South central New Mexico is home to some of the states best elk hunting with units 34 & 36 leading the way. Hunters will . Elk License CostsBull Elk: Res $99, Non-Res $557(S), $782(Q)Cow Elk: Res $69, Non-Res $347. Hunters purchasing these vouchers are not authorized to hunt the Double H but you can hunt near by. New Mexico HUNTS . E-mail- stcoutfitting@ How much are landowner tags in New Mexico? The draw deadline for these tags is in March and costs between $555-$780 for a successful draw. Back in the day when you could pick up a permit for around $1,000, I was . You agree you accept our Terms & Conditions for posting this ad. The more hotly debated type of landowner vouchers are "unit-wide tags." A hunter who has purchased one of these tags can hunt not only on the landowner's property, but on all public lands within the unit where the property lies. Rio Rancho, New Mexico. 1/2 million acres of leased ranches. New Mexico gets some kind of precipitation, on average, 60 days per year. $$$$ call Landowner Tags for Sale Elk Deer Antelope Prices for landowner tags can vary greatly. Located in the top trophy elk-producing county (Catron) from 2000 to 2009, the areas within the Gila National Forest consistently produce the best bulls in New Mexico. Be sure you know what you are getting. 3 day rifle hunt fully . Season dates are per the New Mexico regulations booklet. * Unit 16C is mostly public land offers great access to the forest. Aug 1, 2019. The unit-wide landowner tags are far more valuable than a private land only tag. In the past I've purchased private land tags aswell as unit wide tags it's a great option if your like me and draw ever 7-10 years if you can afford them! Contact Dan for more information about guaranteed bull elk tags in New Mexico. If you are interested in hunting New Mexico in 2022 or beyond, wed recommend that you call or text us at 575-517-6083 to begin planning. We sell open unit-wide tags in New Mexico units 12, 15, 13, 23 . * The muzzleloader hunt runs in early October (10/4-10/8). 602-469-1646 |, 2023 Photos & Text Copyright - Ridgeline Outfitters No worries, Sierra Blanca Outfitters has guaranteed landowner tags for those who are unsuccessful in drawing a tag for public land. Limited tags are available in January. The EPLUS program was created in recognition of the important benefits that private lands make to the elk populations and hunting opportunities in New Mexico. In large part, its a supply and demand issue. This New Mexico Elk Hunt with guaranteed tags is done by spot and stalk on rolling hills and 4-wheelers. This New Mexico Elk Hunt with guaranteed tags is a great hunt for your money. Huntinfool, Gohunt, Hunters Trailhead offer them as well. We also encourage hunters to apply for multiple species in New Mexico. The Department of NM Game & Fish issues elk authorizations to eligible landowners in the through the EPLUS program. 2023 Photos & Text Copyright - Sierra Blanca Outfitters New Mexico Utah All Species. In 2015 our hunters enjoyed the same quality hunt experience with an even higher average bull harvest score of 280. Feb 17, 2017. decoste77. New Mexico Unit 12 - Any hunters with experience in this unit? Lodging: Included. Ridgeline Outfitters in New Mexico offers rifle landowner elk tags for sale for our private ranches throughout the state. See the pictures provided. Hunters coming from other states often assume that private land means a higher quality hunting experience. Some landowners sell them directly, others sell them to an outfitter/agent and let them handle it. about $4,000 to around $7,500 Tags for mediocre hunting units can cost far less than tags in premium units. $1,000 hide. Price is dependent upon unit and weapon. Five tags available and priced at $1800.00 You can look at the tags listed on the website at or email me at In 2014 we introduced our exclusive outfitter and guide service and our guided hunters enjoyed over 95% opportunity. This isn't technical elk country expect to walk several miles each day in pursuit of big New Mexico bull elk. New Mexico Unit 2 Elk Voucher. Sept 1-14 or Sept 15-24. what Wapati 1 said! $$$$ call Landowner Tags for Sale Elk Deer Antelope 2023 New Mexico Unit 23 Archery Elk Tag Unit Wide Be the first to review! J.L. HUNT OF THE DAY! 2 on 1 price will be Call Keith for more details. New Mexico is most definitely one of the top premiere elk hunting destinations in North America. After the New Mexico big game draw, we inevitably receive questions