I have lived and worked in Maroondah for 45 years. Question 8. My best wishes to you in this COVID-19 environment. This year I fought for a zero rate increase and voted against a rate increase! Do you believe improvements in heritage protections are required in Maroondah? What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Climate change, replacement of canopy cover being lost to development but also due to die-back, replacement of loss of shrubs and understorey vegetation due to development, water saving initiatives on public land and incentives for new developments to implement more water sensitive urban design principals. As the former MP for Deakin from 2007-2013 I worked closely with Maroondah to fund Community projects like Aquanation, the Soccer and Boxing pavilion at Jubilee park and the AG Lavis Baseball pavilion in Heathmont. Improved protections for residents against inappropriate developmentb. Upgrading community and sporting facilities for more inclusive activities. Derelict buildings are an eyesore and attract crime. I went to school locally. Enlighten set to delight viewers in Ringwood Town Square, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age & Maroondah Leader - 6 February 2018, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 9 February 2018, Security & CCTV Services - Contract No. Ensure Council staff are reviewing planning applications consistent with the Ruskin Park planning objectives.c. I advocated more strongly than others to ensure Aquanation received state and federal funding and got built, resulting in the magnificent facility that provides a return to ratepayers. The election results were declared by the VEC on Tuesday 22 March, 2022, with Cr Linda Hancock elected to represent the Wonga Ward. maloneydavid33@gmail.com. I will build new sporting pavilions at Jubilee Park and Proclamation Park, upgrade the Rings Basketball centre and refurbish the Karralyka Theatre and events centre. If you wish to contact me you can do so on my mobile: 0429 403 489 or by email: david_a_white@gmx.net. Ballot papers for the 2020 Maroondah Council Elections begin being mailed out on Tuesday 6th October. We need to keep protecting and enhancing our leafy-green environment with strategic tree planting and refusals of inappropriate developments. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Better recycling, including reuse of hard rubbish and reducing corporate food waste. Question 3. 20888, Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment - Amendment C104 - Maroondah Leader - 29 May 2018, Notice of Tender - Building Upgrade Works - Contract No. I will make our neighbourhood safer and cleaner. Find your current ward Find out your ward, councillors, and see the parks and facilities near you by entering your address in My Maroondah: Ill inject funding into junior sports, create first class sporting facilities, and upgrade rooms to be female friendly, which will also assist to improve female participation in local sports. Our environment is important. Remember to read the voting instructions to make sure you vote correctly. For more info, call me on 0417814355 or email andrew.schafer@hydraciv.com.au. To do this we need sound planning provisions and councillors with the strength and experience to enforce them. First elected to Local Government in 2016. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?I would look at holding information forums for residents so there is an active dialog between council and the community. Protecting and enhancing the green spaces that we all enjoy is important for our wellbeing, as is providing the many services that enrich our community, from the elderly, working families, and the vulnerable. Ill work to facilitate part-time youth employment by introducing a council registry for local job hunters to match local employers. 14 (General Amendment) - The Age - 8 December 2018, Notice of Approval of Amendment - Amendment C95, Notice of Approval of Amendment - Amendment C96, Notice of Approval of Amendment - Amendment C97, Notice of Approval of Amendment - Amendment C104, Electrical Wire Clearance Program Notification - Areas T06 & T07, Ringwood, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 22- 26 Loughnan Road Ringwood North, Operations Centre Redevelopment - Contract No.20915 - The Age, Cleaning Aquanation and Aquahub, Contract no. Council can take a lead role in creating an environment that promotes happy healthy living for our elderly. are they attainable? BH: (03) 9725 2503AH: (03) 9725 2503Mob: 0419 525 538pmac54841@gmail.comfacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pmac54841. I have a wide range of professional exposure and have advocated for; human rights issues, education reforms, health and wellbeing initiatives, supporting sporting clubs and organisations. o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Understanding that the 2014 scheme was reviewed and reformed in 2017 and 2018 by the state government, the scheme works to a degree and gives Council and residents some latitude; however, VCAT does