond of), or a guinness. The cake / brownie is easily dismantled into crumbs that are easily loaded into the pipe. Also, this is a big pipe blend, we're talking Group 6 and beyond. Pirate Kake is good for what it is but the other tobaccos add nothing.Good blend but will not be buying any more its just a bit too far out there. Just yesterday I had some Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, and I immediately thought of those when I emblazoned a bowl of Pirate Kake for the first time (Buttery smooth caramels, drenched in Belgian dark chocolate, then sprinkled with crunchy rock salt from the Dead Sea). I like Latikia, but this may be just a bit over the top for me. Where's my jug o'grog? Very reasonably priced in bulk form; I'm slowly chipping away at a pound of it. All these come to mind when smoking the kake. Its a circus sideshow blend, taking its place on stage next to the Bearded Lady and Mr. Lifto (google him, kids.) I like to smoke upon occasion - not something I break out often but when I do I really enjoy it. The smoke ripples out of the bowl upon that first light, thick and velvety, so gray that it's almost blue, and the palate is hit with a blast of latakia that some may find overwhelming, but others such as myself simply surrender to. Since it is a lat bomb, obviously Latakia is the star player here and pretty much what you are going to get. Even stronger in Latakia than Captain Earle's 10 Russians (also a nice, heavy-Latakia blend.) This is a fantastic Latakia smoke! This is a very smokey and savory tobacco of high quality. And when that's depleted, I'm getting another one. Had a light vinegar note on top. It definitely smokes slow and cool- that half bowl i had lasted well over an hour. I tend to think either C&D is using some very old Latakia or that this blend is not 70% Latakia. Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. The aftertaste is yummy smokey incensy latakia. I had it in a plastic bag that was inside a bail jar. This is actually a very well rounded blend. I guess this, is in part, due to solid balance with the orientals and burley. Amazing blend. I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. I initially bought a tin, liked it, then eventually bought a pound brick which I placed into two of the large mason jars. However after I killed a 1/4 pound I realized that I was spot on. On reflection I doubt the Lat is Syrian either, I was probably confused by the other Orientals. If you dont find any pure Latakia in the market you can easily buy this one and make your own mixtures. Overall: This is for those who love Latakia, but want something that brings the best out of that fine leaf. Mind you, I don't regret trying itthe tobacco's were good quality, it's just that this blend is not for me. It was a bit boring as there was no distinct taste for my buds. Hats off to C&D. First of all, if you are even on the fence about liking Latakia, you need to hit the "back" button on your browser now and move along. I enjoyed the tobacco for what it's worth, but felt completely satiated for a while. Don't let this review throw you off of the stuff you may like it. If you love latakia this is for you. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. As a Latakia lover Id say this blend is heavenly. So I figured I'd go down to the liquor locker and pull out the Cruzan dark Rum. #1. If you have tried and liked 10 to Midnight, you will love Pirate Kake. It wasn't quite floral. PK: Highly recommended. The reason for this was a combination of my observations and the many warnings from fellow reviewers about its heavy-to-horrid Latakia content. This mixture is now on my favourites list. Similar Blends: Dan Tobacco - Holly's Discovery. It is a pretty cool baccy. JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk. Final thoughts: if you get bored with all the medium strength english blends, and want something a little stronger tasting then pick some of this up and throw it in your rotation for the nights when you feel you just need something extra. English lovers unite! I got a free sample of this with my last order and can't say enough good about it. tin. Needs some dryout time or you may get a toungue bite. My only disappointment with this was that I expected it to be a bit stronger and higher in Vit N than it was. ( And I think I got the better of the deal ) So if you are a lover of Latakia this should satisfy your cravings. After the bowl is finished youll know for many hours that youve smoked lots of Latakia by the shear amount of oils that coat your mouth. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. Irish Breakfast tea goes very well with this. I think you could improve any blend with the addition of PK, most aromatics excepted. As others have mentioned, Pirate Kake would probably blend very well with FVF, or other sweet, full bodied, predominately English or Virginia blends. 1. This is by far the most ham-handed blend I've ever tried. I wouldn't even argue with reviewer,"Ecdycis 07/29/2012" on his "Menthol sensation", I know, it doesn't sound good but it's different and wonderful. The nicotine's just above medium, not 'strong', but more of a strength for the mornings. I truly enjoy reminiscing on the flavor and the smokey smell in my moustache well after my bowl has been finished. I enjoy English blends in general but this is a bit over the top for me. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? I can't help but wonder if it was named as an ode to seafaring rapscallions, or as a metaphor to the fact that you will find yourself digging for flavor treasures while enjoying a bowlful. