We fed a mix of ammo to the test Cobra with decent accuracy. Will you give an in-depth review of the Nighthawk, please? Accurate? Upon inspection of the insides of the Cobra, it became apparent that this was a complete redesign. Posts: 787. After WWII, the quality of American gunmaking took the first big step down, with Remington leading the way, and Winchester following them down the chute into the crapper. HORSESHIT Colt mislead you with their verbage. The little Colt Cobra arrived in an innocuous brown cardboard box. My hope is that Colt does so and builds them with the same care and quality of the older Pythons, Anacondas and the like. I need a crappy built replacement model snake gun like I need a big hole in my head. Interesting reading, I dont believe any of it. I bought a Colt Cobra back in 1965 when I heard I was going to `nam. The Cobra was easy to control, with a very soft recoil. A vintage Colt Cobra 2nd model located in the Guns.com Vault. I guess you have to fill up space and sell clicks but coming out of the gate with a slam like this is a bit lame. Guns a Homicide Waiting to Happen, Personal Trauma Kit Micro TRN from Blue Force Gear, http://thetruthaboutguns.com/author/foghorn/, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Statewide, Protecting and Serving: Springfield, IL Police Seized Homeowners Gun After Investigating Her Report of a Prowler UPDATED, Chicagos Failed Mayor Lori Lightfoot Loses in Reelection EffortBadly. Its gone now and I dont miss it at all. Rabbit and squirrel are easily taken with this loading. Running a hit piece like this because a demo gun jammed up during range demo day is silly and irresponsible.. We are building all Cobras right here in our factory in West Hartford, Connecticut.. Do us all a favor and dont discredit the quality and craftsmanship that you once had by turning out inexpensive mass-produced garbage. In my admittedly limited experience with various revolvers, the only one Ive personally experienced that locked up (and not in the good revolverish way) was a colleagues Taurus. According to internet forums and YouTube personalities like Hikock 45, the new Colt Python has issues causing malfunctions. THE SATIN NICKEL FINISH & METAL ARE IN GOOD CONDITION. deep Colt blue and Ill take it. I guess Im just too dumb to understand the brilliance of someone in marketing. I was able to find a DeSantis belt holster and a speed loader without much effort that seemed to be made for the Cobra. Colt 1911 Series 70 A full review of the GI model here. Model 487T Rifle, 1917 Eddystone Enfield Mfg 4/18 Cal 30-06, Terni 1940XVIII 6.5 Cal, Mauser Spanish . Its all-steel frame is satin finished, with a grip thats been moved rearward to help manage recoil. Buy a Smith & Wesson. Another modification has been made, this one to trigger geometry. Those 12 and 16 ounce revolvers are too light. Last Edit: Nov 5, 2022 at 2:37pm by WAYNO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I always practice with 38s, but when I carry it is 357 or 38+P, ususally 357. I have been a Colt fan all my life. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. After steel, I will never go back to aluminum, as I like the weight. How about a Smith and Wesson level of fit and finish, guys? The pace slowed, but not nearly to the degree that some revolvers I have run required to score accurate hits. Sure and add a couple of hundred to the price. The Cobra was designed to be a family name. I dont see anyone reducing the price of Colts. Seems as though you are a Colt fan boy! Muzzle jump and flip, commonly associated with small revolvers, is nonexistent on the Cobra. I have only one Comment. The success of the Cobra saw Colt bring two more of its iconic revolvers out of retirement. Items you may find in this auction include 500 firearms to include modern & collectible rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, revolvers and pistols. Nobody has cried about price yet though i may have to scroll down more. Tradition and nostalgia are important for a lot of gun enthusiasts. Was a lot easier to conceal than the S&W model 10 with 5 barrel. I just read that S&W is coming out with some new 7-shot 686s including one with a 3 barrel AND its chambered in .357 Mag / .38 Spl+P Why oh why did Colt not chamber this roadkill snake gun the same? Sure a beat up enough that many shoot .38 special anyway. Since I carry Two at all times I dont feel the need to run out and buy Colts for $699 to get one more round. I was at Shot Show when they released that turd. 3 Revolvers are Pure Sex. You really shouldnt have built these pistols if you actually hope to stay in the gun industry without total failure. The double/single-action Cobra is the baby in Colts wheelgun lineup. The new models are updated small frames like the old Detective Special and Diamondback. The front red fiber optic sight is an