about landowner tags in New Mexico. New Mexico PRIVATE LAND ELK. You can't use them on public land. ] We offer premium, fully guided private land hunts in New Mexico. The more folks that are clamoring for tags to hunt in New Mexico, the higher it drives the price. How much is a mule deer tag in New Mexico? With multiple weapon choices, types of terrain, season dates, and a healthy population of elk, you will have plenty of options to choose from when applying for hunts that fit your preferred style of hunting. Located in Unit 65, this property qualifies for landowner tags annually with two applications in which you could draw several Mule deer tags. You know I am on a good bit of forums and rarely ever see tags for sale but again most of them are gun/shooting forums. No or low preference points needed to draw a license. One landowner bull elk tag during the rut; Five day guided elk hunt on a free range private ranch $10,800 for 21, includes landowner tag. The purchase of a landowner tag is also subject to New Mexico sales tax. He has a "voucher". Utah. Guided Hunts for Elk, Bear, Aoudad, and More, Guided Hunting Trips in Idaho, Texas, Africa, Alaska, New Mexico. first page previous page 1 - 24 of 24 next page last page. * Unit 10 has a large tract of national forest land with some BLM lands as well. In Nevada, where the best deer, elk and . Wheaton Creek Ranch is a family owned and operated hunting and vacation resort as well as a working cattle ranch. He also offers a variety of different elk hunts in New Mexico: He has three types of archery hunts in New Mexico. Next, you could purchase a private Ranch Only landowner tag that allows you to hunt that private land only. All Species . We control access to over 500,000 acres of land in the unit. Our ranch is private use only, meaning only hunters who have purchased their hunt through us directly have the right to hunt our land. We handle the entire draw process for our hunters. Unit wide landowner vouchers are very limited and the demand for them is at an all-time high. Call for availability. . Gavilan Creek Outfitters Foster & Kathy Butt Licensed & Insured Registered NM Outfitter #0525 Pho. This outfitter encourages the harvest of mature bulls only. Or third, you could buy a unit-wide landowner tag that allows you to hunt all of the public land in that unit, the landowners private land, plus any other private lands enrolled in the unit-wide system. K. knifecat Member. Horses can be used to access the more remote parts of the unit leaving most hunters behind. Serious penalties can be incurred for being present after permission has been denied or revoked. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Ridgeline Outfitters in New Mexico offers rifle landowner elk tags for sale for our private ranches throughout the state. All archery . New Mexico, New, Gaspar Perez de Villagra. If you want to be sure of going on a hunt in the event you dont draw, we hold a $3,500 deposit toward the landowner tag. You are using an out of date browser. Elk Hunting in New MexicoAs any elk hunter knows drawing a quality tag in the west is like winning a small lottery. The price on this hunt includes sales tax and landowner permits at $10,500. With a ranch only tag only you or some one else with a tag for that ranch can hunt it, and you cannot hunt anything else but that ranch, no public land hunting. Looking for something more? For the elk hunting season, public land tags are no longer available so you will need to go through a private land outfitter New Mexico elk We offer guaranteed landowner tags for Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope in New Mexico. Can state land be leased for hunting in New Mexico? Many non-resident hunters spend years attempting to get drawn for a trophy New Mexico elk hunt in a quality hunting area with big bulls. They offer one raffle tag for each of the big game species within the state. I'm looking at this as a legitimate option this year and was wondering who has gone this route and where a good place to look would be. You can't use them on public land. Your property must be primarily used for agriculture. You will still need to buy your New Mexico state tag and license as its not included. Contact Peter Romero at 505-429-2887. This outfitter has comfy lodging with great views. Great access to the forest and wilderness areas exist. At that time, the elk had only recently (the mid 1950's) been reintroduced in New Mexico and were just beginning to take hold. Contact HuntersTrailhead about purchasing these tags. Online and telephone purchases must be made at least 14 days prior to hunt start date to allow time for mailing. about $4,000 to around $7,500Tags for mediocre hunting units can cost far less than tags in premium units. New Mexico elk tags are obtained either by draw or purchasing a landowner tag. There are no landowner tags in Arizona. 