You can fill 60+ Nexomon in a couple hours very easily this way. Is there by any chance some in-game reward or achievement? Legendaries though have quite a stat jump from the ultra rare and mega rare tier. There should be a painter to the right, and it is next to where you meet the shopkeeper for the first time. Return to the Outlands: South location and then head into the cave there. Enter the Cave entrance in the Northwest corner of Northeast of Immortal Citadel. Inside, check all the rooms thoroughly for the following Nexomon: Return to East of Immortal Citadel and then leave via the south exit into another area with a few grassy patches. One of the key differences between Nexomon: Extinction and games like Pokemon is the fact that the former doesn't feature a series of gyms to challenge. Head deeper into the woods via the west exit. Metro Exodus - All Green Lasers. From there, leave Cadium via the east exit to enter a corridor where enemies can spawn.#NexomonRarityDetail049OdiborgAnywhere053GhouzeAnywhere054MazecterAnywhere118MinetAnywhere119OrologikusAnywhere207SkunquteAnywhere208SkunqueaAnywhere251GrebalAnywhere252GrebenAnywhere331NokiAnywhere333HainokAnywhere, Continue even further east 2 more screens from Cadium into another series of underwater corridors.#NexomonRarityDetail049OdiborgAnywhere053GhouzeAnywhere054MazecterAnywhere117SectocAnywhere118MinetAnywhere119OrologikusAnywhere161ChirrentAnywhere162OstroltAnywhere251GrebalAnywhere252GrebenAnywhere332VainokAnywhere, Continue via the north exit from East Cadium: East and youll find one of the generators, near which the following Nexomon can be found:#NexomonRarityDetail053GhouzeAnywhere054MazecterAnywhere089BulbritAnywhere090CromeonAnywhere161ChirrentAnywhere207SkunquteAnywhere208SkunqeauAnywhere250CoralAnywhere331NokiAnywhere, Return south to East Cadium: East, then leave via the east exit and youll find another one of the generators, near which the following Nexomon can be found:#NexomonRarityDetail053GhouzeAnywhere054MazecterAnywhere089BulbritAnywhere090CromeonAnywhere172StreamoleAnywhere173StreamogAnywhere174StreamoadAnywhere207SkunquteAnywhere208SkunqeauAnywhere, Return west to East Cadium: East, then leave via the south exit to another underwater chamber.#NexomonRarityDetail069BulbritAnywhere070CromeonAnywhere118MinetAnywhere128JelifloAnywhere129JelifluxAnywhere172StreamoleAnywhere173StreamogAnywhere174StreamoadAnywhere199WoozyAnywhere331NokiAnywhere, Continue even further south via the west-most of the two southern exits.#NexomonRarityDetail048XotorAnywhere049OdiborgAnywhere127JeloonAnywhere128JelifloAnywhere129JelifluxAnywhere161ChirrentAnywhere222TeslingAnywhere332VainokAnywhere333HainokAnywhere, Continue even further south once again via the exit at the center-south into another area with a Generator.#NexomonRarityDetail047ChibbitAnywhere048XotorAnywhere053GhouzeAnywhere054MazecterAnywhere117SectocAnywhere118MinetAnywhere173StreamogAnywhere222TeslingAnywhere223TesladAnywhere224VolprofessorAnywhere333HainokAnywhere, Return to East Cadium: South-Southeast and then leave via the east exit. Be sure to check each room of the cave thoroughly for the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail13PebglemAnywhere78DeebuzAnywhere101CandlyAnywhere149GlonternAnywhere166MalevodoAnywhere257MoonetteAnywhere273TantruntAnywhere, Return south to Underground Entrance: West and then head further south to reach an area which connects to Ignitia via its south exit.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass032StingerIn Grass033MoonstingIn Grass156RustIn Grass193SandillowIn Grass241DuhIn Grass346MasquitiIn Grass. Cross it all the way to the west side and enter an area with lots more orange grass!#NexomonRarityDetail133DurtaclesIn Grass157RustuIn Grass171TikiIn Grass170LumbiIn Grass232PongoIn Grass233ImbuziIn Grass265YummoIn Grass328LumeIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Continue on via the west exit to reach a new area with a magma pool at the center.