Rich will take the lead on the new design/layout group, responsible for the overall look of the main section of the paper including News and Sports. She has written over 50 books for readers of all ages, from women's interest titles in the areas of beauty, fitness and lifestyle to children's picture books. Debbie Henley, Debby Krenek and I are pleased to announce the following promotions and new assignments. Amanda Fiscina-Wells uses digital tools to amplify the boards message online and to connect with readers. Find editorial staff email addresses, social media pages and more. Rosemary McManus joins the desk as Sunday Editor, responsible for the Sunday and Monday story budget. Founded by Alicia Patterson and her husband, Harry Guggenheim, the publication was first produced on September 3, 1940 from Hempstead. Karen will take a lead in the rundowns and in working with the news editors and copydesk. Kim quietly has been one of the mainstays on the Long Island desk since joining editorial in 1995. [37] Through its first three months only 35 non-Optimum, non-Newsday subscribers signed up for the paid web site. Rapidly changing technology plays a part in this. The paper featured both advice columnists Ann Landers and Dear Abby for several years. Dan Janison has reported, edited, and written columns for Newsday since 1997, first from New York City and later from Long Island. . ", A Message From Newsday Employees to Tribune: "Stop the Cutbacks". By: David Winzelberg About Us | Randi F. Marshall started at Newsday just weeks after college graduation more than 20 years ago, putting off unemployment to become a summer intern on the newspapers business desk. Collin Nash Long Island Jim Smith Features Copydesk (And lately, she still is spending a lot of time covering the town.) Judy Bernstein Night Copydesk The editorial board often meets with community and interest groups that ask the board to support their causes. Laurie Muchnick Part 2 The team will include news editors, designers and photo editors who will work together to make the paper flow and the pages more organized and dramatic. She was a staff writer and editor for Physician's Weekly, Medical Tribune and Reuters Health, and has written on health and medicine for MSNBC, The Scientist, Prevention and other publications. He will handle desk scheduling, serve as lead news editor and supervise the other members of the sports copy desk. While employed at Reuters Health, she was introduced to the fast-paced world of Web-based news and has been working online ever since. [27][28] This causes Newsday to sometimes be referred to as "the respectable tabloid". John Keating has been promoted to Senior Photo Editor. Stacey Altherr Long Island Errol Cockfield Albany Jennifer Kelleher Long Island Noel Rubinton is joining the staff as Act Two Editor. "It's no way to build a newspaper - in the Internet era or any other.". Coralie was born and raised in Haiti and is passionate about changing the narrative around media representation of minority groups. Click here to meet the members of the editorial board. Originally from New York, she now lives in Massachusetts and happily works for HealthDay from her home in Quincy. revenue, Newsday Editor-in-Chief Tony Marro formed a task force to examine how to deal with the impending competition for ad dollars. Daily News Ltd has announced the appointment of Judy Raymond as its new Editor in Chief. Long Islands daily newspaper is offering buyouts to some of its employees in an effort to trim staff before its move to new offices. Katie Thomas Enterprise Her interests include running and reading on South Shore beaches and advocating for a healthy and smart future for the suburb that keeps pulling her back. Today, we still want to give our readers that great newspaper, if only we had the resources to do so. Rita F. Ciolli's career at Newsday spans five decades. Marci Kemen has been promoted to Health and Science Editor. The ruling has implications for other staff who were abruptly . Denise Bonilla Long Island She began her writing career with internships at the New York Times and the Sarasota Herald Tribune. [8][11][12] Guggenheim, who died a year later, disinherited Moyers from his will.[13]. They're loyal to Newsday, in spite of its recent troubles, and the paper is still the dominant voice on its home turf. Its a must-read for those who want exclusive insights into local, city and state politics as well as policy. I thank you again for your patience over the past few months as we have worked to reorganize the newsroom. Indeed, today marks a national Stand Up for Journalism day, commemorated around the country. Jonalyn Schuon Features Most papers have to deal with continued increasing costs for news print, delivery and distribution along with reduced advertising revenues and declining readership. Bernadette Murray Long Island In a letter to staff dated January 16, AMH's human resources executive Levy Tswatswa said: "We write to announce the resignation of Mr Wisdom Mdzungairi from the position of editor in chief . Lisa Doll-Bruno Business Copyright 2023 Newsday. Tom Incantalupo Business Letters to the Editor Compensate UTT staff also Newsday Thursday 2 February 2023 Justice Frank Seepersad . As we evolve, our staffing needs will continue to change, Como said in the statement. Jerry Zezima Part 2. But it is becoming more and more difficult to cover the region and the world under a corporate owner that looks to cut rather than build. John Habich Part 2 To the current and potential future owners of Newsday: In the newsrooms and bureaus of Newsday, we watch with