Map your destiny with The Ultimate Numerology Guide, From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope for The 3-Year, Reality Melting Transit, Marchs Virgo Full Moon Blows the Whistle on Your Messy Habits, These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, Saturn in Pisces Turns the World Inside Out for the Next Three Years (But Dont Panic). youre very artistic so engage in art! Cap can be amusing and quirky as hell. If you paint, make pottery, write music, or blog, you may find that your leftover energy is spent more efficiently. you just wouldnt be able to tell what theyre doing until theyve done it. then they are less likely to satisfy it or allow you to practice it. If her Mars in Pisces is between 172 and 188 degrees from HIS Mars in Virgo, how she goes after what she wants and how she handles frustration is incompatible with his action/frustration patterns. Particularly if you've been pushing really hard, rushing here and there, juggling a hundred things as Mars in Aquarius would have you do . I have a few Librans in my family and none of them can fall under what Astrology says Librans should be. Mars in Pisces Personality When placed in the sign of Pisces, Mars can manifest as a creative drive. Libra Mars wants to discuss the unpleasantness over dinner Aries is going to have Libra for dinner. Sex with you is ground-shattering and nourishing to the soul. you pay attention to detail so much that you miss the big picture. Mars topic is popular! They will have all the facts ready when they rumble, so its important to be as agreeable as possible (mostly because youll be surprised at what information they have up their sleeves). Be alert and refrain from any action that will welcome trouble during this time. Aint gonna fight ya. Show gratitude to our loved ones. Learn about your Mars Natal Chart Report. Know result of planet Mars in Pisces Zodiac Sign (Mars sign Pisces) as per Vedic Astrology. dont be fooled by what looks like passiveness at first because these guys are not passive at all. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Mars in Capricorn. these are all excellent qualities. The taboo can be a turn-on for those with Mars in Pisces, but careful not to get sucked into anything unsavoryeven in your financial life. Trouble is, underneath this intellectual exterior, anger may be brewing that is hard to admit to and express. sometimes they arent even passive-aggressive, just very indirect about their anger. youre just gonna have to figure them out and you cant do that when youre feeling a ton of heat. This means I may want to hit you with a bat but the second I think it I realize that these are not nice things to do. Just dont let your side of the conflict become too intensei.e., no yelling, name-calling, or Real Housewives reunion-ingbecause then you wont make up. youre an excellent person to my friends with. If there's . Scorpio Mars can get in trouble when the psych games turn on them, and the cat becomes the mouse. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Shocking Evidence Of Women Repressing Mars. When Mars is in Pisces, you feel able and ready to put your faith to the test. They usually are easy-going but have trouble standing up for themselves, which adds to their feelings of anger and guilt.. for example, a sagittarius mars would get very angry with capricorn mars lack of expression. You play your cards close to the chest because you so deeply value personal security. Silly kid gave my fil the middle finger just because and of course my fil followed the kid and jumped him at his home and it caused the dad to have a heart attack right there. Im a very calculated it worth it? Mars in Pisces meaning reveals that you are compassionate and kind towards others. when lions roar, the ground shakes.. they are another sign that fights with pure passion, but it can go too far sometimes. they know exactly how to use their words to persuade others onto their side. pisces: mars in pisces is not aggressive at all. all of this proves that you like stability. Cool and grounded, you will handle confrontations like a court in session, discerning and judging all sides of the argument. However, the natural energy of Mars will not feel comfortable in this realm of. This explains me. Controlled force with a smile LOL. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Unless theyre a Capricorn. She punched him in the face and they rolled with each other, punching and kicking. Mars in Cancer 5th house here. when they are angry, the quick action they take isnt influenced by anyone else- they dont listen to what others tell them they should do. Legendary french Canadian strongman Louis Cyr had Mars in libra and he was once the strongest man in the world. All Mars in Scorpio people I know are powerful as hell. Let people go who resist arrest? youre artistic, easy-going, a perfectionist and supportive. They genuinely care about people and feel things quite deeply. ), Read Me: Moon Sign Compatibility: Heres the Sign You Need to Date. words are their weapon. It may prove to be useful in this sense to view Mars as being the protector that is going to shield you from potential harm. Interestingly, what I do feel is strength and most recently since he passed away I feel my own courage which amazes me. If its followed by another harmonious aspect i might complete it. they care about fairness and equality. capricorn: capricorn in mars is the type to argue in a very calm demeanor. Venus is close by. Kissing up to them will distract them and calm them down. If you are born under Mars in Pisces, you tend to be motivated by bringing people together . Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the cosmic caveperson in us all. At, you can find articles about everything from angel numbers and spirit animals to zodiac signs info and more. these are very good things. MARS IN SCORPIO FIGHTING STYLE: Mars in Scorpio invariably produces an awesomely powerful and fearsomely accomplished kind of fighter. Mars in Virgo conjunct the north node (seconds apart), in the 1 St house. Mars rocks!! Words are the weapon of choice here. continue this! The result of all this? On the one hand, you can be quite blunt when it comes to self-expression in love. Walk! There is no middle ground. Mars in Pisces the spiritual warrior, but it also knows what battles are worth fighting for. I often think with this Mars I make an effort to use the energy efficiently; with pre-planning, anticipate problems to execute well. Mars, the Planet of Action, is on the move, and this time its leaving forward-thinking Aquarius and entering the dreamy sign of Pisces. I personally have Mars in Capricorn but Leo is the LION of the Zodiac and will tear a bitch up. What you have to say may be hard to hear, but often is what others were thinking anyway. It doesnt matter whether they do or not. Expect your ego to take a back seat, as under Mars in Pisces, what we can each get out of a situation for ourselves ceases to be important. They have a quick temper, and aren't one to back down from a fight. sagittarius: pay more attention to details! He was quiet, controlled, and described how he went to the city and how they were not allowed to fine people for that . They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. Its why we hired them and not us. The result will be the same. When arguing with a Mars in Leo, chances are they will make the discussion only about themhow you upset them, their needs, their heartaches. You are a forgiving and compassionate Feminine energy, and you deserve respect for your ability to see and meet the needs of others. You love life too much to hold a grudge, so once youve said your piece, you return to seeing the best in others. but mars in virgo gets annoyed or irritated more than actually getting mad. I use logic, compromise & compassion but my Leo sun (6th), Scorpio moon & Uranus (9th) get impatient with Libras kind approach. dont be lazy and try to be reliable. you also might be very quick to say something back to someone that makes you seem negative. Mars in Pisces men are a bit of a contradiction of themselves. because they contain their anger, it can sometimes end up self-destructive. their anger doesnt last for very long. Stern and authoritative Capricorn defaults to logic and reason when angry. dont take advantage of their passiveness. The planets home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planets energy if placed here in the chart, The planets most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planets energy if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planets energy if placed here in the chart. Mars shows what motivates us, and what activates that surge of physical vitality that sets goals in motion. I thought I was just stubborn and obsessive-compulsive, now I`ll know why I find it so hard to stay down . How smart you are! end result, anger does not pay. Very well put! I either do nothing or go completely berserk. As for myself I have Mars in Virgo and as I use the whole system, it falls in my 8th house. Photo: Getty Images. In fact, Mars is said to be "in fall" in the sign of Cancer, meaning this is one of the more challenging signs for the red planet to be housed in. They scare me, and in the best way possible. Mars in Libra hates to disturb the peace and doesnt do well when unbalanced. Mars, the ruler of Aries, is the drive that motivates a person to take action. Feeling powerless makes me cry from frustration. The condition of Mars at the time of our birth says something about how we fight for what we want, our competitive spirit, our propensity for bravery, our experience with danger and risk. She just makes her own, and on her, it becomes art. youre able to easily take the advice offered and keep these qualities. (If you don't know your Mars sign by heart, head to's free birth chart calculator to find out! Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the feet. trying to solve a problem quickly doesnt work if you dont think it through. But I guess thats Venus. With fiery Mars in the more orderly sign of Capricorn, natives with this position have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life. they may take their anger out on themselves. The native can motivate people in subjects like religion and philosophy. Never been in leadership positions, instead I am a good team player and enjoy clear directions and bringing a project, however small, to successful completion has got be the best feeling of satisfaction, joy and pride. Heres where you feel passionate, fired up and may have a surplus of energy. Thanks, interesting to read.I have Mars in Taurus, so need some research and explanation. On the other, however, the movements of Mars influence them to be active, passionate, and, sometimes, aggressive. Mars shows how you get what you want. You also see the best in people. its great that youre an optimist, but sometimes you need to start looking at the realistic side so you dont set yourself up for disappointment. My Sister in law is an Aries and she has Mars in Aries as well. In the meantime, if anyone invades your personal space, beware the pinch of your crab claws! they may take their anger out on themselves. Mars in Pisces is definitely one of those times when the physical energy of Mars is lowest. Since Im not allowed to disturb the peace, that plate does not crash down on top of your head which I regret! this can actually be very good though- you wont fall for mind games and sometimes getting to the point is needed. Jan 13, 2016. I have been trying to come up with an appropriate Rising Sign for the Marine since he doesnt know his time of birth. Lisa Stardust is a NYC-based astrologer, tarot card reader, energy healer, and manifestation guide known for her pop culture horoscopes. Pisces is not the worst place for Mars. It combines the fierce physicality of a fire sign and determination and endurance of a fixed sign. people arent gonna like you if you dont pay attention. You will be happiest with someone who is well-read, well-traveled, and well-spoken. they love debates but dont make very good points and get mad when those flaws are pointed out. Around mid-May, Mars transit in Pisces 2022 will occur. I literally was so upset after I initially left with the twin, that when I got back I couldnt do anything the rest of the day. their calm attitude throughout the whole fight can be very, very frustrating to some. However, if you are an individual that is likely to be affected by this combination, then it makes sense to be aware of the facts