Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Be at peace, for as they increase with an intense hatred against you, you will know for sure that you are in true union with Me, your Jesus. This is a plan crafted by the Evil One to take you away from Me. I never seek to ruin a mans reputation when he is the cause of much destruction in the world. My Word is clear, My Teachings infinite. O My God, My loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. My dearly beloved daughter, My dearest wish is to bring love, peace and happiness to all of Gods children. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand. When you suffer, as you will, by the hatred shown to you because you are taking up My Cross to follow Me, the more worried will be the beast and the harder he will work, through the souls of those stained with the sin of pride, to destroy you. This has been foretold, but will they listen? Mother of Salvation: Courage, my dear children, all is in the Hands of my Son I will come again on the last day. We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Comfort one another in times of spiritual trials and God will guide you every step of the way. I have been discarded and My Word is tolerated only in some parts, while the other parts have been twisted to suit the needs of sinners who want to justify their iniquities. Without the Cross we become vulnerable to the seductive power of the false doctrines taught by the false prophets who are sent by their false father: the father of lies What are we going to do, you and I? Never feel you are not in need of the Food of Life. I have instructed her to assist, where possible, in guiding you. Maria Divine Mercy received a prophetic message about Pope Benedict XVI being "ousted" exactly one year to the day before his shocking resignation. I see all. Go in peace and understanding My daughter. Has all downloadable translations for the Seal of The Living God. INTRODUCTION, Pope Francis In Perspective A Chronology, Pope Francis 13 Rotten Fruits from The Bad Tree, VIDEO: Pope Francis The False Prophet Is Here, VIDEO: Pope Francis, 'A Subversive Agent' Priest Calls for Resistance, Priest Speaks Up Against 'The Francis Effect', VIDEO: Father Minutella and the Pope Francis Regime, Cardinal Mafia Against Benedict Pro Bergoglio, VIDEO: Pope Francis Criminal of Divine Law, VIDEO: Pope Francis Man Against God's Word, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Breaks The Cross, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Beyond Heresy, VIDEO: False Prophet Pope Francis Curse Upon The Church, VIDEO: Pope Francis and The One World Religion, VIDEO: False Prophet pope Francis Carne Massonica, VIDEO: 'Pope Francis' The Church of Sports, VIDEO: Pope Francis Together With The Enemy, Pope Francis Marching Toward One World Religion, New World Pope of the New Laws within the New United Nations of Religions, New World Pope Satanism, Freemasonry, Occult Signs, Pope Francis, The Rotary Club, Masonic Signs & Wonders, VIDEO: Pope Francis In Contrast to The Word of God, New World Pope Francis Analysis of Statements and Events, New World Pope Francis Marketing Machine, Pope Francis Top 10 List How to Be Happy, The Holy Eucharist Messages to Maria Divine Mercy, New World Pope Francis Fulfilled Prophecies, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART I, Attack Blogs and Lobbies Against Maria Divine Mercy, The Messages, and Their Readers PART II, The Great Ceremony of Christmas 2014 (part I), ALL Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth, The Queen of Heaven and Earth ~ Mary Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, VIDEO: Christianity Costs The Apostles & The Master, A few words to theologians and apologists, The Untold Story of Jesus and the Serpent, God, The Sinking Ship and the Five Percent, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD CRUSADE PRAYER 33, The New Age of the New World Order Inverted Reality All The Worlds A Stage, TONY PALMER changes the EUCHARIST - The WILD VOICE, Pope Francis not interested in converting Evangelicals - The WILD VOICE, ALIEN JESUS in Catholic Diocese - The WILD VOICE, Exorcist Says Satanism is Real in Oklahoma, The NEW WORLD POPE of the NEW LAWS within the NEW UNITED NATIONS RELIGION, ISIS, the AntiChrist, the Crow, the Witnesses, The Lights and Darkness of Christmas in Italy, The Church's Enemies Within The Church - The WILD VOICE, VIDEO: The Antichrist by Ven. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. Who is Maria Divine Mercy Does God Exist? Available for iOS and Android. Reject Me before My Second Coming and you will not be ready to receive Me. Then those poor souls, who do not believe in any life after the one on Earth, walk in misery with no hope in their hearts. They either attack these messages based on hearsay by others who claim to know the Truth or they declare them to be untrue based on their flawed interpretation of the Truth. Available for iOS and Android., Blog Post (3/2/17): They gave Pope Francis four years to make the Church over again. Heres how hes tried a short introductory post with link to article on LifeSiteNews, The Book of Truth: A Critical Review by Michael Shimpert I make My Presence felt in their lives by filling their souls with love for others, by drawing on the goodness within them, so that it can conquer negative thoughts, deeds and acts. For us to introduce you to the Depth, the Love, the Mercy, the Righteousness, the Truth, the Accuracy, the Purity, the Divinity of these unique messages given to Maria Divine Mercy in The Book of Truth would be an impossible task to achieve on this man-made and very imperfect platform. Sunday, July 15th, 2012 @ 15:45. I was shunned by many during My Time on earth and especially those proud souls who led My Flock in the temples. Many of you say you honour Me, but many have fallen away from the Truth. Come to Me, and I will help you to see all that matters. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. God the Father, she explains, has given her The Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer (33) a prayer of protection against the antichrist also foretold in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. This blog protected by the Holy Spirit, will be updated with any new messages. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries. They will never die because they spoke the Word of the Lord, God the Most High. Click here for 2011 Messages Book of Truth Message to Maria Divine Mercy Monday, February 20th, 2012. I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct. Allow Me to give you the Blessing of Protection for the Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer Groups in every single location, as they are being set up. For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection. Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God. They could not accept how God works in that He does not exalt the powerful or the most experienced religious leaders in His Church to unveil His plans, or warn His children. You will see these links on the right-hand side column at the very bottom of the listed links. Divine Mercy and Mary Apps Get the OFFICIAL Divine Mercy and Mary Apps complete with an interactive Chaplet and Rosary! It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet. Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms. Messages and prayers can be downloaded and saved. According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary.". Trust in Me, your beloved Father, Who lovingly created each of you. Great searchable resource for the archived messages: Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 22:12. Without the Truth there can be no life. The prophets were hated because they prophecised in the Name of God and because they told of future tragedies, which were to befall humanity because of the stain of sin. Please read below: This is Maria . Be assured that the time for Me to return to reclaim My Throne is close and as the Day draws nearer many tactics will be used to trip you up in this Mission. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. The Seal of the Living God Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. And only the Mighty winds of His Love can move the stagnant waters of our hearts right below those mountains. A prophet will always be an outcast, hated, feared and isolated. Much misunderstanding of My Promises to humanity will be used as a tool to encourage others to reject Me, as I communicate My Holy Word to the whole world, at this time. The following is a preliminary application of the norms for evaluating reported private revelations (established by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, November, 1974) to the reported messages of the woman who refers to herself as "Maria Divine Mercy." My dear friends and enemies: we must love, we must believe, we must forgive, we must repent, we must be kind, we must be obedient, we must fast, we must and we must and must Must is Work. Nothing I give you now contradicts My Fathers Book, for this is not possible. We, servants in this time of the King Most Majestic, are entrusted to carry along with Him the greatest mission since His First Coming. My child the pain endured by my Son and His disciples during the time of His mission on earth is identical to that which is to be endured by His followers as He prepares to come again. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. If you do, then you will listen to these Messages from Heaven. Please click below for a free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth (1613 pages). My Father spoke through the prophets, so that humanity would be given hope, wisdom and the Grace to accept the Word of God, so that they would be ready for My arrival. Pope Benedict XVI was the first Pope to abdicate in over 600 years and it later came to light that there was in fact a "Cardinal Mafia" which worked to remove Pope Benedict XVI and install Jorge Bergoglio ('Pope Francis'). Updated with responsive scrolling, HD images, and more. I created this blog to spread THE TRUTH. 2 July 2021: William Costellia received an email from a JTM Global promoter enclosing the personal letter (below) from Maria Divine Mercy. My daughter, tell My children that I do not relish the thoughts of punishing My children, for I love them. Like any loving Father, their wicked hatred for each other tears My Heart in two. When God Speaks to us through written words, His Spirit moves those mountains within our very being that until an instant earlier obscured the sunrise. So many fought against My Mission then and yet so many followed Me. However, when you reject the Holy Spirit and publicly blaspheme against it this is an eternal sin and only a miracle, sanctioned by God the Father, can save your soul. Wishing neither to be known, or celebrated in any way, Maria Divine Mercy the name she was given by Jesus says that she had never read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received the messages. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. $16.95. I come, now, to conclude the Teachings set out by Me during My time on earth. More at:. Many do not believe in Satan or the existence of Hell, and as such, do not take sin seriously. Their words live forever. Truth can only be Truth when it's ONE, WHOLE, UNQUESTIONABLE and ABSOLUTE. They never faltered in delivery the warnings to Gods people, the prophecies and the Word of God. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him. You will be listened to yet I urge you to remain silent and not to comment to those who question you or challenge you. During my Sons time on earth He faced huge obstacles. Today there are disloyal servants of Mine who fail to adhere to the Truth. Humanity has embraced humanism and atheism as a substitute for Me. I try to draw them to Me. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries. I Bless you and give you the courage, the wisdom, the knowledge and the Graces to continue My Work on earth. When people are starved of the Truth of God, they will turn in another direction in order to seek solace. This means to open our hardened hearts in all humbleness and servitude to Our Divine Master. Please click below for free downloadable copies of the prayers given by Heaven in the Book of Truth, as well as the guidelines given to Maria Divine Mercy from Jesus on how to set-up prayer groups. When something is ABSOLUTE it cannot be RELATIVE., Summary Of Preparation For End Times In The Book Of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) around all your faithful prayer warriors. When you are sneered at, mocked and asked what gives you the right to proclaim the Word of God the answer is, so that Jesus can save your souls. They never thought that they would witness the arrival of the True Messiah in their lifetime. Showing 20 distinct works. They pay lip service to what My Second Coming means, because many of them really do not know anything about it at all. Who Is Jesus Christ? For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. The answer is yes. Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers.
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