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. No I did not say it was identical or state that it was the equal. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! Heck, outside the pouch as well. It is easy to rub a little off and I didn't find the need for a knife as I have with other pressed blocks. I smoked some the next day and I noted that it smelled similar to being in smokehouse. This blend is the same thing as sticking a bottle of Ghost Pepper hot sauce on a table full of men who have something to prove to each other. It is pretty strong, both in nicotine and aroma. The present tin information report: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%) of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. No Flavoring detected. I want to give this 4 stars but I will hold off as everytime I try this, I detect something diffrent? However, when the mood strikes, Pirate Kake may just hit the spot. There are also people who like French fries with their ketchup and sushi with their wasabi. I even find myself occasionaly inhaling this, something I rarely ever do when smoking a pipe. I pick up a lot more sweetness, with a pungent sourness, like cherries that aren't quite ripe yet. No, no, no. Not an everyday smoke, but a great cold weather pleasure, to mix up the rotation. The turkish hides sheepishly in the shadows and the burley taste (if burley really has a taste) is MIA. While perhaps one dimensional I love this rich Lat bomb in one of my English billiards. The only downside I've found to this blend is the mouth-drying effect it has. d. there were twelve principle manifestations of Allah. There's enough sweetness and nuttiness to mellow out the high dose of Lady L. Pirate Kake offers leathery notes, smoky and woodsy tones and a grain of sea-salt, as well as some nuttiness and toasty, honey-ish sweetness. Try it, now. 3 Stars, at the least. The satisfaction this baccy gives me is immense. I dont know what else can be said about this blend. Delicious and not overbearing although it is heavier than most other blends, and it should be, because thats w hat it was blended to be. Perfect flavor & strength. Loud and exhilerating in small doses but difficult to live with on a sustained basis. This is definitely a blend that calls out for a small bowled pipe and gentle smoking. But not just any Latakia. And the latakia is strong, but it is not at all overpowering. If your looking for Latakia, then search no further, this has it. Needless to say this is something that I now smoke daily and I encourage you to as well. And I would have to agree. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." I find the first 1/3 of the bowl a bit harsh and smokey, but then it settles down into a rich creamy smoke that is on par with Penzance in my book. All in all what a great smoke Age When Smoked: Fresh to 6 months depending on updates considered. Now the pros: all of them. reproduced in any manner without the expressed written consent of STC Holdings LLC. After the initial char, it takes to a match easily and produces good volumes of velvety textured smoke. Yes, the Latakia is very present but the flavor is so much more: smoky, sweet, tangy and a light pungent flavor on the end. Also very mild nicotine, so you can smoke all day - and believe me, I wish I could smoke it all day. I love latakia but this is not a daily bowl for me. It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. In any event, its change, and change within change, moving from Burley to Latakia to Turkish the wisdom of the Orientals, coupled with the taste of the ages. This blend is a very heavy latakia blend and is a real treat for latakia lovers. Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. because it isn?t straight Latakia, but it?s pretty darned close. Pirate Cake has 22% THC. The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. Choose Options. Usually right after work. Since in bulk I broke it into three big pieces and put it in a mason jar. ?wait that is My Cousin Vinny not a review, my apologies. When I first got back into smoking pipes, a local cigar shop was getting rid of the pipe products he had - apparently not enough pipes smokers in the area. You'll need a knife to break this one up, its a pretty tight brick. Powerful, smooth and very rich. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. I love it! It's smoky but honestly not as strong as you would believe being 75% Latakia. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. A drawback for me is the frequent relights, even with a dried tobacco. Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. I had thought to contrast it with McClelland's Syrian Full Balkan (acknowledging differences between a ribbon vs. a pressed product). I have saved about a 4 oz chunk of this in a jar and smoked some this evening with some black tea. Im glad I gave in and ordered this blend. Is it a Lat-heavy blend that explodes your palate in such a way as to make any and all future Latakia blends unpalatable? The expression Lat-Bomb has always been tossed about in such a disparaging way, I always assumed the term to be a pejorative one. Pirate Cake is a hybrid weed strain. Nice and flavorful smoke! This is a very hard tobacco to review, so I'll just note my first impressions. Pirate kake rrrrr jim lad and dont ye smoke it all at once. Once lit, I find it stays that way with light attention to my sipping draw. My sample is from 1995 or 1996 and was stored until 2001 without adequate moisture control. I open the tin and bam you are smacked in the face with the leathery campfire smell of the Latakia. I get a creamy taste unlike any other tobacco I have yet tried. Its over 70% Latakia, so if youre not into Latakia, this probably isnt the blend for you. , , . Love it! Captain James Earle first took to sea . With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong though; this blend is more of a medium strength. Although the Burley adds body, it's the distinct flavor of Orientals in the mix which makes this blend enjoyable beyond just tasting like a smoky campfire. It smells amazing." Its a classic in my mind and Im not even the biggest Latakia fan. It was a little difficult to rub out and properly pack and a good light took some effort. Great blend. Well blended, the plug/kake smells delicious and rubs out well. I've been smoking english blends since the mid 90's. Description. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. A few bites in you decide that it's just ok.. then a few more bites.. nope, I've had enough. Perhaps in future I'll give a blend a bit more time for me to discover all it offers. To give it a fare test, I smoked Pirate Kake for almost a week. By mid bowl I thought I was smoking granulated road tar ? I first acquired pirate kake to better understand latakia and I did learn that, too me, there is such a thing as too much of it. yes, I am in lust at the moment, but love might follow. I will now compare this to Engine 99, Odyssey & Ten Russians blends for my Lat bomb fix. Enjoy! This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. I would not suggest it to an unexperienced mainly aromatics smoker butif you enjoy classic english mixtures or perhaps good dark flakes do not miss it. For latakia lovers this and "Heart of Darkness" are hard to beat! The burly and Orientals are there to round it out a bit but the star is the smoky lat. Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. Have had only two bowls of it so far but it is enough to know that this stuff grows on you if you give it a chance. I thought that such a high volume of Latakia would overpower the blend but not so. in my cellar and check on it every few month for the mellowing I enjoyed on my 2012 earlier order. Opening the packet, it smells like a BBQ smokehouse. Latakia value on the planet. This is a fantastic Latakia smoke! update July 2014** I decided to change the blend type of this tobacco to other primarily because I don't believe it is an English blend due to its high amount of Latakia. This has a very fresh tin aroma, almost perfume like. I cannot imagine a more mellow Latakia dominated blend. Both are pure Latakia heaven when you are positively craving it. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. It was good at first, then it started to wear on me. Yes, it is. In that sense, this blend would be all-day smoke for Lataki a followers. The crumble cake is easy to pack, the smell is strong smoky. Mid-Bowl: The other leaves add their support and give this blend nice body. Presentation is a firm cake, pitch black with a few brown flecks. It has been sitting in my closet for almost exactly 6 years. I have smoked through 6oz and have 4 left so we shal see how PK fairs in the next 6 months. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. And here I thought I was going to be an Aro guy! Un prodotto solo per fumatori esperti che non temono la forza della nicotina e i sapori decisi. Pipe Used: meer. Which is exactly the Latakia taste I look for. Great aroma. Tobacco. Two words describe this offering from C&D, Latakia Bomb! I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. Do the laws of physics cease to exist?? First thing this tobacco is a fantastic smoke Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! Surely only a real lover of Latakia! Oak Pirate Kake by Cornell & Diehl is sold in a 2-oz tin. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. Similar Blends: Mac Baren - HH Vintage Syrian, Solani - 763: White and Black. The "creaminess" can be a little heavey at times so I have found this to be a good tobacco to cut with a lighter english. It burns fine right off the kake but becomes a very tiny touch ammoniated by the end of the bowl owing to being over moist. A tongue numbing iodine note remains after smoking. Once the pipe is lit, the flavor is very rich and its sweetness catches my attention, since despite having a smaller amount of virginia, it is sweeter than other English of its kind and this is something that I like in virginia/ latakia. Got a little soapy in the middle then leveled back out to tasting more Latakia than smokiness and creaminess. Bought this and smoked it right away from the tin. Burns well, I like to dry it a bit but its okay not, just a little more moisture in the bowl than Id generally like. No less than 70% of the dark smokey leaf goes into this blend, an amazing amount. Truer words have never been written. Just a great meaty smoke. Pipe Used: Peterson 1910, Savinelli Autograph, Stanwell 30. But what does come as a surprise, even though this packs a heady punch of smokiness, there's still a small amount of room for the nutty Burley and woody Oriental's; the Burley more-so. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. Easy stuff and no problems getting it lit. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. . Similar Blends: Bengal Slices (sort of ). Buy the Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag from the most trusted cigar, pipe, and coffee online store for over 25 years, CupOJoes.com. Flavoring? A Four Star blend, IMHO. If you dig latakia alot try it . The block has been sitting for awhile again, as the plastic appears to have yellowed. Not my all day smoke after work I have me a I bought this because I found a 6 year old tin at a local B&M.
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