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass114EqoIn Grass121MalitressIn Grass133DurtaclesIn Grass156RustIn Grass157RustuIn Grass171TikiIn Grass170LumbiIn Grass184RibomboIn Grass265YummoIn Grass328LumeIn Grass, Return east to West of Ignitia and then leave via the northwest exit to reach a new area with more orange grass.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass114EqoIn Grass133DurtaclesIn Grass156RustIn Grass157RustuIn Grass184RibomboIn Grass185BombargrofIn Grass328LumeIn Grass, Continue on via the north exit to an area with metal bridges.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass121MalitressIn Grass133DurtaclesIn Grass156RustIn Grass157RustuIn Grass217WorbIn Grass265YummoIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Once again, leave via the north exit to reach an area with a frozen pond at the center.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass058KerombIn Grass114EqoIn Grass120FolicurseIn Grass121MalitressIn Grass217WorbIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Return to the settlement of Ignitia and then head out via the south stairway to find an area with a large statue above the entrance to Fenrirs Tomb.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass058KerombIn Grass120FolicurseIn Grass133DurtaclesIn Grass156RustIn Grass157RustuIn Grass171TikiIn Grass170LumbiIn Grass223TesladIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Continue past Fenrirs Tomb and out via another southern exit to this area filled with orange grass, minecarts, and lava.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass114EqoIn Grass120FolicurseIn Grass121MalitressIn Grass218ParchidnaIn Grass222TeslingIn Grass328LumeIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Cross to the west side and continue on via the west exit to enter this area with a house.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass006MoltanoIn Grass058KerombIn Grass156RustIn Grass157RustuIn Grass158RustungIn Grass194GravelloIn Grass223TesladIn Grass337TreblyIn Grass. Nexomon: Extinction is a turn-based RPG that is a monster catching game that is similar to Pokemon. Return to the Outlands: South area and then leave via the southeast exit. The mega rare and ultra rare have a few stat points above the others, but they are not very noticeable from each other. There, the land will transition from forest to cave. This is definitely only a 99% guide. 1.0.6). Head East. Brauncher is a third-stage Nexomon, with its previous evolutions being Puggard and Poyal. If you are looking for help with the Original Nexomon game, check out our Nexomon Location Guide. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Continue east into another part of The Outlands. Go to Cadium. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This is a list of all the Nexomon that appear in both Nexomon and Nexomon: Extinction. Favorite foods: Watermelon, chocolate cake, donut. #325 - Dinja (Ultra Rare) (1/3) x1; READ: Nexomon: Extinction All Tyrant Locations. Anywhere in the Frozen Tundra, including indoor areas with Monster Spawns. Tame him. The vaults also hold the items you need to tame the legendary drakes, so they're worth seeking out. Continue south from the crater to a small outpost.#NexomonRarityDetail031FlizardIn Grass032StingerIn Grass033MoonstingIn Grass034SunknightIn Grass138ScooptorIn Grass140MinetorIn Grass142TundroxIn Grass274GrathIn Grass329LumefurIn Grass, Return to the Lateria Fast Travel crystal and then leave via the south exit. Parum is the first major location you'll find in Nexomon: Extinction and once you've made it there, you can walk through to the northwest part of town. Reach and enter this hole to find yourself in a new cave. Jhep2x. Head inside the Orphanage and rescue three hostages. Continue North via the exit at the northwest side and then leave the city via the west gate. Once there you will find a research center that will have a black-haired scientist on the right side of the help desk. South of the Hidden Village Cave to Khan Woods, Marvels Midnight Suns: The Good, The Bad, and the Undead DLC Trophy Guide. Follow us on Twitter @GetPlat or Instagram @platget for updates on new reviews and guides, as well as small anecdotes about our platinum journeys. The rarity of each Nexomon is indicated