not always share the views of Council and ultimately it has the final judgement. Thank you to everyone who has shopped small and supported local business, because every dollar spent in our community goes back into our community and supports local employment. Im an owner operator of a plumbing business that employs 10 local workers. As a long-time resident in Ringwood East whose children have and are attending local public schools, I have loved volunteering in the classroom, being a member of the Kalinda Parents and Friends Association and being an enthusiastic Maroondah Magic mum. While The Council of Capital City of Lord Mayors, major Global corporations and community groups have now signed on to the Climate Emergency pledge, a lot of work needs to be done at a local council level on the protection of our environment. CPI is at zero or minus, council has sacked approximately 480 workers, many council services have been cancelled or are inaccessible yet our rates went up by the maximum amount, another 2%, mine have gone up by 30% in 5 years with no improvements. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I support initiatives like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife. I will use my experience to continue to work on behalf of businesses in Maroondah to ensure their growth, cut red tape that hinders them, and focus on our ability to attract and retain new business. I am running for council because I know that we need a local with a real understanding of the community to guide us through our most challenging year yet. 20878, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2018/19 Update) and Budget 2018/2019, Ringwood East Shopping Centre Proposed Declaration of Special Rate Scheme, Draft Maroondah Affordable and Social Housing Policy & Draft Maroondah Gambling Policy, Maroondah City Council Extraordinary Vacancy - Maroondah Leader - 3 July 2018, Notice of Tender - Pool Boiler Replacement - Contract No. That means a return to basic values and basic rights! Ill fight for the following issues: Development in youth, open parks and sports grounds; Upgrading the South Croydon Football Club Pavilion; Keep vacant land at the old Croydon South primary school in community hands; Reject any inappropriate developments that lead to an increase in traffic congestions; Fund the enhancement of Tarralla creek with a shared pass for bike tracks and an underground water storage system; Ensure the Dorset golf course remains an 18 hole course; Improve community services for the elderly; Oppose any further development of Eastfield Park by private developers; Responsible financial management, with no rate increases for the next financial year to help ease the burden on local families; Genuinely consult residents on planning issues. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. This candidate has partially pledged to supporting the priorities of LGBTIQA+ people. Why or why not?No. View the Maroondah City Council 2020 results. 21002, Bill payment and banking services - contract no.20996, Croydon Central redevelopment - contract no.20998, Reactive tree maintenance services - contract no.21004, Road enhancement works - contract no.21011, Minor stormwater drainage maintenance - contract no.21009, Stormwater harvesting - contract no.21007, Car park and pathway lighting upgrade - contract no.21015, Leisure centre management system - contract no.21018, Maroondah Liveability Wellbeing and Resilience Strategy, Maroondah Disability Action Plan 2022-2026, Summary of Candidate Election Campaign Donations 2022, Summary of Candidate Election Campaign Donations 2020, Blank Candidate Donation Campaign Return Form, Submit a submit a written report to the Minister for Local Government, specifying, (a) the names of the candidates in the election; and, (b) the names of the candidates who submitted a return under section 306, AND. I will keep empowering locals by listening and encouraging participation in planning, project and policy community consultations. Gday im David Maloney. Please vote 1 for Nadine Beecher. Facilitating and creating opportunities and connections for learning, empowerment and positive change. We need a council that is ready to do things differently, is responsive to, and consults with the community to put the needs of ratepayers first. I will see that the Cheong Park Pavilion and Tarralla Creek upgrades are completed. Thank you for the patience of all the local sporting clubs, players and supporters. Cutting red tape, fast-tracking small business applications, and fixing day today issues that matter. Maroondah City Council Map - Detailed Arrabri Ward (3 vacancies) Results for this election have now been finalised. Please vote 1 Christy Youssef so I can address all issues for the needs of all community. 