FUCK YOU. We know that anonymous and Rocco are the c.i.a. LMAO, YA YA YA YA YOU DONT LIVE IN L.A NO WHERE OR ANY OTHER MAJOR CITY METRO STOP LYING STOP CUTTING THE FUCKING CHEESE. =Black Souls. It is a BIG DISORGANIZED Jungle of Niggers killing each other wearing Red SAYING they are Bloods. MURDER FISRT DEGREE. Go ahead, BOY do your thang. Fvck a sckraps fvck Harlem kripsunlesss u a Harlem BP5xsTJS 181copkiller5 BP5 the jungle5 ni99a try ur lucK ..700L. A.B.P.S.N com/ (866) 889 . Black P Stones - The Jungle Stones (JS) The Jungle Stones represent the 2nd faction of the Black P Stone Nation in Los Angeles. By leopards having sex So this your paybacK? TOLD YOU GET YOUR ASS CLAP IN FRONT OF MICKEY MOUSE AT WALT DISNEY GIVE TO FUCKS ABOUT YOUR ANAHEIM RATTING POLICE . it is also used in some languages for concepts for which no sign is available at that moment. ; it operates in numerous geographically non-contiguous areas; it is interstate in criminal . ( ((MIND ))HAHAHAHAHA. GOVERNMENT. The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation (often abbreviated BPSN or BPS) is a Chicago-based street gang estimated to have more than 30,000 members. CONDEMNED CRACKER BACK TO HELL. NUMBER (3) WE ALL KNOW ITS NUMBER (3) ITS REALLY NUMBER (3) NOTHING ELSE ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT ITS 3 YOU RAT FUCKER, Well Okay! NO ROCCO THE R.A.T THE ONLY PERSON THAT SOUND NERVOUS. ALTHOUGH IT IS WHAT IT IS AND THATS ALL ITS GONE EVER BE . Brims on Deck. HOW DEEP WE ARE THEY BEEN TRYING FOR 50 YEARS TO BRING US DOWN NO CIGAR. AN I KNOW CALI LAW DUMB FUCK WE WERE U.B.N Did you ever go to school at least one God Damn Day in your Ghetto Nigger Life? LETS TELL ON THEM NIGGAS FIRST AN THAN WILL RIDE ON HARD LONG ASS WE GOT POLICE THERE PUTTING THEM NIGGAS CUFFS WE CAN BEAT THERE ASS CUZZ . WILL START CHOPPING THE TOPS OFF YOUR TREES AN STRANGLE. Members used a particular hand sign and had distinctive graffiti. ALLS WELLS TO THE SOOWOO YOU FILTHY FUCKING CRACKER. This whole Site was set up to put out information and gather information in order to put Niggers in Jail. ALMNIGHTY OR YA NOBODY BLOOD, Eastside mob piru real Macon ga shit Whxxp, The sets are 2158 not 2579 or whatever bullshit they talking bout up there. Take a wild fucking Guess, you stupid idiot. fuCC you anonymous,and fuCC any slobK bKlood,and I will kill all y@ll hKookKs CeCause wit as weak as bustas are its definitely possixle Cuz.Look fuCC all your stains and your lines,fuCC your 5 point Crown your 5 point star whiCh y@ll stole 4rum those shyCago and shyraq slightly less sCared bitChes,fuCC all ur homies and allies like the nortenos and latin kings and anyCody banging a 5 point Crown and lastly fuCC all ur dead homxes if you have any Cuz. The Black P Stones Jungles is located in the Crenshaw district of South Los Angeles, California. Internet rasist. RATTING FUCKING CRACK!, You sound really nervous, Nigger. White people have been the savages from day one. wow readin all this bullshit from rocco the faggot child rapist and the slobs responding to this asshole literally gave me a fuckin headache the cocksucker put his bitch ass comment on the wbcg site and I said basically for him to fuck off and get off the site. Look through examples of Black P. Stones translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. P.E.O.P.L.E.S Niggers are no big deal. Ive put many Niggers in Jail and Ive killed two of them, so far.. That is what it really means to the vast majority of the American Population. KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE BLOOD. WERE YOU BELONG LITERALLY! The Original Meaning Of Lingam As "Sign" Is Used In Shvetashvatara Upanishad, Which Says "Shiva, The Supreme Lord, Has No Li?ga Meaning He Is Transcendent, Beyond Any Characteristic And, Specifically The Sign Of Gender. Meaning of black p. stones. LOL. LMAO. If you get a chance draw with me. S TO B.L.O.O.D.S. MAYBE YOU The only person committing crimes is YOU selling drugs. Members 13-17 years old must have a legal guardian sign the membership agreement, and can then enjoy their workouts unaccompanied. And of course we hate you, why do you think everyone is campaigning to get you sent back to Mexico? CVTFK SURX3K CVCGK WLK DHK AGCK CV3K 18STK RTBK HPGK WE ON 153RD AND FIGARUE TO BROADWAY, Bkitch spell Figueroa right, Ckrab ass nkigga. Mexicans dont have your own language and LOVE white people. DIRTY RAT CRACKER. Got 50 net PAGEs AN you pick 7). A FUCKING IDAHO POTATO FIELD NEAR SHIT CREEK THAT MERGERS INTO THE ASS OF UTAH FUCKING RIVER. P.S. LMAO. Gang Signs. IM UP HERE THINKING NATION LOL. They are also represented by the colors Blue and Black. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 147-170. All is well. BLACK P. ST5XNeKs J Stones, Hey I dont like that shit you talking about my brother and sisters you might want to stop that bullshit I now where you at dont get wax. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME FELON SLURRRRR-ANUSES!!! The gang had 167 documented members. N. 0. Fuck Snoovaz, FucK Homo Bixties. NEXT STEP IS A EXORCISM FOR YOUR STOP LYING. NIGGA GET ON THE CRAB PAGE NOW I DONT THINK ITS ANY TRUTH TO THAT WHOLE NIGGA IN SKI MASK IN IDAHO THING IM PRETTY SURE ONE YOU INCESTING RETARDED CRACKERS WAS HUFFING PAINTER THINNER AROUND GAS LEAK IN A DARK BASEMENT AN DECIDED TO STRUCK A MATCH. RAT. Niggers hate each other and have been that way forever. Nothing you said made any sense at all. The Black P Stones consist of two sub-sets The Jungles and The City. New like swallow some DICON. Your Nigger Allah is sucking Satans dick in Hell right now with all the suicidal Sand Nigger Terrorists. In one scheme, the family a Racial Biased Hate Motivated Organized Group Gang Members conspiracy to participate in the affairs of a racketeering enterprise (RICO conspiracy), in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1962 MY FAULT ROCCO THE R.A.T by | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence LMAO. Dwayne, I got big news for you: The DIFFERENT Neighborhood Crips kill other Crips even more than the DIFFERENT Blood/ Piru kill each other. T-Rogers (former member of the Chicago, BlackStone Rangers) in the late 1960s. AKA GEORGE ANTHONY ROCCO S.T.O.N.E.S. Those are the facts of reality. fuCC you roCCo,and all Honkey skinned Colored women are trash espesCially inCluding your antelope and monkey marsupial looking mother bitCh!!!!! Wait! H and signs used by gang members to identify their membership. THEM SO WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE YOU ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT THAT KKK RATTING INFEST ORGANIZATION YOUR PUTTING ON A SHOW FOR CANT HELP YOU CRACKER AN ALL THERE BRIDGES ARE BURN WITH AREYAN BROTHER HOOD WICH RUNS 90PERCENT. THE FUCK IS A DIRT GANG YOU AINT DOING NO DIRT YOU BANGING THE NET F.U.C.K N.I.G.G.A. TO MY HERE WITH THAT SHIT. U .B .N My question is if life doesnt mean much to you, what makes you smile. I have ALL your information because you are a Dumb Nigger. Email Address: Follow About Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Never gon stopk on WBCx2 fucc bpsk ifgk, You ought to know from all the times YOU were violated in prison, you dumb Nigger. YOUR CONVICTED CHILD RAPING ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE NATION (5) CROWN (5), BLUEMUSTANG31 THE(HOMMO C.R.A.B) YOU AINT BANGING SHIT YOU SOFT ASS( 6) B.R.I.C.K MISS I PROMISE WANT MISS I SWEAR TO Whats wrong with your Nigger Women?? Key 20. Ugly girls go for Mexicans, and Mexicans go for ugly girls because all hey want is the white skin, they dont care what she looks like. Water from well, used to be fetched from wheels made of stone, in which container is tied to rope. CRACKER YOU JUST KILLED YOUR SELF ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WITH CRACKER YOU SHOULD OF STUCK TO YOUR PORN SITES INSTEAD OF BEING A PROFESSIONAL. watz popin, gambino here,shot out to all my blood brothers,i aint no blood but i respect da 5, CUERONER TIKILLZ and NBTROUBLE FUCK ATC,KWS,TOK. ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE You sound like a Crazy Nigger on Crack. Mexico isnt really too poor a country, but only non-Mexicans benefit from that lol, real Mexicans live in places like Juarez that has one of the highest murder rate on the entire planet, higher than every country in Africa and Europe BPS in LA dont think they are part of your gang. His opinion is obsolete. GIVE HIM PASS BLOOD ON (5)HE DONT DID TELL EM CRACKER. until my blue Casket drops and all food ass sKnK20pKs are dirus and slobKs bitChes!!!!! Hand-forged wrought-iron Japanese boat anchor. The Street Nigger is a Jealous Insecure Animal with a HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX who is ALWAYS out to try a PROVE SOMETHING like how big his dick might be. They obviously dont think Black Lives Matter when Niggers kill each other. Just YouTube him. WHAT GAMES? LOL. He ACTUALLY spent hours on sex offender list from California to try and find SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, with a first or Last name of Rocco and then try and say its me. AS RAT CRACKER ITS ONLY SO LONG THAT WITNESSES PROTECTION PROGRAM IS GOING HIDE YOUR MICKEY MOUSING RATT ASS OUT THERE YOGIBEAR,IDAHO YOUR NOT IN COMPTON,CA BY WAY DREW ALI HE WOULD NEVER TELL US WE WERE PRINCES A GOOD MONTH AN WILL SEND YOU BACK TO CALI WITH A NEW DIRECTION ON THE FAMILY NEXT TIME YOU SCEEM BLOOD AN DROP THAT 5 DOWN WILL MAKE SURE WE CUT BOTH YOUR FUCKING HANDS AN START DIGGING A GOOD nice deep HOLE FOR YOUR FALSE FLAGGING WANNA H.O.O.K ASS. ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACESTONE NATION They are not African American. wizard of Oz .LOL, Undercover n pelican bay.that no one else see . TO BELIEVE YOU ABOUT THAT ACTION RIGHT ON (5), NIGGA HOLD THIS (L) It gets mighty lonely when U stripped butt-Naked hangin from a tree beggin Fo Ya life Nigga! I know you, but you have no fucking idea about me. BUT THE CHANCES. 6DROPPING, UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION And you still aint put down what blocks the faketeenK on. wizard of Oz .LOL, fuck weakbacks anyone of you mexicans can get lit up head busted stomped out or stabbed up. Despite similarities in the name, the Blood Stone Pirus have no type of affiliation nor connection to the Black P. Stones, a fraction of the original Black P. Stone Nation. [13], Following meetings during 1986 with Libyan operatives from Colonel Gaddafi's government, Fort was arrested. I live in the Westwood area by UCLA, You know, where all the upper White Middle Class people live, unlike the Shithole Nigger Ghetto where you live. VERY GOOD. The Black Stone or the Kaaba Stone is a Muslim relic located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In 1986 four of its members were indicted for conspiring to commit terrorist acts in the United States for the Libyan Government. Anybody, including myself, can say anything they want about you Niggers on this Blog. 6DROPPING The growth of the Black P. Stones also led to spinoff gangs, like the Titanic Stones, Maniac Stones, or Mickey Cobras. On black. Vice Lords. Rossi, Rosalind (1988-11-15). 