using a symbol, the key for which is here: These rarity symbols will help you determine two things; How likely the Nexomon are to spawn and how easy they will be to catch. Go to the vault room. Resurrect him. Getting a Nexomon. All Quests start in Parum City - Tamer Guild (City North) - 3F after you finished #17. Lots of NPCs/Merchants (after finishing the Bunker Events), 1x Immunity Core (II) (after finishing the Bunker Events), #516 - Turning up the Heat (Bronze Badge required), #518 - Thieves of the Tundra (Bronze Badge required), #06 - The Frozen Bunker (after the Drake Isles Events), #517 - Evil Spirits (Bronze Badge required), 1x Protection Core (II) (Story, not missable), 1x Challenge Badge (Water Skill required), Trenches blocking the path to the east for now (Wind Skill required), Ice Block blocks North path (Fire Skill required), Bandit Girl (Thieve for #518) (east side of wall), 1x Shard Spot (Pickaxe required) (east side of wall), 1x Exp Booster (Wind Skill required) (come from South), 2x Shard Spot (Pickaxe required) (Wind Skill required), #293 - Blizstrong (Mega Rare) (Lure required) (1/1) x3, 4x Shard Spot (Pickaxe required) (Wind Skill required), #16 - Grandmaster Promotion (after #11-15), 1x Resurrection Blueprints (right crates), Merchant (after #08) (He has no Icon, he is east of the Healer), #08 - The Sinking City (after finding the Scientist in Cadium City - West), Blocked path to the West for now (after #03 you can pass), 2x Mind Shard (NPC, after saving Ignitia), Way East blocked for now (accessible during/after #09), 5x Shard Spots (Pickaxe required) (Wind Skill required), 4x Shard Spots (Pickaxe required) (2x Water Skill required), 5x Shard Spot (Pickaxe required) (3x Water Skill required), Several Merchants (Laterian Sigil required), #09 - Desert Tyrant (after learning at the Observatory), 2x Shard Spot (Pickaxe required) (other Riverside), 1x Discount Voucher (in the last two cells (Doors) close to the stairs), 1x Water Nexotrap (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 1x Wind Nexotrap (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 2x Ocean Shard (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 1x Vault Key (Interview NPC, after saving Ignitia), 1x Golden Nexotrap (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 2x Fire Nexotrap (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 1x Anti Freeze (NPC, after saving Ignitia), 1x Revive (just south of the entrance, the black stone, no item marker), #292 - Florozard (Mega Rare) (Lure required) (1/1) x5, 1x Item Spot (don't know how to reach it), Path North blocked (free after solving Khan Woods Mechanism Cave), Minet Companion (behind the big purple Mushroom), Added a Crating section to the Guide (Traps will follow, once I am able to do them), Added Crafting Recipes for Palmayas Trapmaker, Needed to split Palmaya, because there weren't more chars allowed to its section :x. From there, continue via the south exit into an area with a red-roofed hut.#NexomonRarityDetail084ShardrineIn Grass086SounseIn Grass087MoundIn Grass193SandilloIn Grass194GravelloIn Grass196CrooIn Grass212MallishIn Grass235HydripIn Grass331NokiIn Grass, Continue east from Southeast of Frozen Tundra and you will enter an area with many frozen houses and several grassy patches.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass017HelipaIn Grass018HeliventusIn Grass090MedlassIn Grass091MadamusaIn Grass093BrumenieIn Grass183MojompuIn Grass220FrogickIn Grass250CoralIn Grass258LunabelleIn Grass327NamansiIn Grass, Return to the Fast Travel point in the Frozen Tundra and then head north until youve crossed a large stone bridge. Go south from there to find a small area with some grass patches containing the following: In the South of Orphanage Camp area, theres a small hole in the ground which you can only reach by using the Air Elemental ability. #006 - Moltano - Final form. Continue out via the Southwest exit to find yourself on an eastern cliff at a Frozen Lake. Water. First West Village Side, then East. Press Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search for the Nexomon you need if you are here looking for a specific Nexomon. Total new Nexomon: 14. Go inside and explore every room to find various Nexomon amid the frosted grass within. Does not evolve further. It evolves from Aferaid at level 33. Cross it all the way to the other end, where youll find more grass patches. Nexomon may be a 2D game, but it ends up feeling remarkably expressive and full of life . Resurrect Bolzen. 