growing dismay the Tribune Company's stewardship of our newspaper. Terms of service | Liisa May Part 2 She has also worked at Health and the Good Housekeeping Research Institute. While we love the idea of Tribune execs somehow pitching forward at their desks, smacking themselves on the head and shouting, "Good God, they're right! Thompson, a HealthDay senior staff reporter, has been a reporter for over 25 years, serving primarily at Gannett newspapers on both coasts of the United States. Jack Sirica Long Island Once logged in, click the icon showing your initials located at the top right. Mdzungairi, who doubled up as editor in chief of Alpha Media Holdings, quit on Monday, a day after President Emmerson Mnangagwa's spokesman claimed an unnamed NewsDay editor was on the government's payroll as a public relations officer at the local government ministry. We anticipate another note or two on reorganization in coming weeks, centered on new reporting assignments. You might be using private browsing or have notifications blocked. She has received multiple awards for her reporting and editorial writing. Expressway is a reader-written essay about life on Long Island. Two years later, during her senior year at Fordham University, she became a full-time reporter covering the Town of Hempstead. So we suggest another strategy: Invest in creative, original journalism that will serve our readers and advertisers and make our company thrive. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Warner Sabio News Copydesk Melville, NY, Join to apply for the Writer - Editorial role at Newsday Media Group. in English from New York University, where he worked as an administrator before becoming a journalist. Matt moved to a sand bar on Long Island with his wife and children in 2016, and still gets hopelessly lost driving to Newsdays offices. Michael has spent almost two decades in Sports as an award-winning reporter and most recently as enterprise editor. In his new role, Mark becomes chief of the copydesk. Please enable notifications or using normal browsing mode. Cookie Settings | We are committed to the creation and delivery of credible, relevant and timely health content, and are highly respected for our ability to do this. For her editorials about battered women in Kentucky, which focused statewide attention on the . Although local news always has been this paper's core, we deplore Tribune's idea that readers are interested only in what happens in their ZIP codes. John Jeansonne Sports Having worked in both the United Kingdom and the United States, she enjoys editing the latest medical research for Physicians Briefing from her home in St. Louis. Engaging with community groups, helping to bring context to regional datasets. (Letter attached) [5] As of June 2022, the paper had an average print circulation of 97,182.[6]. [32][33][34] Contact Newsday | February 28, 2023 at 2:17 pm. Desktop notifications are on | Turn off. The paper was one . On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Newsday, which had been headquartered at 235 Pinelawn Road in Melville since 1979, is relocating to about 130,000 square feet at 6-8 Corporate Center Drive next month. We strive to publish pieces that offer contrary or alternative views, written by authors with expertise on topics relevant to our readers. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. But after realizing the public sector wasnt for her, Randi returned to Newsday to cover the economy, biotechnology and a host of other business issues on Long Island and in New York City. The Newsday Editorial Board meets daily to discuss news events and ideas, and to reach a consensus position. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Newsday Media Group by 2x. News Sports Entertainment Business Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Reinberg is an award-winning medical journalist who has written for both consumer and professional audiences. Editor Don Hudson can be reached at Lifestyle, Restaurants and Entertainment departments Explore LI, call 631-843-2700 Local entertainment coverage, call 631-843-2700 Food. Newsday is transforming from a traditional newspaper into a leading-edge multimedia and multi-platform content generation machine, with expanded video, exciting live events and experiences for subscribers, Como said in the statement. Alpha Media. Marcin's data can either drive the story, or provide extra critical context to readers. The paper's roster of columnists and critics has included Cathy Young, Jimmy Breslin, Barbara Garson, Normand Poirier, Murray Kempton, Gail Collins, Pete Hamill, Sydney Schanberg, Robert Reno (died 2012), Jim Dwyer, sportswriter Mike Lupica, music critic Tim Page, and television critic Marvin Kitman. In the 1980s, a new design director, Robert Eisner, guided the transition into digital design and color printing. Brown is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Business The strike resulted in the closing or consolidation of several newspapers including the Journal American, World Telegram & Sun, Mirror and Herald Tribune. This puts even more pressure on the remaining reporters assigned to various departments. Click here to submit a letter. Dave will continue to edit daily graphics and assist with the daily budget. News beats have included the New York State Capitol and City Hall, and reporting on big events included the 9/11 attacks as well as campaigns for president, governor and mayor. Part 2 She will work with Enterprise Editor Steve Wick in directing projects and enterprise stories emanating from reporters on LI and in the