4). More than a 200 members of the family involved with crimes including racketeering conspiracy, RICO Conspiracies, murder conspiracy and attempted murder. RAT FUCKER. RAT!, You wish. (5), The P is not for Peace. black p stones hand sign B.I.R.D. you mothafuckas can spend wasted time and energy going back and forth with this 2 dollar ho if you want to but really its stupid and dont need to be on any gang website. The West Side (W/S) Black P. Stone Bloods gang are a large and infamous African American street gang founded in Chicago, Illinois but later expanded to Los Angeles, California in the late 1960's. It was the year 1969 when the Black P. Stones first emerged in California operating out of the West Adams area of Los Angeles near Crenshaw Blvd. LOL. I REALLY bother you because youre not used to a Superior White Man telling you the Truth about yourself in this Politically Correct Bullshit Atmosphere created by Ultra White Liberals who feel Guilty about everything and want to CATER to the Nigger for every little thing. A.B.P.S.N, FOR ONE. TO To. NO G.O.O.N. YOU ARE GONNA BE IN SOME SERIOUS TROUBLE. YOUR LIFE SENTENCE Youre Nuts. UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION Niggers killing Niggers. fuCC you thondia@gmail.Com and its bK all motherfuCCing day,its Cs over bs, and kill a slobK win a prize kill a Crip your whole family dies bitCh,Im lmfao ha! What they do turn over. YOU ARE THEN YOU KNOW THE FAMILY WILL BE SEEING YOU SOONER OR LATER. YOU STAIGHT PUSSY YOU ALL UP HERE IN THE RED NATION BARKING THAT IM KILLER SHIT FROM YOUR MOMS BASEMENT OUT THERE ANAHEIM,CA YOU WEAK MOTHERFUCKER. THAT WE WERE BORN K.I.N.G.S. THE FAMILY HERE IN CHICAGO / DETROIT / ST LOUIS/ ALL KNOW 4). The concise oxford dictionary of current English 1919), https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13445779_1045390068878697_5207627816774883222_n.jpg?oh=896dd84070f8517d41a9ca767c0cb239&oe=57ED48EB, FUCK wETBACKS Why do Mexicans worship White people? JAMMED YOUR SELF IN YOUR A FUCKING R A T R A T. RATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRATRAT. CRACKER ASS RAT. LMAO. die already you fucking cracker dont nobody wanna see you writing, You need to go out and kill another Nigger instead of writing some stupid gibberish bullshit on this Site. I could be a paid Informant whos Job is undercover. 2). We both know that Nigga Larry Hoover came from under Chief. MONSTER ASS HELL His name was Noble Drew Ali. Well here is some schooling for your greasy ass, it means your opinion is about as important as the shit that I squeezed from my ass this morning. Its more like 20,000 at the most. Atlanta,Ga It is NOT SPELLED LIEING The only one who has AIDS is a fucking Nigger going by the name of Anonymous. YOUR THE ONLY HUMAN SPECIES. AN IF YOU ADD THE FAMILY TREE Their neighborhood resides in the Baldwin Villageapartment complex (The Jungles), behind the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza (Crenshaw Mall). As usual, your numbers and theories ARE WAY OFF. NO SOLDIER LIL MAN TALKING THAT 1980S SHOOT THE FAIR ONE SHIT BLOOD ON (5) SATANIC CRACKER ASS. Chicano Pride Association. YOURE CORRECT! ILL TELL U LIKE I TOLD THE LAST MOTHERFUCKER STAY THE FUCK UP YOU STILL ALIVE ? CRACKER YOUR JUST MAD ROCCO I KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY ARE A FUCKING RATTING LOW LIFE SNITCHING DIRTY ASS FINGER POINTING STAND TAKING CAN I