4. Luhava. At the crossroads north of the Orphanage, go west into a small area with plenty of grass. Information about Nexomon have been narrowed down a lot, but as discovered by one of the commenters, Nexomon don't seem to be divided just by area. Every starter is defined as "Special" or "Ultra Rare", and are b. Nexomon: Extinction 5 - Tier 2 (Drake Isles) Nexomon: Extinction 6 - Tier 3 - (Orphanage - Desert Outpost) Nexomon: Extinction 7 - Tier 3 - (Frozen Tundra - Drake Isles Second Half) Nexomon: Extinction 8 - Tier 3 - (Ignitia - Khan Woods) + Vaults and Legendaries. The grass in this area contains the following:#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass017HelipaIn Grass127JeloonIn Grass135FanlingIn Grass136FandioseIn Grass310OrenIn Grass311OrgotIn Grass312OregoonIn Grass316VoltIn Grass317VolnamicIn Grass318VoltaicIn Grass338TreclayIn Grass. A list of items in Nexomon Extinction and where to find them. They are extremely hard to find and even more to catch. Embark on an epic journey and . Nexomon: extinction is a return to classic Monster catching games, complete with a brand-new story, eccentric characters and over 300 unique nexomon to trap and tame. Start from the Immortal Citadel Fast Travel location and then go east to a camp area filled with grass where monsters can spawn. Click on the type, and the Nexopedia will only display the monsters of that type. Each of these quests only becomes active in the post-game, and all you need to do is to go to each of the locations below, speak to the NPC there, and then catch the Nexomon.#NexomonDetail352WyverneFrom The Outlands: South 2, travel north via the northeast exit and you will find yourself in a ruined city. Speak to the NPC there.353DraconUnderground Entrance: West 2, Ignitia.354GlamondFrom North of Frozen Tundra (Base), go up one screen via the northwest exit.355BoscageSoutheast of the Hidden Village, Khan Woods.356GraloonNorthwest of Lateria.357TyrakeNorth Ruins, Drake Isles.358VoltaSouth Palmaya: South Isle.359MystogenFrom the Immortal Citadel Fast Travel Point, go West one screen to the graveyard and then North one screen.360KrainnulGo to Southeast of Immortal Citadel: East and then continue east by one extra screen. Face the other King. Here I will list the Crafting Recipes for Cores/Traps, so you don't need to run back to the specific place just to see you're missing one or two Shards. All maps from Map 1-1 to Map 2-4 permanently disappear much later on, during post game. Get ready to explore a world where you can catch, evolve and collect over 300 unique Nexomon! Explore each room to find the following Nexomon:#NexomonRarityDetail47ChibbitAnywhere55TaipluffAnywhere77DeemberAnywhere145CalfterAnywhere146CalplexAnywhere182HohopiAnywhere271PaupoAnywhere277AlgonAnywhere. The Nexomon Extinction Location Guide below is segmented based on location and I've provided screenshots to help you determine each location. Defeat Celine. It can be encountered at any point in the game, from the very beginning. Kings of the prairies, they have triple tails which serves as distraction and also to trap their opponents during battle. This will bring you into another section of the city. Go to Nexolord Tower. You can catch the Tyrants, after you've finished the Story. Filter and view the monsters according to their type. Ride it and then continue south into a new area with orange grass patches.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass102PorkletIn Grass103HogletIn Grass156RustIn Grass193SandillowIn Grass217WorbIn Grass346MasquitiIn Grass, Return to the base of the Elevator at the Underground Entrance and then this time head West to another underground area.