2 nd and 3 rd rifle are over the counter for bull elk. Hunting can be conducted on both public and private land. $15,400 VALUE | 5 DAYS | NOV 2023 | RIFLE Join this HFA Endorsed Outfitter in Northeast New Mexico on one of their well-managed private ranches. Depends on what you want. Colorado 2nd Season Mule Deer Voucher. With over 35 years of hunting experience U2H offers hunters a variety of top quality bull elk landowner tag hunts in the U.S. We target elk hunts on private property (landowner tags) with the highest opportunity for success. You buy the "voucher", and now it's yours to do with as you please UNTIL you "validate" it. Hunters who draw a special permit to hunt mule deer bucks may not hunt mule deer bucks anywhere else in Montana. The cow elk season in New Mexico starts in late November and runs through the end of December. What'S The Coldest It Gets In New Mexico? I am not wealthy by any means, but would be willing to pay if the price is right. * A 275 to 300 class bull is a reasonable expectation with larger bulls being a possibility. Area 21B is the foothills side of the mountain and area 21A is the steeper side. * These tags are for the archery, rifle or muzzleloader seasons and hunters can choose the dates that best fit their schedule. * Unit 16E has a lot of public land. * A lot of this unit is private, but there are large tracts of state land in the western portion of the unit. New Mexico Guided Trophy Archery Elk Hunt on 13,000 Private Acres. A bit more info to add..The tags flip flop each each.meaning a landowner gets a cow tag one year and a bull tag the following year if I understand that part correctly. The ranch was purchased in 1980 when cattle and deer dominated the area. Some portions of the state where elk are relatively abundant include: The San Juan Mountains near Chama, in Game Management Unit 4; the Jemez and Sierra Nacimiento of Unit 6; Mount Taylor in Unit 9; Gila National Forest in Unit 16; Carson National Forest in Units 52 and 53. Our Guided Rifle Hunts followed with a 95% overall success rate. Oregon. Advice appreciated! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Because as soon as the draw results come out, everyone else will be scrambling to snatch up those tags. We can help you with hunting bugling bulls during the rut or cow hunting in the winter. There are unit wide landowner tags available in general season units for landowners that have at least 640 continuous acres. This outfitter is a hunter before a trophy hunter. 3 day rifle hunt fully guided 2 on 1 all trophy care and meat care out of the field, we will have chest freezers to freeze meat and capes, you supply food and motel (we will reserve a motel for you but you pay for motel) Aug 21-23, Aug 26-28, Aug 31-sept 2, Sept 4-6, Sept 11-15, Sept 30-Oct 2, Oct 7-9. Second, you can purchase a private landowner tag that allows you to hunt that private land only. Due to this reputation, landowner elk hunting tags are very difficult to obtain for non-resident hunters. In large part, its a supply and demand issue. BULL ELK LANDOWNER HUNTS Our Guaranteed Tags Let You Hunt This Year! J. Wheaton Creek Ranch is a family owned and operated hunting and vacation resort as well as a working cattle ranch. Well structure your application to give you the best shot at drawing a tag that meets your goals. We specialize in both drawn tags and guaranteed landowner tag as well as private ranch hunts. * The famous Double H Ranch, managed by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is located in unit 13. Ask anyone in New Mexico and theyll tell you that hunting the public land and the unit-wide enrolled land is usually a much better option. How many acres do you need for a landowner tag in Montana? Many non-resident hunters spend years attempting to get drawn for a trophy New Mexico elk hunt in a quality hunting area with big bulls. Arizona does not have a landowner tag system. The average bull elk harvest scores were 270. Cow Elk Hunting Details At the same time, however, private landowners receive more than 13,000 tags through the program