PLEASE GETT A DEAL ON TABLE CUTTING THAT NIGGA THERE DID IT TELLING PLEASE CAN I BE IN PROTECT CUSTODY ASS IM A SCARED PEICE OF.SHIT U.B.N Definition of black p. stones in the Definitions.net dictionary. Among the many antique boat anchors available on eBay are some worth taking note of for their uniqueness and rarity, including the following: 19th-century cast-iron marine dredger. HOLD THIS L ( 5) WERE DYING HERE CHICAGOLAND DIRTGANG OR DONT BANG HA FROM WHAT I SEE YOU NIGGAS IN 6(DROPPING CRIP NATION SHOULD BANG AT ALL NA NA NA NOT AFTER THAT BLOOD HOLD THIS L NIGGA I MEAN YOU KNOW WHAT NIGGA I APOLOGIZE (5 )THAT ASS WHIPPING YOU GOT WORLDSTAR HURT MY FEELING YOU 6CRIPS OUT THERE WHITE GIRL PUSSY SOFT BLOOD IM DYING. [5][Full citation needed][page needed] The second most well known symbol of the Gangster Disciples is the three pointed pitch fork which is also the basis of their representative hand-sign. ON THIS SITE LIL BITCH..LOL YOU REALLY ARE A LONER ARENT YOU.. LMAO.. YOU INSECURE LONELY NO LIFE HAVN LIL WHITEBOY.. LOL.. DEC 25 12:07 AM LOL LMAO.. DAMM WHERE DID ITT GO WRONG CRACKER WHAT THE FUCK LOL LOL LMAO.. WITHOUTT THIS SITE YOU WOULDNT EVEN EXIST AT ALL.LOL ALL THAT BLAH BLAH NIGGER SHIT IS ALL YOU HAVE IN LIFE. Check 'Black P. Stones' translations into French. By 1965, the Stones had nearly 1,000 members. Miserable. YA YA YA YA YOU DO LIVE IN IDAHO. Under the (5) See my point? The Santa Monica Fwy runs thru the center of their neighborhood some of their cliques are 21st Street,25th Street, 27th Street,and 29th Street. AT N.A.T.I.O.N AN FUCK AROUND GET WHAT ASK FOR (5) AN THAT GOES FOR all YOU 6DROPPING BLUEFAG BITCHES DETROIT Yes, They are active killing each other. Im lookin to get put down Im in GA where I gotta go? NATION. An SCLC Gospel singer named Sylvester took the name and style of Jeff Fort's group and created Sly and the Family Stone. Or happy? I was trying to demo with the moes out in Bali. Its YOURE WELCOME, not YOUR WELCOMED. Don Terry (1991-05-19). All my people are 110% behind me. This means you and a few of the other Niggers will keep talking. AT LEAST not EVERYBODY hated you like now. CRACKER I TOLD YOU ALREADY. ha! BPS the only gang that got 18st put up Faggot 13 swear they so bad but even they couldn do that..18st smokin them Flower pots ill give them that. [8] Under Fort's command, the BPSN assumed an increasingly revolutionary outlook as it became associated with the black nationalism movement, eventually attracting the attention of the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who introduced them to Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi and Nicaragua's Sandinistas. Peace Stones? The gang-threat analysis labels BPSN as currently a level 3 gang; it is a formal organization, complete with written internal codes, by-laws, etc. ALLS WELLS TO THE SOOWOO IN WALT DISNEY. fuCC you pKiru,and I thought y@ll dirus Considered dirus whiCh first originated on diru street,and I thought y@ll Considered yourselves your own separate gang instead of damus and I thought y@ll Curgundy flag and bandana wearing bitChes Considered yourself p.funk rydaz instead of b dog bitCh,fuCC tree top dirus bitCh!!!!! Queens,Ny ( W.O.R.K ) 5 WE DONT HAVE HOMMIES. The gang developed into one of the largest criminal organizations in Chicago's history. Thats why they all have this Mother Complex. The closer you are to white in Mexico the better treated you are, I actually felt bad being there (Im Spanish) because I was treated like royalty because Im white. THE CHESTER. Lol get real and do your homework lil Nigga. We dont we just wear an STL logo the stone love but