6. Tell us your email address and we'll email you when this page is updated in any way. If I am elected, I will fight for: Government funding for mental health, child, and hardship services, Job opportunities and training programs, Community engagement for our elderly, Introduction of sustainable environmental practices, Growth in our small business and local economy, Lower rates and council expenses, Improved roads, foot paths and infrastructure, Appropriate sanitation of public facilities and parks I am serious about change and will use my position in the council to voice all your concerns. And, according to my understanding, state legislation sufficiently protects cultural, indigenous and native vegetation through heritage protections. Our resilient and vibrant community is dealing with challenging times and local government matters to support in the recovery. I agree that council should declare a Climate Emergency. Maroondah is on an exciting sustainability and livability journey and I want to keep bringing my energy, passion and experience of developing equitable policies and innovative thinking to the decision making table. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?For council to hold public meetings. I love the diversity Maroondah represents, its vibrant mix of local businesses, access to great recreational facilities, range of educational institutions, beautiful trails and parks. I will consult with community on all big decisions and will always address your concerns. Denver City Council at-large candidate Dominic Diaz. 20990, Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan, Waste disposal services - contract no. I will advocate for a more open and transparent Council and for Council governance reform. I would like to see more established and ongoing community forums, and advisory groups of representatives, like Transition Towns Maroondah, and other local environmental and conservation, and historical groups. I will continue to be a voice for fiscal restraint. Manager at Early Childhood Centre. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. This candidate has not yet taken the survey. Section 306 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) requires a person who was a candidate in the Council Election to providean election campaign donation return to the Chief Executive Officer within 40 days after Election Day. Maroondah is also represented on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, which provides regular reports to Council. Sharing information provided by prospective Councillors seeking our votes is important information. I support the need for council to provide more in relation to rate and fee concessions, waivers and relief to the many businesses that have been affected. Question 5. Maintain our green and leafy environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Stop the loss of mature trees. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?To hold more consultative meetings and have community workshops. Question 2. Id also like to see in-person consultation this could be at various times by various means. With the ongoing challenge of Council planning decisions being contested and declining outcomes for revegetation and canopy in the private realm, do you have any other suggestions for improving outcomes.Improving our planning control. 20892, Notice of Tender - Oval Reconstruction - Contract No. 23 Oct Voting Closes Follow the instructions on the ballot pack and make sure your completed vote is in the mail or hand-. the new council offices at Eastland, no one was consulted on this, is it really good for Maroondah? I have lived in Maroondah for all my life and grew up in South Croydon. I have no interest in being a Council bureaucrat, rather a Community agent who will provide end to end municipal service to you. 1. Listening to you and representing your views honestly, is what I care about. 20987, Sportsfield redevelopment - contract no. Mob: 0468 423 994jay4taralla2020@gmail.com. $2.3m increased investment on footpaths across the municipality, reviewed, updated and introduced the Disability Policy and Action Plan for 2019-2021, $2.7m Coopersmith Pavilion at East Ringwood Reserve including the Chin Community Hub, new Maroondah Golf Strategy, Dog Park at Eastfield reserve, Annual Maroondah Kindergarten Expo and much more. Hi Tarralla Ward residents: My Name is Jay Bhat, and I am running to be your local council representative for the city of Maroondah. Maintaining core service levels while fighting to eliminate waste in Councils budget and operations. Vote 1 Mike Symon for Jubilee Ward, 0456 631 612email: mikesymon4maroondah@bigpond.com facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeSymon4Maroondah. Introduce a new notification system to alert neighbours when a permit is being applied for to remove a canopy tree.Other (Please describe). Please click on your ward, to jump to your local candidate information. Its going to have a significant impact on Councils budget and our ability to fund projects and initiatives into the future. I will be an advocate for the smaller issues we have, such as emptying bins at our parks, getting the unfinished footpaths to full footpaths in our streets, and keeping residents informed about developments in our area.
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