known as EPLUS the Elk Private Land Use System. For the elk hunting season, public land tags are no longer available so you will need to go through a private land outfitter New Mexico elk We offer guaranteed landowner tags for Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope in New Mexico. New Mexico ELK. PO Box 396 Cloudcroft, N.M 88317. New Mexico Unit 2 Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 4 Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 5A Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 5B Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 6A Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 6C Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 9 Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit 10 Elk Tags; New Mexico Unit . Due to this reputation, landowner elk hunting tags are very difficult to obtain for non-resident hunters. Our October Tags allow the purchaser to select from three different dates and two types of hunts: This is a Mature Bull only hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon. When it comes time to apply in the draw, we handle that whole application process for you to make it easy. What are the odds of drawing a New Mexico elk tag? State Hunting License Non-Resident $450 Quality /High Demand Units. Additional elk vouchers may be available if you want to add hunters. The law of supply and demand is becoming very apparent with western big game hunting. New Mexico Elk Tags, New Mexico unit 16E, New Mexico Rifle Elk Hunts, New Mexico Muzzleloader Elk Hunts Be the first to review! Elk Private Lands - New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, New Mexico: How to Hunt Private Land with Public Land Tags (E-PLUS). # 615-477-4620 Foster & Kathy Butt Gavilan Creek Outfitters The first is to draw a license in the annual draw. At Rebel Ranch Outfitters and Guide Service we are proud to offer quality elk hunts in some of New Mexico's top trophy elk units. OCTOBER HUNTS Mature Bull (Any Legal Weapon) or Either Sex (Muzzleloader/Bow/Crossbow) Tags Left: 6 of 17. The antelope tags are obtained by guaranteed land owner permits which are supplied as part of the cost of your hunt. Season dates are Sept 1-14 or Sept 15-24. From (Incl.) 5-day rifle. The 2 rifle hunts will take place in mid October (10/11-10/15 and 10/18-10/22). Rebel Ranch Outfitters offers the following to the hunt winner during their epic and unforgettable elk hunting experience. There is no draw for antelope tags on private land in New Mexico. Learn more, The Blue Hole is an artesian well and cenote that was once used as a fish hatchery. This is a vast unit of approximately 200,000 acres of public land with lots of elk and quality bulls. You can purchase these through our landowners. Such as unit 12, 13, 16A, 16B, 16C, 16D and 16E and the coveted unit 15. Bulls from 280-320" can be found here, with a reasonable chance at seeing bigger. New Mexico Unit 52 Elk Voucher. * Unit 51 is mostly public land offers great access to the forest. * Even with the reservation lands, unit 53 has ample public land including several large wilderness areas. Landowner antelope tags on private land give our hunters an honest opportunity at trophy bucks up to 82" and some even bigger on good moisture years with lower predation. It includes meals, lodging, 1 on 1 guiding and transportation during the hunt. Hunters in New Mexico must obtain written permission from a landowner first. We have over 15,000 acres of prime elk habitat spread out over 40,000 acres. Although some terrain is very moderate, elevations range from around 6,500 to 9,500 feet in most of the areas we hunt. An area is considered to be baited for 10 days after the removal of the bait. * The tags are ranch only and hunters are not required to hire a guide. Phone/ Fax (575) 687-4006 cell (575) 430-1682 (575) 430-2116. A3 Trophy Hunts also has access to New Mexico landowner tags. Semi-guided or tag only or we also have fully guided packages with all accommodations. An authorization is then used by hunters to buy a private-land elk license. Its a pretty low-cost application. Some areas of New Mexico and Colorado proved to be excellent habitat for the newly introduced Rocky Mountain Elk species and the population exploded. Our either sex archery hunts kicked off the hunting season with everyone being in elk and enjoying the unforgettable experience of the rut with our largest bull elk harvested mounting a 362. Blue Hole (New Mexico) Blue Hole New