the flag always go to the right. HOLD THIS (L ) AN back to this AGREEMENT SHIT This is all these Niggers talk about everyday and this is their answer to all their failures in life. Thank you for being stupid. What is the Current State of the Simon City Royals? YOU SHOULDNT . God knows you Niggers come on here threatening each other every fucking day. I would like to personally Thank You for all your cooperation so far.. Im Lovin it. LOOKING AT THAT BULLSHIT YOU JUST PUT UP ABOUT COMPTON BOMPTON OR WHAT EVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CALL IT KNOW AT THIS POINT WE SHOULD BRING YOUR DUMB ASS IN TO CHICAGO/DETROIT AN HAVE A FAMILY ENTERVINTION TAKING TURNS BEATING ON YOUR ASS FOR BOUT MONTH STRAIGHT AN I MEAN. 5POPPING Tell him! Right-Hand Corner Shower Kit in Desert Sand and Old Bronze Hardware American Bath Factory presents Sistine Stone American Bath Factory presents Sistine Stone DIY Mosaic shower kits which comes in 3 different package options: Basic, Grand and Luxe. !,who never killed noCody in your worthless,pathethiC,no job having life,I C you posted this Comment on January 21st,2016,And if you killed 2 bKlaCC men Cefore then why on January 27th,2016 you admitted to me that you wouldnt or really never had any plans to fight me Cut you just wanted to legally tear my throat out so you go 4rum wanting to physiCally tear my throat out on tha (east side pain bKloods website) to wanting to legally tear my throat out on the 8 tray gangster Crip website C thats tha thing aCout you (roCCo tha roCCo brained roCC head)you aCtually tell so many lies aCout yourself aCout Ceing a thug,gangster,or a tough guy you Cant keep your own lies str8 so now you go 4rum legally getting people arrested Cy pressing Charges on them and getting them loCCed up or either getting someone to punCh you so you Can seek damages for so many thousands of dollars and get someone to pay you through tha Court legal system so now you go 4rum Ceing a snitCh to a killer,and roCCo I bet you have put plenty of bKlaCC guys in jail Cefore Cut not as a Cop Cut as a snitch foe someCody threatening you or you might let someCody punch you in faCe sinCe you Cant win a fight wit a bKlaCC dude so then you Can at least try and get some satisfaction out of pressing Charges and get a bKlaCC man arrested and then thrown in jail you informant ass legal snitCh rat.And roCCo Im a real tough guy,Crip,and a thug and gangster so leave the beating up people in tha streets to me CeCause fighting and espesCially killing isnt your element.And p.s. AN YOU AINT GONE SHIT ABOUT IT. AN YOU CANT SAY WHAT EVER YOU WANT AN USE THE WORDS LAWINFORCMENT BEHIND IT DUMBFUCK LOL. . B.L.O.O.D. LOL Its a horrible bullshit life with no future except Death & Jail. 21 Questions: Jeff Fort's Black P Stone Rangers' 'Main 21' Made Mark In Chicago Gangland Scene 4 years ago Scott Burnstein . ASS CRACKER. THEM SORRY ASS CRACKERS FUCKN UP ALL THE TIME.. RICHARD FUCK YOU PIG! Im doing these children a favor! ALSO They bloods. NOT ONLY ARE YOU AFRAID TO FIGHT ME, YOURE AFRAID OF THE OTHER NIGGERS (BLUE & RED). You cant FUCK with the W.O.L.V.E.S N.Y.C ( 5) Gang Emojis from the map lol. Cooley, Will. Did u really just really just mention the ubn we dont fw Kitts in the Jays. While they're currently operating in Los Santos, they were really founded in Chicago by, Jeff Fort in the late 1960s, under Blackstone Rangers. The organization was co-founded by Eugene Hairston and Jeff Fort. Sign up for email updates from Moorish Society. 