city. He is the author of Marine Park, a collection of short stories that received an honorable mention for the PEN/Hemingway Award in 2015. In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone including Newsday and our own Long Island Business regardless of the price. Noel, who began his career at Newsday on the Long Island desk, worked in photo and as editor of the Sunday magazine before joining Viewpoints. Newsday has won 19 Pulitzer Prizes and has been a finalist for 20 more. Jeff Weinberg, as Deputy Sports Editor, will be the chief assigning editor at night. Marci demonstrates daily her keen sense for the stories that will connect with readers. On March 21, 2011, Newsday redesigned its front page, scrapping the nameplate and font used since the 1960s in favor of a sans-serif wordmark. He won the inaugural Herblock Prize a year after Herblocks death, received the RFK journalism prize, a National Headliner Award and a bunch of other equally unexpected shiny professional affirmations. Jayme Wolfson Part 2 After the side bar menu appears, click on manage my subscription. Wayne Kermode has been promoted to Assistant Sports News Editor, supervising the night desk operation. Marketing, Public Relations, and Writing/Editing, North West Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom, Senior Manager:in Automotive-IT & Cloud-Engineering Solutions, Senior Manager-Project Management- Life Insurance-3+ years, Software Contracts Compliance Analyst (100% Remote), Kolkata metropolitan area, West Bengal, India, Deputy Manager - Financial Planning and Analysis, See who Newsday Media Group has hired for this role, Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute. He will handle the daily budget, serve as a liaison between sports and the graphics and photo departments. After Patterson's death in 1963, Guggenheim became publisher and editor. [8][9] The two split over the 1968 presidential election, with Guggenheim signing an editorial supporting Richard Nixon, when Moyers supported Hubert Humphrey. DON'T MISS THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER 1 5 months for only $1 Save on Unlimited Digital Access Your ad choices | Reprints & permissions | [14], News Corporation, headed by CEO Rupert Murdoch, attempted to purchase Newsday for US$580 million in April 2008. In its six years of ownership, Tribune has damaged Newsday as an instrument of public information and accountability and, for that matter, as a business. She replaces Jones P Madeira, who assumes the position of Executive Editorial Consultant to the board of directors. Newsday spokesperson Kim Como acknowledged in an emailed statement that the company is currently offering a generous voluntary buyout opportunity in selected areas of its business. They may face competitors in the surrounding suburbs, along with national editions of USA Today, Wall Street Journal and NY Times. Under Tribune's six-year stewardship, Newsday's newsroom has been slashed by about a third, with cuts occurring in nearly every department, at nearly every level, from sports to business and from copy editors to listers. We know that this a tough time for newspapers. After Maxwell's death in 1992, his publishing empire collapsed and Mortimer Zuckerman purchased the Daily News.) Bozena Syska Art Carol Eisenberg Washington Doug Wolfson has been promoted to Executive News Editor. Wil Cruz Long Island Extensive knowledge of Long Island/New Yorks politics, economic development, cultural and social issues. Newsday, which had been headquartered at 235 Pinelawn Road in Melville since 1979, is relocating to about 130,000 square feet at 6-8 Corporate Center Drive next month. All rights reserved. Born in London in 1966, Davies emigrated to the United States with his mom, dad, sister and their dog in 1983, and has somehow not manage to completely shake his Brit accent. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The company has forced us to replace much of our unique journalism with wire stories that can be found on the Internet. Andrew Wong Graphics Giokas has a long and distinguished career in journalism, with over 30 years of experience in various capacities, notably as executive news editor of Newsday and as owner of StaffWriters Plus Inc., a company specializing in customized editorial assignments. "Tribune has been dismantling that capacity in the name of short-term profits," said Pakistan bureau chief James Rupert. The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an. Advertise with Newsday | Too often, when we hear of stories that are important to our readers, there is no space for them. Get our free LIBN e-alerts & breaking news notifications! Newsday Media Group Valerie Kellogg joins the staff to take on the newly created job of Shelter Editor, in charge of the Home and Real Estate sections. Dobie earned a B.A. Tue Feb 28 2023. Mundell's experience as a journalist began in the 1990s as a staff writer at Reuters Health, where he later became managing editor for the consumer health news division. He told the editors he was leaving and hasn't been heard from since. He has a strong passion for educational journalism and has covered events around New York City for multiple publications. However, while Newsday is offering buyouts, it also continues to hire new employees. Sitemap | Cookie Settings | Throughout her career, Bodansky has taken on the roles of manager, editor, writer, and social media manager for a 360-degree approach to digital media. Editorials are the consensus position of the Newsday Editorial Board. Today, residents can select from Newsday, the Times, Daily News, Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Staten Island Advance along with freebies such as AM New York and Metro New York. Also, JACOB GERSHMAN, former higher education/NYU-heavy reporter (many, many Sun interns were NYU kids, showing you where most of his story ideas came from), moved up to Albany. J. Jioni Palmer Washington Rick Brand Long Island Rich Loretoni becomes News Art Director. He is also an accomplished photographer, whose work has been featured in Vanity Fair, Architectural Digest, Canon Europe, and Business Insider. Keeler, Robert F. (1990). congratulated him, walked around the newsroom and said his goodbyes. We have many new initiatives we are looking at this year and Jack will take a hand at bringing them to fruition. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Bill Bleyer Long Island Doug will have day-to-day responsibility for the newsdesk/copydesk and working with the front page. Your ad choices | Its features section has included, among others, television reporters Verne Gay and Diane Werts, TV/film feature writer Frank Lovece, and film critic Rafer Guzman. His work has also appeared on MSNBC, in Gannett newspapers, The Scientist, and elsewhere. Newsdesk He will help oversee the new layout team and its integration into the nightly production process. Newsday had outsourced its printing and distribution operations to The New York Times plant in College Point last year as part of its downsizing. And it is extremely important to Long Islanders, who want to read about their towns, their state, their country and their world. These cookies do not store any personal information. Joseph Dionisio Part 2 Newsday is an "extremely lucrative enterprise" that could grow even further if new investments were made and some open staff positions were filled. Dave Whitehorn, as Deputy News Sports Editor, will continue to plan, produce and coordinate all major special sections, a role that garnered him a Publisher's Award last year. At HealthDay, she is a regular contributor to the Consumer News Feed, Physicians Briefing and also works on collaborative projects within HealthDays Custom Content division. New York Daily News 6 years 10 months Editor-in-Chief Sep 1997 - Apr 20002 years 8 months Greater New York City Area Managed a staff of 375 and annual newsroom budget of $45 million. . He's responsible for opinion content and leads the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom . Gustavo Pabon Art LYNBROOK, NY Jim Lynn, a Lynbrook resident and former editorial board writer for Newsday, died last week, the newspaper said. Hartz Mountain plans to redevelop the property into an industrial complex. The editorial board strives to be a reasoned and pragmatic advocate for Long Island and its values. She is Editor of the Editorial and Opinion pages for Newsday, and as a leader in the organization she serves on the Executive Committee of Newsday Media Group. He will plan and lead coverage of big events, including the Olympics. [21][22] However, Altice then sold a majority (75%) stake in Newsday back to Cablevision's former owner Charles Dolan and his son Patrick, making Patrick the CEO of Newsday. The Point is the editorial boards daily newsletter, which takes you behind closed doors into the New York political scene. George lends his editorial expertise in a consultancy role across several HealthDay departments, including the custom content division, and HealthDay TV. Finalists. Doug also will be responsible for working with assigning desks to produce visual news packages, the increased integration of the Web into the paper and will have oversight of all evening production activities. She has a particular affinity for writing about science and public health. There is intense competition between international, state, business, sports, entertainment and other sections of newspapers. Michael Rothfeld Long Island [35], In 2008, Newsday was ranked 10th in terms of newspaper circulation in the United States. Contribute to the Opinion Departments daily newsletter, The Point, which requires having sources in the political and governmental arenas. would open its front page, classified ads, movie listings, and school closings to all site visitors, but access beyond this content would require a weekly fee US$5 as of 2010. Before Newsday, Coralie spent 8 years covering Latin America and the West African region for the Voice of America and the U.S. Agency for Global Media. Help with website Information and registration : 1-877-545-4834 Our Circulation Department can be reached at, Long Island news coverage, call 631-843-2700 To submit a press release or a story idea, email or 631-843-2700 To send us a correction, email or 631-843-2700 Politics and government coverage, email Long Island Life, email or call 631-843-2700 Reunions, email All other events, email Long Island business coverage, call 631-843-2800 LI People on the Move, email Long Island business events, email Editor Don Hudson can be reached at, Explore LI, call 631-843-2700 Local entertainment coverage, call 631-843-2700 Food and restaurant coverage, email or call 631-843-3264 Travel stories, email or call 631-843-4823 Fashion, kids/family and lifestyle coverage, email or call 631-843-2597 Home and real estate coverage, email Book reviews, email or call 631-843-2746, Submit events listings to or online at, For sports coverage, email or call 631-843-2810 or fax 631-454-6892, Letters to the editor, email Op-ed submissions, email, To send us news tips, photos or videos online, go to To follow on Facebook, go to To follow on twitter, go to staff can