Mexico, THE STATE NICKNAMES: Land of Enchantment (Official) The Land of Enchantment describes New Mexicos scenic beauty and its rich history. All hunts are all-inclusive and include lodging, meals, and guides. Even if you arent sure you want to hunt New Mexico, you can at least apply for the high quality units. The elk tags are guaranteed but clients can apply which would save over $4000 on their hunt cost. That is why its called a ranch only tag, The New Mexico landowner tags are only for hunting on the ranch. I have hunted New Mexico twice and punched my tag both times. Food: Included. These hunts start in October and run to the first week of December. Effective May 3, 2023, you must present a REAL ID-compliant DL/ID or another acceptable form of identification to board a domestic flight,, The US average is 205 sunny days. Unit 6C Wyoming. Season dates are the 1st and second weeks of December. We encourage wife's and other non-hunting guests to come and enjoy the experience. JavaScript is disabled. On our premier unit-wide elk hunts (landowner tag-no draw required) in September and October, bulls from 300"-350" are our target, and bulls over 370" are taken occasionally in these units. The Ranch is a prime example. Sitting 29 miles (or 40 minutes) southeast of, Our highest earners, those whose average annual income puts them in the top 0.1 percent in New Mexico, are paupers compared with those in the. There are three different ways to hunt big game in New Mexico. I've had both over the years. *2023 New Mexico unit 8, 56, 40, 31, 33, 32 fully guided private land rifle antelope hunt. *2023 New Mexico unit 10 mature bull muzzleloader/rifle tags for sale. Landowner tags offer a great way to ensure that you will have an upcoming elk hunt if you are not lucky enough to draw in any of the . colorado elk landowner tags new mexico Help Support Long Range Hunting Forum Become a supporting member. Copyright LOH Outfitters 2022 | Powered by, What You Need to Know: Landowner Tags in New Mexico, Its Time to Submit New Mexico Big Game Applications, Critical Questions When Selecting an Elk Hunting Outfitter, 4 Reasons to Hunt Barbary Sheep in New Mexico, Trophy Displays: How to Prepare for Taxidermy After the Hunt. These are ranch-only and unit-wide. Copyright 2013 Powered by. The price on this hunt includes sales tax and landowner permits at $10,500. Camping is available throughout the forest service area. Home Landowner Tags for Sale Elk Deer Antelope New Mexico Landowner Tags for Sale New Mexico Elk Tags for Sale. Prepare for weather as it can be 85 degrees one day and much cooler mixed with some rain the next day. Prices for landowner tags can vary greatly. Prev. Joined Jul 2, 2012 . That license is approximately $700 plus a $65 hunt license. New Mexico Elk Hunts. Oct 23, 2022. Thanks! The Department of NM Game & Fish issues elk authorizations to eligible landowners in the through the EPLUS program. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. *2023 New Mexico unit 10 fully guided either sex archery hunt (landowner tag included) for sale. We can begin submitting applications in the New Mexico license draw in mid-January. Are landowner tags available? "Booners" are seen on all of our ranches and available for hunters willing to hold out How much are landowner tags in New Mexico? The last time was over 10 years ago, and I have not drawn a tag since. Colorado 3rd Season Mule Deer Voucher. 19 Nonresident Draw Odds Opens on or before Oct. 7. Though cow tags can go for much much less, landowner tags for bull elk can currently range anywhere from about $3,000 to around $7,000 dependent on the unit quality and availability. This is an unit wide diy bull elk voucher in Unit 53 of New Mexico, which allows you to hunt any of the public land in the unit, near Taos. The four-state area has over 45 million acres of mineral estate and more than 2 million acres of Native American mineral estate. Applications are normally available for the following year by October 1. NOVEMBER/JANUARY HUNTS Antlerless (Any Legal Weapon)Tags Left: 2 of 19These Tags allow the purchaser to select from three different hunt dates:November 12th 16th This is an Antlerless Elk hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.November 19th 23rd This is an Antlerless Elk hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.January 7th 22nd This is an Antlerless Elk hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon. A valid hunting, fishing, or trapping license