insert that can be changed, as it is set into a recess in the barrel shroud and then secured by an Allen screw through the front. The Pythons were always desirable, the King Cobras and Anacondas were scorned for having transfer bar triggers. Not sure that anyone is beating on them for releasing a revolver but to place it in the same genus and species as their renowned snake series, instead of giving it a more generic name is the issue. The trigger guard of the new Colt King Cobra, like those of the new Cobra and Night Cobra, looks as though the gun was dropped on it. A. To purchase on GunsAmerica.com, click this link: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?Keyword=Colt%20cobra. There have been quite a few revisions and improvements since the first run. I dont expect Master Blue but still, this Cobras finish is pretty dreary. Comparing the new Cobra to our Kimber K6s stubbies, though, the Kimbers are much better in terms of fit and finish and consistency and they both shoot, great. Ive shot Pythons and Anacondas galore. The Cobra was made infamous when Jack Ruby used a Colt Cobra .38 to kill Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963. Muzzle jump and flip, commonly associated with small revolvers, is nonexistent on the Cobra. Gist of what I heard: In all I may try one when the price becomes more reasonable. A few days to grind down and re-polish hammer, trigger, cylinder release. And the price is WAY Too much for me to consider. Ive had a SP 101 since it came out Very fine gun BUTTT its made for a small-med. 327 Meteor. It doesnt make sense to market a gun for concealed carry but take the time, effort, and money to put a beautiful, but delicate finish on it. And they had the gall to actually come out with a faux Cobra version of it, too. I am not happy with sharp edges on trigger guard. Currently there are NO Colts on the roster here, but it is not too difficult to qualify a revolver. Havent seen any in my area yet! & an occasional spent case hangs up. Yeah I would suppose they are changing some things I was there the day at Shot Show when they revealed that when it broke at the shooting range there was a bunch of chatter that I overheard people were not impressed. It was quite a pleasant surprise to open the cardboard box up and see the familiar blue plastic Colt box inside, securing the new Colt Cobra revolver. As a wheelgun fan, Im also very interested in an indepth hands on review of the Korth offerings from Nighthawk. So who will see it? It made a solid click when I press the cylinder into the gun and I rocked the cylinder left and right to make sure that it was locked up previous to shooting. The grouping opened up only slightly in double-action. The first six rounds through the gun were impressive; the double-action pull seemed to roll predictably. Why are stories like these, involving Colt revolvers, so prevalent? With an MSRP of $699, the Colt Cobrais a capable, concealable, and smooth shooting snub-nosed snake gun. THE GOOD: Easy to shoot and completely reliable. My guess is the the old Colts have met the same demise as the old Parker and AH Fox shotguns. Substantial recoil but not uncomfortable recoil. Is there any talk from Colt to bring back the other lines of revolver will guns?? I dont have high hopes for the return of the Colt snake line. Only the Python and the custom shop got the extraordinary level of attention that the author is thinking of here. While manipulating the trigger on the gun, I was impressed by just how nice the trigger felt. Ive never owned a Colt, but that may change when the initial hype cools down. Get ready for a new generation of stories, because Colt is bringing back the Cobra. Good review. I was encouraged by the pull experience you had but yours must have been worked on to get the pull weights you claim. The second shot entered at the base of the skull and ended in the soft palate in the mouth. The cylinder is going to get worn to shit because Colt didn't take the effort to have it drop in the recesses. Colt, much like many other gun companies, has gone with MIM parts. The .357 Magnum cartridge in a compact, lightweight package can be punishing. Im pretty sure Colt got rid of their custom shop so now who knows you probably cant get it done anymore. Thank you for reminding me of such wonderful memories from my childhood! I hope it turns out to be a commercial success for Colt they need one. First of all, I like the idea that they made it a bit heavier but I think they made it too heavy. Q. I have pictures of handgun. I can believe its two pounds on single action. He didnt say it, but I expect larger revolvers are coming. These guns are now held to extremely tight tolerances and Colt isnt shy about rejecting even the smallest flaws. Stay in the know. Ive got a Tracker .44 that has the smoothest trigger Ive ever felt on a revolver, and Ive