be reached at If you need technical assistance, email or call 1-877-LI-LIVE-IT (1-877-545-4834). By Observer Staff 01/26/10 8:04pm. A news feed for Health Care Professionals (HCPs), reviewing latest medical research and approvals. The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an editorial. Newsday is an American daily newspaper that primarily serves Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island, although it is also sold throughout the New York metropolitan area. In late October, Newsday, the Long Island daily that the Dolans bought for $650 million, put its web site,, behind a pay wall. The team, made up of Newsday editorial and business staff, reported back in 1992 with a recommendation that the newspaper adopt electronic publishing. Her work with HealthDay includes the conceptualizing and scripting of a 1,000-video series on all aspects of wellness from personal fitness to parenting healthy children. [7] For many years until a major redesign in the 1970s, Newsday copied the Daily News format of short stories and numerous pictures. Gregg Sarra, who has special expertise in local sports, becomes Assistant Sports Editor, directing high school and college coverage for Long Island and Queens. He will continue to oversee the night design and copy desks, and will assist in helping to generate and edit enterprise. At Columbia, she honed her reporting and writing skills covering local issues in New York City. These financial challenges on maintaining the bottom line have also resulted in less resources being devoted to investigative reporting and a greater reliance on wire service stories. Mark is a recent graduate of Columbia University with experience in video editing, animation, web design and advertising. Editorial - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday Editorial 1 2 92 > Year of pain and grief Newsday Reporter The Dragon dance Newsday Woes for Caricom leaders Newsday Reporter The Ukraine test Newsday Reporter Grade C for Carnival Newsday Reporter First-time winners rule Newsday Reporter Back to bacchanal Newsday Reporter Beyond the crown Newsday This from a very reliable newsroom source: Excellent verbal and written communication skills required. 15h Our first take on @GovKathyHochul 's state of the state. Liane Guenther has been promoted to Senior News Editor/Features, with day-to-day responsibility for the features copydesk, which will report to her. These broadcasts would be primarily local news, sports and weather, seldom more than 30 minutes. [38], Newsday has won 19 Pulitzer Prizes and has been a finalist for 20 additional (if no individual is listed, award is for Newsday staff):[39], * From 1985 to 1990: Pulitzer Prize for General News Reporting; From 1991 to 1997: Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Reporting; From 1998 to present: Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting. He worked as interim real estate editor during the pandemic directing coverage during a crucial period for the Long Island real estate market. pp. But Guggenheim was disappointed by the liberal drift of the newspaper under Moyers, criticizing what he called the "left-wing" coverage of Vietnam War protests. Cartoonist Matt Davies draws an original cartoon six days a week. Joe Haberstroh, who has produced week after week of strong LI Life sections, takes on expanded duties as he continues to direct the education staff and adds oversight of other Long Island specialist reporters. Erica Marcus Part 2 Newsday has long been an extremely lucrative enterprise, with enviable profit margins north of 20 percent. Pat Burson Part 2 Judy Cartwright, who has been producing strong Sunday and Monday sections for the Business desk, formally joins the desk as Sunday Editor. He migrated as a midcareer journalist from India after his reporting on child labor, police atrocities and social and political ills in India won him a scholarship at the United Nations and then a Reuter/Knight Fellowship at Stanford. Michael has spent almost two decades in Sports as an award-winning reporter and most recently as enterprise editor. Richard Rosenberg Features "Inevitably, the readers will be the ones who suffer.". International Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM), orbiTouch HR (orbiTouch outsourcing pvt ltd). Being part of innovative approaches to reach new and underserved audiences. He has also been a reporter for New York Newsday, The Dallas Times Herald and The Kansas City Star. The letter from Newsday's staff comes as Tribune considers a possible sale of the company, and employees said they hope potential future owners will take note of the paper's immediate need for additional staff and resources. Rhoda Amon Long Island He appreciates the ironical point of view and has been known to indulge in it from time to time. He covers environmental issues, local government and local education, and a variety of national issues, writes about notable deaths ranging from John Glenn to Prince to Charles Manson, and produces occasional political-themed crossword puzzles for the boards newsletter, The Point. Noted writer and biographer Robert Caro was an investigative reporter. It has ordered our foreign bureaus to close and slashed our staffs covering Washington, D.C., New York City, business, and health and science. He also will continue to assign and direct our baseball coverage, an area he has helped make a real strength of the newspaper. Andy holds BA and Masters Degrees from Columbia University, and has an extensive international business acumen.
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