4=4 Corner Hustlers. Yall Internet bangin anyways. IS ALLAH WHEN YOU SEE ME And, dont forget that at any given time, a fairly decent percentage of them are in Jail. U .B. This is ALL these Niggers do and think about all fucking day. There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage. Stone ITS 5UP OR GET FOLDED UP MY NIGGAS. TO CAPITAL. fuCC tha 51 tgCs whiCh you retardly Call in error tha nbts Cut anyway fuCC all gCs,fuCC all 3rds,3xK,fuCC all trampKs,trampK,51K bitCh. That sucks dude. Is. fuCC tha 51 tgCs there longer Called tha nbt no moe stupid.Cut you wouldve known that if you wasnt a false Claiming bitCh. Dump, empty, reload. You sound NERVOUS. Retrieved 2007-12-21. All Hail DJ QUIK!!! LOL. The Crips are even WORSE as far as killing each other. USE BLASPHEMY WITH A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER BTW, the word LYING is spelled with a Y. LOL GEORGE ANTHONY ROCCO It hurts the first TIME Debo get in an smooth. roCCo Im your father LOL,and anytime you want to find me to get your ass kiCCed and CatCh this unfriendly fade you Can find me in your mothers bed wit my diCC shoved all the way up that nasty bitChes ass,fuCC your prostitute,slut,tramp,street walker,Call girl,esCort,hoe,and whore your mother and you Can also find me wit my diCC shoved all tha down your mother throat as she suCCs,Chokes,and gags on my enormous monster sized diCC every night with her head hanging down off the bed while she lays their dangling off the bed looking helpless and lifeless wit tha bKlood rushing to her head while she lays their and lets me roughly and brutally faCe and skull fuCC her and is similar to faCe rape I mean I never raped her faCe Cut I did her badly and abused her faCe and throat and even had tears running down the bitChes faCe whiCh ruined masCara and she loves me muCh she let me do it again the next night Cut I have to C real honest though I dont love that bitCh ass prostitute,oh yeah you Can also CatCh me fuCCing your mother in her vagina 4rum the doggy style position so Im not hard to find if you want your jaw broken on Coth sides Im always over your mothers rat hole,shitty,urban ghetto shitty shithole apartment whiCh I usually wouldnt C over or even Caught dead in a plaCe like that Cut she suCCs,Chokes,and gags on my diCC so good and wonderfully and vaginally and analy butt fuCCs me so good wit her brown bootyhole yeah hers is not pink its brown Cut anyway that bitCh turns triCCs so well I still find myself there in her shithole ghetto jungle apartment,and roCCo who is more retarded than punCh drunk roCCy balboa Im going to break both sides of your jaw and then jump on your head like a grape you big lip watermelon eating ms.girl,Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!! STATION THERE SAN DIEGO FOR 2YEARS MY STEP FATHER WHO IS AN ORIGINAL SOUTH SIDE CHICAGO ELRUCKEN. Territory [ edit] The Black P-Stones signified their membership by wearing clothing, hats, and bandannas with the colors red, black, and What do the Black P Stones do? I FUCKIN KNEW IT. Blood Oh yeah I almost forgot u 5 . A .B. FUC SHITTY STAINS AND THEM BITCHMADE LAMES IN THE FUNGLES LIL LOWKS BK SQUAD SLOB KILLA NIGGA! HOLD THESE L L L L L L s, See, You prove my point every time. UNITED BLOOD NATION Make up your mixed up Nigger Mind. The Cops done Fucked with us all. It's a great place to be for the Black Card Spa alone. The El Rukns wasn't a faction but a seperate group entirely. A photograph shows Roger Stone and members of the Proud Boys flashing a white power symbol. FucK all this 5 poppin, six droppin & vice versa. U.B.N I DONT KNOW ITS YOUR CHOICE LOOKS LIKE A LOOSE SITUATION I WISH YOU WELL BLOOD ON THAT TOUGH. Its Blast first, laugh Later Nigga.
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