allows for access onto state trust land through the State Land Offices easement agreement with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. OWNER/OPERATORS. * A 300 class bull is a reasonable expectation with much bigger bulls being a real possibility. It was a time when the ranch received only limited tags and sightings of the majestic animals were a rare occurrence. Landowner Vouchers/Tags guide The vouchers below were for last year The resulting needs sold them completely out. 2 Spots Available. New Mexico Cow . On our full-service hunts we offer six different 5-day hunts. There are two ways to obtain an elk-hunting license in New Mexico. Our Cow Elk hunts take place on over 500,000 acres of contiguous ranches in unit 12 which is in West Central New Mexico. *2023 New Mexico unit 10 fully guided mature bull muzzleloader/rifle hunt (landowner tag included) for sale. Yes, until 9/30/2021. We have guaranteed landowner tags available for all of our rifle hunts but hunters can . The ranch was purchased in 1980 when cattle and deer dominated the area. This is all contingent on whether I don't get drawn in AZ. Conley; Oct 23, 2022; Elk; Replies 0 Views 248. Hunt New Mexico Unit 6C, 13 and 45 with unit wide landowner tags. * For the muzzleloader seasons, hunters can choose between 3 hunt dates. In addition to your tag, you will still need to purchase an Elk License, a NM small game license (Res-$15, NonRes-$65), and pay the mandatory HMAV fee ($4) as well as a habitat fee ($10) if hunting National Forest or BLM lands. NOW ACCEPTING LANDOWNER TAG DEPOSITS JUST IN CASE YOU DO NOT DRAW A TAG. Don't post them for sale, just send them to me lol. The price includes private landowner tag, meals, lodging, guide, transportation while hunting, game retrieval and game storage while in camp. Validating it is basically buying the tag, using the "voucher". Wheaton Creek Ranch is a New Mexico private elk hunting ranch providing experienced outfitting and guide services as well as a variety of the best accommodations and facilities in New Mexico. What Was The Most Important Early Spanish Settlement In New Mexico? Over the years New Mexico landowner permits have sky rocketed in price. Go. CALL 801-499-4986 TODAY! Hunt Price $6,500 a hunter + plus tax. The ranch currently receives around 250 elk permits a year which is an indication of the success of these efforts and the incredible habitat within the Ranch. J.L. New Mexico. Use live protected species as decoys to take or attempt to take game species. Hardly any of the landowners use these to control elk populations on their own land. We offer premium, fully guided private land hunts in New Mexico. How Many Acres Do You Need For Landowner Tag In New Mexico? Deer licenses are draw only and take zero to a few preference points depending on the season. You can't use them on public land. This unit is bordered by several units considered to be the premier hunts in the state for trophy class bulls. Even though roughly 22,000 tags a year go into the draw, there simply arent enough to meet demand. $632 for state licenses and stamps. The 2 rifle hunts will take place in mid October (10/14-10/18 and 10/21-10/25). All but an $89 application fee will be refunded if you dont draw. See our hunt schedule and SPECIAL LAST MINUTE 2022 DISCOUNT ON BULL ELK HUNT along with 2023 pricing here. New Mexico Arizona Landowner Tags Photos Scouting Report Store Contact . . High success, good bulls, a class operation and no draw. Guaranteed Landowner Elk Voucher Included. Location. These ranches have very high densities of Elk and our cow hunts consistently produce 90-100% shooting opportunity for our hunters. * For the archery seasons, hunters can choose between 3 hunt dates. Our hunts are 5 day 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 fully guided spot and stock hunts. Close; New Mexico Elk Tags. We are intimately aware of the movements of the elk herds as well as the habits of the largest bulls in those herds. * Bulls will average in the 275 to 320 class though much bigger have been taken. The Vouchers are just a minimal piece of the Watch Dogs complete service package. The Cactus State. The purchase of a landowner tag is also subject to New Mexico sales tax. New Mexico. Good thru September 1-14 or September 15-24 you have your choice semi-guided or tag only .Call Keith for more details. Guided New Mexico Elk Hunts Owned and operated by Mark Crump.
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