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass032StingerIn Grass033MoonstingIn Grass102PorkletIn Grass103HogletIn Grass193SandillowIn Grass217WorbIn Grass346MasquitiIn Grass, Continue on via the west exit to reach an area with a large skeleton in a pool of lava.#NexomonRarityDetail004KolphurIn Grass005SulphloIn Grass006MoltanoIn Grass055TaipluffIn Grass056FistuffIn Grass057NinstuffIn Grass122PoyalIn Grass123PuggardIn Grass124BrauncerIn Grass193SandillowIn Grass194GravelloIn Grass201MagnipubIn Grass346MasquitiIn Grass, Return east to Underground Entrance: West and then head up via the north exit. Does not . Speak to the NPC inside to start the fight. Ultra rares I believe are just starter nexomon, there isn't a big stat difference between the two if not any at all . No. It is here that you can find a research center that will have a black-haired scientist to the right of the help desk (see image above for reference). You can find #371 Nara West of the Hidden Village. From there, go south into the first of many areas with pink grass on these Isles.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass310OrenIn Grass316VoltIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Continue on via the south exit to reach an old village that has been destroyed by dragons.#NexomonRarityDetail001CloddyIn Grass002CubdyIn Grass003LukumaIn Grass044LarkitoIn Grass045MoskaIn Grass046SakkaIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass068BlimpapaIn Grass304CryzzardIn Grass305BlizzarmIn Grass306BlizzaurIn Grass309ForeerIn Grass313FlotterIn Grass314DratterIn Grass315FurrygonIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Return north to South of Lydias Village and then head west via the west exit to another pink grass area with a small house at the top.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass301DrareIn Grass310OrenIn Grass316VoltIn Grass322DeyamIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Continue south from Southwest of Lydias Village into an area with a bridge that you need the Air ability to cross.#NexomonRarityDetail016HeliwurmIn Grass067BaloompaIn Grass153StalkeeIn Grass298BasilIn Grass307BriarIn Grass310OrenIn Grass322DeyamIn Grass326DichalaIn Grass, Head west to find yourself at a crossroads of bridges. They're located in: Cadium East - North of East Intersection, Cadium East - East 4 of City Center, Cadium East - East of Southeast Intersection, Cadium East - South Southwest of Southeast Intersection. Nexomon . 7) I highly suggest that people go visit the tropical island as soon as possible because you can find almost all of the ultra rare starters there plus a ton of rare and mega rare Nexomon. Pinewoods, Outlands, and Khan Woods areas. After wandering for 20+ minutes on the same patch of grass on the right side of Palmaya - East of Intersection, I was wondering why I didn't see half of the Nexomon (Like all of the 'mon of the Sae evolution). Items: 10x Nexotraps (Story, not missable) 1x 25 Coins; West Path. Please see the. If you still can't decide which to choose, most of the types are very . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. At the same location where you found your stuff after you got jailed in Lateria. Camp Cave). You can progress after #05, and the Shrine. At the crossroads north of the Orphanage, go east into a small area with plenty of grass. Revive Eurus. #001 - Cloddy - Evolves into Cubdy at level 13. Speak to the NPC near the huge skeleton.369FonaSouth of Ignitia, Ignitia Inside the shrine.370Arqua2 screens south from West Palmaya.371NaraWest of the Hidden Village, Khan Woods. Orphanage Parum City Outlands Immortal Citadel Desert Outpost Ignitia The Drake Isles Frozen Tundra Lateria Cadium Palmaya Hidden Village Precursor Mountain Continue on to Ignitia and then leave the city via its west exit into a bridge. An advanced spectral manifestation. Even though all of them are listed Ultra Rare on Nexopedia, you can already find Dinja, the normal type, and Gekoko, the electric type in the very first wild Nexomon area. Sep 5, 2020 @ 5:03am ULTRA RARE VS MEGA RARE . Resurrect Petram. Explore; News; Downloads; Sign-Up; Nexopedia; Nexopedia - All 427 Nexomon.
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