that surround this celestial marriage to help in identifying where it may be having an impact. In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. You will find love and fulfillment partly thanks to your interpersonal skills, and partly thanks to the war paint that Mars can supply you with. Arguments can speed up from 0 to 100 mph extremely fast. A mars in Pisces man finds fulfillment in artistic works and he would excel greatly in creativity. If you accept Pisces, for who and what they arean enigmathen you will find your efforts well-rewarded. taurus: they dont get extremely angry quickly, but when they do, they explode. Overly self protective of feelings and will go to war when needs be. It is the drive behind everything. This placement brings out the best in you. Do not hesitate, procrastinate or self-sabotage. PSA: You may not win a fight when dealing with a Mars in Capricorn. cancer mars may say things or do things when theyre mad that they end up regretting. Disloyal people will hear you roar, as you demand respect and honesty in your relationships. they dont want to be mean or start a huge argument, so theyre very passive-aggressive. Leo: my best friends dads name was leo and he was a marine and a cop and he was tough. They are comfortable discussing matters on their terms but can never see the other side of the situation. Mars a planet of ego, intensity and firewill charge into Pisces from April 14 and remain until May 24, 2022. At times, however, Mars in Piscess desire to relieve the suffering of others could become so intense that it feels like a burdenand you may take on their problems as your own. I will cut a person apart with my words and I know every weakness they possess and will use this to my advantage when pushed too far. Blessings, Aries Rising. cancer: you seem a bit closed off and secretive even when youre not. Required fields are marked *. However, do not be afraid as it is all in more of a controlled manner than you were maybe expecting. other than that, youre very thoughtful. I have no trouble getting a man but keeping a man is a trick I have yet to master. While you are pragmatic and practical, you can also veer into the realm of lofty and aloof. other than that, you are passionate, creative, friendly, and entertaining. A Pisces woman will do everything she can to help out someone in need, whether it be a loved one or a stranger. they dont really want to argue but that doesnt mean theyre soft. I post back in 2014, but heres what I know more of today about my mars in cancer. What will Mars in Pisces mean for you? The exalted placement for Mars is Capricorn. Everything you describe is right on. You can patiently endure a lot of dramas before blowing your stack. Last Updated 13 April 2022, 23:58. Pisces is an amorphous sign that can easily absorb others' energy. We had great love and passionate sex. they have to immediately take action and are incapable of letting thingsblow over. They are comfortable discussing matters on their terms but can never see the other side of the situation. It doesnt have to be fighting. You appreciate being of service to others. Well, your Mars in Virgo counterpart fights smartly. No insecurity here not with my Aries rising! use them as your advantage, find a career, skill or hobby that these can be applied to! That was our intention with this video as well. Pisces Mars may play games to get what they want, even though they may not . It took a few years before the Marine would even speak to me. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}These Retro Fridges Are So! The Aries has it in the 10th but it is heavily aspects. aquarius: stop starting problems and running away from solving them. youre artistic, strategic, intelligent and passionate. Mars in Cancer uses their emotions to argue, so its important to be careful of manipulation and gaslighting when dealing with this energy. If you havent been nice to me the meanest thing I do is just withhold my energy. this isnt necessarily a bad thing, though. (ha theres some Capricorn keywords there!) Stable and slow to react, people in your life may take your calm demeanor for granted, until one day you really let them have it. Any potential partner will notice you right away! fighting with them is pointless, it wont get you anywhere at all. Or you may run hot and cold. Never understood that about him (Pluto badly aspected maybe). stop trying to find middle ground for every single argument. You may enjoy playing the submissive role in bed, so select your safe word and a partner who will respect it implicitly. If you are born at night, Mars is the triplicity ruler of Pisces. you like other people but this can push them away. (Of course I have Moon in Taurus too, so I may choose not to even bother myself anyway). you need to find a happy medium. youre open-minded, logical and one of the most intelligent placements. I have Mars in Gemini in my 7th. Its a cautious planner who acts with integrity and so is nearly unbeatable. Mars in Pisces works wonderfully to combine dynamism and compassion. if you are arguing with one and they stop fighting, dont think you have won the argument. criticism is not meant to hurt you, its meant to help you. theyre very opinionated and its hard to change their minds because they put up such a strong fight. Ariesknows instinctively, nice is incongruous with war. First of all, they love to play devils advocate and can be hurtful with the way they assert themselves (they shoot their arrows straight to the heart). . There are very girly types who can be really aggressive! Luckily for this Mars sign, they generally forget about the fight very quickly and will get over it. if you take this advice, you wont be as stressed out or overwhelmed. This is their job on the planet. people see that you have this complex and dont like it. I am rather stubborn though, so I will work tenaciously for what I want, & will fight for animals/children/loved ones. Be careful when dealing with someone who has Mars in Sag, mmkay? its one of the best things about you. Mars in the Ninth House 9th hs Mars in Cancer Mars Opposition Saturn Mars Opposition Jupiter Sun Square Mars Venus Trine Mars Mars Trine Ascendant Mars Trine Neptune Mars Sextile Pluto.
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