shot a Manurhin. If you're worried about problems with the new Colt Python, be like the rest of us and wait for the bugs to get worked out before you go out and buy one. Best trade I ever made. Glad to see Colt offering the new Cobra. the Chrome versions seem out of place today Call it the 1917 Combat or Marine model. I have had the cylinder on a J-frame bind after two or three cylinders. That .357 Magnum, 4-inch barreled gun served as my introduction into shooting IPSC in the late 1970s. Colt has made it clear that this is the First offering. Why go with a .38 Special over .357 Magnum? However it is not cheap to refinish my original Detective Special in the royal blue bluing was $600 and they had to fix a small problem in the spring. Light. My 1974 Cobra is my usual carry. Survival Trainer and Author. I dont believe all the Colt revolvers were great. The front sight pops into view immediately. New for 2017 Colt has heard the peoples request and is giving them what they want. Something isnt right in Colt-Land with either the design, manufacture or QA of that gun. Three down sides were the grips had a very light white bleach stain, but might darken with gun cleaner and gun oil. A. If I move the cylinder latch lever a little, the cylinder will rotate on the . I just dont get it. Someone else said if Darth Vader had a 38 snub, this would be it. I know every reviewer uses this stupid line, but it shoots like a dream. Upon first sight I actually thought it was a photo from the Charter Arms booth. Stroking the side of the revolver feels less like stroking the slick scales of a cobra and more like a cat licking your hand. I can recommend this gun without reservation, something I cant say about all compact revolvers. Although introduced at SHOT Show 2019, the Colt King Cobra revolver traces its lineage all the way back to 1908 with the launch of the Colt Police Positive. From the moment I found out that the Colt Cobra would be reintroduced and that there would be updates and changes made, I had a few questions running around in my head. There was a huge difference. You just described, minus the .32 calibers, an original 1950s-1960s era Colt Cobra / Detective Special. I would welcome the same. The grips do not stick to clothes. The new Colt Cobra is actually an updated Detective Special with a fiber optic front sight. Save those semi-hand-made Pythons, the new King Cobra is as good as any of the standard production double action revolvers Colt has made. Its nice to see Colt woke up and is back in the game. Ive lost count of the Colt, Rugers, and S&Ws Ive owned over the years. . The last handgun I purchased was a Smith and Wesson model 5906; its 2 1/4 pounds of solid American stainless steel thats at least as old as I am and both looks and shoots better than a new polymer gun, at least in my opinion. Very very smooth revolver. Actually, the Boys in Brazil are cranking out some really nice stuff nowadays. Additionally Colt isnt even accepting old Pythons back to the factory for repair because A) They are out of most of the partsand more importantly B) Most if not all of the Colt employees who could actually time them are gone. Is there any word on when these will be released? The Skyhawk to be equivalent to a Model 85? I wish Colt & Smith&wesson would revamp and reintroduce a 100th Anniversary Model 1917, in .45 ACP. As they have more time, I would expect to see versions with a myriad of options. I am very interested in the Cobra for these very same reasons. Now we will see if the name can pull them back. The King Cobra fits between a S&W K frame and a J frame in size. But what were seeing today is that when a new shooter goes to a gun shop and selects a small-frame revolver thats lightweight and chambered in .357, they might buy a box of ammo and take it to the range once and lose their taste for it after just a few rounds. Cougar attacks are on the increase in several western states, and the new King Cobra would be an ideal carry gun for hikers, mountain bikers, and others who would rather not end up as kitty kibble. I wish you could show them too, I dont understand revolver timing at all nor the colt difference. Im very happy Colt brought this back and frankly I wish they would bring back ALL their old revolvers (same for S&W). I made a mistake on taking ammunition to the range and only had two brands to test with the Cobra. One of the earlier versions of the snake line to be retired (1981 to be exact) the Colt Cobra is a revolver designed for the concealed carry and law enforcement market. Federal, Remington and Winchester have all proven accurate and useful. Some of these vintage gems can be found in the, Demand was so strong upon its release, the Cobra was often difficult to find. The only thing that keeps me from buying that gun is the dull matte finish.
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